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  1. I was running Tami Baker's arc earlier this evening, and while in her second-to-last mission, I ended up hitting level 16 (beyond her typical range). Any other contact, this happens, and because the arc is open, you keep getting missions. But Tami just cut me off, leaving all her the clues from the arc in place, but refusing to give further missions. You can see the messed up tab here: And the clues still active here: But nonetheless, Tami won't talk to me: I did do a petition about this, too. I suspect that when the character leaves Praetoria, this would settle itself, but I'd like to do this more organically, so I'm hoping maybe even the final mission (there's only one left, though it has both a door mission and then a delivery) can be forced back onto the character, too? But either way, I'm pretty sure she's not supposed to work this way, because no other contact does.
  2. In what I suspect might be a bug related to i27.3, but can't say for sure because my recent Ice Stalker wasn't high enough to use the power before the patch hit, I've noticed that when I hit Frozen Aura, the little "trapped in ice" animation that indicates the Sleep effect is active disappears after the first couple of seconds, rather than lasting the entire time the enemies are afflicted. Some of them maintain the wriggling animation throughout, some don't even do that, but just sort of hold still. This makes it tricky to tell when the effect wears off, though.
  3. Thanks. I know KD would break sleeps, but thought maybe if it KD-ed first and then did the sleep it would be okay. But since I have no experience with Frozen Aura yet, I wasn't sure how it all interacted, so it's good to know how it works. I'm not really interested in the alternative slotting because with Willpower as my secondary, the Avalanche set bonuses are too nice to ignore (lets me soft-cap Smash/Lethal defense, and gives slow protection, since WP is lame when debuffs hit), plus purples are no good until 50, and I'm taking my time leveling! It's worth keeping in mind for other builds or characters though I guess.
  4. Does anyone know if the proc from the Avalanche set (chance to knock down) plays nicely with the sleep effect in Frozen Aura? I've been working on an Ice Stalker, and am thinking the Sleep will be really useful in preventing runners, especially with the new auto-hit function. But if it's going to be immediately broken from a proc trigger, it might be better to use the other parts of the set in Frozen Aura instead.
  5. Well now you have me doubting myself a bit, but I'm pretty sure, yeah. I guess I could always just randomly transfer someone and see!
  6. Not sure about name-changes offhand, but transferring to a different server definitely does.
  7. Not sure about Mids but the ingame numbers show: +27.00%% strength to to hit for 1m 30s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable "Strength to" generally means empowering buffs (compare Empowering Circuit, which is just "+9.00% to hit"). So as long as it amplifies negatives as well as positives, seems like all the Lich's debuffs should be stronger (in addition to its fears, holds, and heals also getting buffed): a nice perk to all its effects, which is handy since it's so hard to slot for.
  8. I was just looking at this combo, because it seems like Amp Up's +Special might interact kind of nicely with the Lich? Does the +Strength to ToHit also buff his -ToHit?
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