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Everything posted by NotNotPanda

  1. Mission: Tipping the Scales - Part Two: Nosferatu's Croatoa has a bugged objective. Capsule objective only seems to update on having been killed by a player attack, not on-death. I'm not sure exactly, but it looks like killing them with a DoT or aura does not trigger the event. I've reset the mission 7 times on my Fire/Fire blaster because most of my damage has DoTs attached. I just want that stupid badge. Nevermind, I figured out the problem. It apparently has an anti-speedrunner thing or something that the vamps created by the spawner count as the spawner. Which means that my freaking out that the capsules were bugged were causing them to be bugged. This is really more an unclear objective problem. Objective should state "Destroy capsules and new vampires" or something.
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