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Posts posted by hieronymusboss

  1. I'm the weirdo that mains a tri-form Warshade. I love it. So I'm always thinking about all the blank spots in the lore (intentional or otherwise), spinning head canon, thinking about Khelds. They're a really interesting idea with a lot of potenital for storytelling and design.

    Part of Kheldian/Nictus lore is that the Kheld/Nictus can shapeshift into versions of their past hosts. Hence the Nova (squiddies) and the Dwarf (lobster) forms.

    Sometimes I wonder though...what else could be a viable "form"? Kheldians are basically like...Ben 10 meets Green Lanterns. So there could be millions of forms in a Kheldian's history, but which ones would you like to see? How would they play? Would they fill a niche in the team-play sphere that the current forms don't?

    For example: What if HEATS had a "Support" form? Maybe it's like a crystalline entity, with no attacks, limited defense. But when then it can activate one of many toggles to burrow into the ground and act as the team's own personal Cairn for 30 seconds at a time? Maybe you have a few different auras to choose from. One offensive, one buff and one debuff? 

    Not every form need be a great gameplay addition (not saying mine necessarily is haha). Some could just be cool ideas for roleplay or a particular story. Like a past form that's similar to biblical angels, or any other number of strange and interesting lifeforms. I'm curious what others come up with. 

  2. On 5/13/2023 at 6:50 PM, Tonio said:


    Do you have a build available for Tri-form WS?

    Yeah this is the one I use. Copied the basics from somebody, can't remember anymore. LOL sorry for the late reply. 

    You won't be able to beat Blasters or Stalkers or whatever on straight up DPS, but you WILL be fairly unkillable, adaptable and able to pound AoEs like nobody's business. You'll also look cooler than 75% of characters out there.

    I tanked a 4-Star Aeon Strike Force on this guy. So it can handle the hard stuff if you know what you're doing - and have a good team behind you. I don't solo much with him tho. So your mileage may vary.

    Remember: if you're gonna play a true MFing Warshade, your build is important, but comes second to the mindset. Read the guide, learn the keybinds for transforming. They are essential to the playstyle being described. It's not "Hey you need a blaster for this TF? I'll stay in Nova form the whole time." It's more like "I don't give a f00k what you need. I'm hungry. So let me introduce y'all to the ever-shifting nightmare that is the Nictus! Not even the Council could dream of what I'm about to unleash upon my enemies." XD

    Hope you have fun. 🙂

    Afterlife - Warshade (Umbral Blast - Umbral Aura).mbd

  3. Reading the MFing Warshade is what finally convinced me to give the AT an honest try.

    Now I main a Warshade, and adore the AT above all others. It seriously shook up how I play the game and actually feels more natural for me to play than any other AT.

    Now I understand why the Epic ATs are actually pretty great. A proper tri-form Warshade is a monster. With the right binds for switching forms, you can roll in, AoE mobs with Nova form, drop on them Beast Boy-Style in the Dwarf form, moar AoE and healz, then you transform to human to swat them with PBAoE after PBAoE! Then! Then, you feast on the corpses to full health and endurance, and fly off in Nova form, looking for more prey.

    Like the guide said, it's a mindset thing that really changed my perspective on the AT. You don't settle on one form. You also don't pick a form for specific situations. You have to think of yourself as all three forms at once. With keybinds, you can effortlessly swap forms and spam the appropriate powers, which amounts to just overwhelming mobs with damage and gives you a feeling of adaptability, and there's always ways to mix up your attack chains that still have fun results.

    And don't get me started on Shadow Slip. That power's a genius idea and it really lends to the AT feeling like a powerhouse. 

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  4. On 5/19/2022 at 12:51 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I remember having discussions on the live servers, several times, about Longbow. And I love these kind of hypothetical discussions. They highlight the difference between the childlike (i.e. comic book genre) point of view and a more nuanced and adult point of view.


    Children yell " But they're the good guys!", as if that just magically makes everything ok. Adults are the ones who ask "Isn't using flamethrowers on civilians a violation of the Hague Accords?"


    Children say it's ok that Longbow's in Mercy because "they trying to help!" Adults ask themselves if we really want to allow corporations to use private troops to invade sovereign nations.


    Children think that cops are heroes. Adults wonder why there are so many videos online of cops shooting unarmed people, who have their hands in the air and are trying to surrender, and wonder if hero is really the correct word to describe PPD officers.


    Children can't foresee the consequences of their actions. They allow psychics to enter the police force and then complain when DHS officers come knocking on their doors to ask them about some questionable tweets.


    Like I said, I love these hypothetical discussions.



    You know, I don't usually agree with Snarky, but when I do it's because he's right.


    For too long we've allowed Longbow to run rampant in the streets of our cities with their flamethrowers and no oversight. They've burned down buildings, caused billions in property damage, killed innocent citizens, and shut down all dissent. They claimed that their masks would keep us safe while condemning the protests against them as "super spreader events."


    Definitely a cult.

    Oh aren't you a sweetheart. Calling your opposition children in a screed to secure your position without an argument, playing to emotions more than the facts.

    Not saying you don't have a point. There is much to discuss regarding the nitty-gritty of Freedom Corps, Longbow and the PPD. But this seems more like you're fellating your own sense of righteousness and trying to foment division against a perceived enemy, rather than seeking any kind of real discussion. That's worse than being childish, if you ask me.

    There's a lot of SMUG going on in this thread and it's disappointing, even if it's to be expected these days. Enjoy your guys' circle jerk I suppose.

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  5. Aaaand here's PART THREE of my suggestions and tweaks for the written parts of the Strike Force.

