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Posts posted by Equinixa

  1. I would like to show my first character, a Fire/Fire Blaster who's name I intend to change (but you know, server issues...)


    This was the original costume:86699136_BurningRuby1.thumb.jpg.8e69876a061ee94c35e5d452b759280b.jpg


    The only thing that changed between iterations was the color (and the boots, but it's not very noticeable); I at first went with orange, because fire, you know? But the powers were supposed to be from a ruby, which isn't really clear in the costume. So then I tried making the flames red:1603879191_BurningRubyRed.thumb.jpg.80c13203a6bc7fc180a3a885820ba1fb.jpg


    ...but the bright red is hard to look at, and I figured a darker red wouldn't stand out from the second color. After this mission, I went with this pale pink (or is it a light red?), which I think I'll stick with for now; it's much easier on the eyes while still conveying the flames are not natural:



    Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

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  2. 1 hour ago, EmeraldLife said:

    does anyone have the homecoming discord link available?



    There's a link on the main forum page, under "Announcements & Information". Hope that helps! Let me know if I need to be more clear.

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