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  1. I play on a PS4 and I haven't had any of the glitches I keep seeing people mention. Maybe it's just the PC version that is messing up? I'm halfway through ME2 at this point, so maybe I just haven't gotten to the bugs yet.
  2. Sooo, yesterday morning I think it was...might've been the evening before that, whatever, I was in Pocket D and Ascendant stepped through the elevator. Thought someone said Ascendant was gone, all though they didn't specify between the character or the player so perhaps back now?
  3. Spent quite a few years on Virtue, all the way up until the shutdown. I don't recall my globalname but some of my characters were (and are once again as of today! :))) Arganna, OmniSurge, ShocknAwe39, OmniPrime, and quite a few others. Happy to be back and hope everyone gets through the que at least once lol.
  4. I'm quite stupid when it comes to the inner workings of downloading anything in such a manner as this. Is there anyway someone could give me a download "new" COH for dummies run down? lol, I know it's probably quite simple for most, but it's really not for me but I love the game and dying to play.
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