    This covers everything from the first "ripple" to the beginnings of the finale mission. The finale suggestions will be its own doc. Not necessarily because there's that much to go over - but because I'm anxious to get this out now, but I'm currently stuck trying to solo Zoe and Mr. Rodney, and haven't cracked them yet. So here's everything up until that point! Hope its useful. Again SPOILERS lie within.



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  6. 20 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

    We are very firm in the neutral ground area. Politics and "flavour of the day" stuff is very much out of bounds as far as possible. Sometimes we don't get it right, but we try for inclusivity no matter the race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, political opinions etc. I honestly can't see that changing, we are a multinational team from all corners of the world and one countries hot button topic is another countries "meh". I'm sure Americans don't care about a minor British scandal, or an Australian election problem any more than we non Americans care about a particular politician or scandal dominating the landscape over there. It may be relevant to you in real life, but not in this game.

    Glad to hear it. I would have follow-up questions, but I don't want to risk derailing this thread. I seriously appreciate the reply. I was hoping that last point wouldn't be ignored. 😄

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  7. This list is long, but the absolute essentials for me are:

    • Keep it free if possible, and absolutely NO microtransaction models. These range from innocuous to absolutely malignant in other games, and I'd rather not open that door.
    • Keep continuity - meaning everything I've done and created in HC since it was revealed carries over into the "legit" version of the game.
    • I'd like to see you guys, the devs, GMs and mods get a little moolah for everything you've done and hopefully everything you'll continue to do. You guys deserve a paycheck, damnit.
    • Some goddamn way to have multiple characters with the same local name. I feel like we're in the dark ages here. I understand its not a simple fix but it would seriously open the floodgates for a lot of us creators.
    • Continued development and new content, of course. Mostly, I'd like to see new costume pieces, particularly ripped from the NPCs. Seriously, if you just put me on a drip of quarterly updates with NPC costume pieces I'd be a happy camper. But also develop the endgame, try to finish the Incarnate system, find way to expand the character creator (third color options, layering options, additional costume slots, etc. New arcs, along the lines of Dr. Aeon's Strike Force. All that jazz.
    • Some kind of assurance or promise to try and play neutral ground in an increasingly politicized and polarized landscape. I know this is a touchy subject for many, but I hope I speak for many of us when I say I come to this game to escape and create, not tackle the issues of the day. Obviously its a careful balance, because you want newer stories to be relevant to new audiences, and you want to be accepting to as many as you can. But just as the game has a firm "Teen" rating, I'd like any legit service to have a firm commitment to not playing political hockey with our IP for likes or press. I grow ever wearier of that in the general pop culture milieu and am frankly sick of seeing some of my favorite IPs be consumed, diluted or mutilated by companies trying to make a quick buck off the "culture wars". I understand some will see this last point as a dog whistle or what have you, but I really do just want some place where I can chill and make heroes with minimal fuss. Lord knows there's plenty to fuss about IRL.
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  8. I've begun to sift through the new SF's written portions, and have noticed some things I hope you guys on the dev team will consider.

    Here's part one of my suggested edits, tweaks and spelling/grammar errors. It covers the first three missions of the SF. I hope its helpful!



    It should go without saying that there will be SPOILERS. So if you want to experience the SF for yourself, either on Beta or Live, stay away, cuz I'mma reveal all in these docs.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Albion said:

    We need to have some method, just proliferating everything everywhere whatever the clipping costs for the sake of variety in the long run won't do, I was all for it until I found how hard our graphical devs work to make things neat and clean.

    You're right of course. Really I just wanted to illustrate how a change like this can multiply options in the character creator without adding new pieces. Just being able to combine existing pieces in new ways would keep us busy. This was the principle behind separating right and left options for the shoulders, gloves, boots, etc.

    Maybe proliferate both lists in both categories, eliminating combos that just look like crap graphically due to clipping, etc. Though I still say some mess on the fringes of the game's design has been useful for us costumer creators and base builders. We can exploit that messiness to great effect sometimes. So the neatness isn't always necessary or overall harmful to the game's attractiveness, sometimes it can be an asset.

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  10. 28 minutes ago, Starhammer said:

    I'd love to see this also. Optimally, I'd love to see Arena Headset in both Detail 1 & Detail 2, so we can mix and match it however we prefer, but if it can only be in one of them Detail 2 would be preferable.

    Honestly combining both lists of pieces, then putting them in both Detail 1 and Detail 2 would allow for some really great combos. Obviously many would conflict and just wierdly clip, but the minor examples of this have never stopped costumers before. Sometimes they can even be turned into features, not bugs.

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  11. Laz pointed out that the Arena Headset piece is actually in Detail 1, not Detail 2 as listed in the forum post

    I wanna point out that it really should be in Detail 2, if you guys can make that change. I'd bet that most people want to combine the headset with eyewear, not with mouth wear, given that the microphone is kind of the point of the headset.


    I think having the headset in Detail 1 - where goggles and stuff are - doesn't make sense and it should be an option for mouth/chin wear instead.

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  12. Regarding the new power Geode and its color customization:

    Currently on Beta you can pick two colors, and they both apply to the rock object and the crystal objects. So picking red and blue will make them both red and blue, etc


    Shouldn't it work that each color applies to a different object? Because Geodes are often very striking visually for this reason i.e. Brown Rock and Purple Crystal.

    In fact, the default power customization shows this, with an orange crystal and brown rock.

    TL;DR I think the colors should map to either the Crystal or Rock to preserve the "Geode" theme, not to both items in the animation.

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