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Everything posted by Eotvos

  1. Finally some good news on this front: Tracing route to auth.cohhc.gg [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 3 91 ms 24 ms 24 ms sjo-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net [] 4 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms palo-b24-link.ip.twelve99.net [] ^^^^ AFTER THIS, EVERYTHING STOPPED RESPONDING YESTERDAY 5 91 ms 152 ms 88 ms be100-105.pao-sv8-bb1-a9.ca.us [] 6 95 ms 94 ms 94 ms be103.pdx-prt1-sbb1-nc5.oregon.us [] 7 366 ms 98 ms 100 ms pdx1-hil1-g2-nc5.il.us [] 8 * * * Request timed out. 9 95 ms 95 ms 95 ms pdx1-hil1-vac1-a75-1-firewall.ovh.us [] 10 95 ms 95 ms 94 ms pdx1-hil1-vac1-a75-2.ovh.us [] 11 98 ms 98 ms 97 ms pdx1-hil1-vac1-a75-3.ovh.us [] ... 19 98 ms 98 ms 104 ms auth.cohhc.gg []
  2. Yeah, fwiw I'm not sure it's CenturyLink's subnet that's causing the problem (though they should route around it if they're aware of it). Earlier today my mobile hotspot followed a completely different routing path to get to the CoH IP just fine, but now a couple of hours later it's timing out too.
  3. Having the same issue. It worked fine earlier today but launcher can't connect to Login servers now: PC Windows 10 Homecoming launcher win-x64-release-4772 AV disabled West coast ISP: CenturyLink UPDATE: Tried connecting to a hotspot instead, everything worked fine. So apparently there's an issue with either CenturyLink specifically (filtering/blocking?) or the network topology. Will try a VPN next and see what happens.
  4. Perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  5. [Disclaimer: General consensus is that this is an underwhelming pool power. I get it. But bear with me a sec here...] I'm trying out Corrosive Vial, and I'm not seeing the -DEF debuff in action. When I look in the combat logs, for example, using Brawl or Sands of Mu has the exact same to-hit chance reported against a target before and after it's standing in an active vial patch. My understanding of the power was that it was auto-hit for small DoT -AND- applied a ~15s -DEF debuff. (There's also no floaty debuff visual around the target mob, fwiw, even when the damage ticks are floating.) Is there a better way to tell if the -DEF debuff is actually being applied?
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