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Sister Corruption

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Posts posted by Sister Corruption

  1. I'm loathe to report this, 'cause I don't want /enterbasefrompasscode nerfed, but...


    If you are a Rogue or a Vigilante in the opposite faction zone, then you use /enterbasefrompasscode and then a base teleporter into a zone, then go to a PvP zone, your alignment seems to still be set to your opposite faction until you zone out of the PvP zone again. So, if a Rogue is in Siren's Call this way, they show as an invalid target to Heroes.


    I've not been able to perfectly reproduce this every time. You might have to have been in Pocket D first.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Burk said:


    There are 16 Anniversary badges. I have the 15 year one Excelsior. I am missing Celebrant, Reveler, Pursuer, Merrymaker, Entertainer, Jubilant, Exultant, Lucky, Rhapsodic, Torchbearer, Unstoppable, Perseverant, Indomitable, Timeless, and Everlasting.


    Ah. You're counting Pursuer/Elusive - that one isn't yet available. It wasn't for sale during May and will instead award to everyone who logs in in November.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Burk said:


    Realized that I was leaving out the Until the End of the World badge. So, I guess 1515 is possible.

    If your count gets to 1515, that means I'm missing some badge somewhere, because my 1514 count includes Until the End of the World. Unless maybe you're not counting the 15th anniversary badge? Or did you miss all 15, not just the ones that you had to buy.

  4. Thanks to the hard work of the forum regulars, we've got a list now. Credit to me, DoctorGoat, DoctorGoat2, Hardship, & Shinobu: 


    1 - Rejuvenate Dual Insp
    2 - Tactical Dual Insp
    3 - Guarded Dual Insp
    4 - Invigorate Dual Insp
    5 - Precise Dual Insp
    6 - Protected Dual Insp
    7 - Health Imbuement
    8 - Endurance Imbuement
    9 - Insight Imbuement
    10 - Rage Imbuement
    11 - Luck Imbeument
    12 - Sturdy Imbuement
    13 - Protection Imbuement
    14 - Greater Health Imbuement
    15 - Greater Endurance Imbuement
    16 - Keen Insight Imbuement
    17 - Focused Rage Imbuement
    18 - Good Luck Imbuement
    19 - Rugged Imbuement
    20 - Greater Protection Imbuement
    21 - Rejuvenating Imbument
    22 - Tactical Imbuement
    23 - Guarding Imbuement
    24 - Invigorating Imbuement
    25 - Precise Imbuement
    26 - Protecting Imbuement
    27 - Brain Storm Ideas x 20
    28 - Candy Cane x5
    29 - Enhancement Converter x 1
    30 - Enhancement Unslotter x 1
    31 - Merit Rewards x 25
    32 - Free Tailor Session
    33 - Experienced (1 charge)
    34 - Build Snow Beast x 1
    35 - Brain Storm Ideas x 40
    36 - Candy Canes x 10
    37 - Enhancement Converter x 5
    38 - Enhancement Unslotter x 5
    39 - Reward Merits x 50
    40 - Free Tailor Session
    41 - Experienced (1 charge)
    42 - Build Snow Beast (1 charge)
    43 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam
    44 - Avalanche: Dam/End
    45 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/Rech
    46 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/End
    47 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    48 - Avalanche: Rech/KD
    49 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam
    50 - Blistering Cold: Dam/End
    51 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/Rech
    52 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/End
    53 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    54 - Blistering Cold:  Rech/Proc
    55 - Entomb: Acc/Hold
    56 - Entomb: Hold/Rech
    57 - Entomb: End/Rech
    58 - Entomb: Acc/Hold/End
    59 - Entomb: Acc/Hold/End/Rech
    60 - Entomb: Rech/Proc
    61 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam
    62 - Frozen Blast: Dam/End
    63 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam/Rech
    64 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam/End
    65 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    66 - Frozen Blast: Rech/Chance for Immob
    67 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam
    68 - Winter's Bite: Dam/Rech
    69 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/Rech
    70 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    71 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    72 - Winter's Bite: Rech/Proc
    73 - Brain Storm Ideas x 60
    74 - Enhancement Booster x 1
    75 - Enhancement Catalyst x 1
    76 - Reward Merits x 75
    77 - Character Respec
    78 - Experienced (1 charge)
    79 - Frosty Aegis (10 minutes)
    80 - Frost Bite Temp Power (1 hour)
    81 - Winter Ward (1 hour)
    82 - Windfall (1 hour)
    83 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam
    84 - Avalanche: Dam/End
    85 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/Rech
    86 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/End
    87 - Avalanche: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    88 - Avalanche: Rech/Proc
    89 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam
    90 - Blistering Cold: Dam/End
    91 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/Rech
    92 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/End
    93 - Blistering Cold: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    94 - Blistering Cold: Rech/Proc
    95 - Entomb: Acc/Hold
    96 - Entomb: Hold/Rech
    97 - Entomb: End/Rech
    98 - Entomb: Acc/Hold/End
    99 - Entomb: Acc/Hold/End/Rech
    100 - Entomb: Rech/Proc
    101 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam
    102 - Frozen Blast: Dam/End
    103 - Frozen Blast: Acc /Dam/Rech
    104 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam/End
    105 - Frozen Blast: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    106 - Frozen Blast: Rech/Proc
    107 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam
    108 - Winter's Bite: Dam/Rech
    109 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/Rech
    110 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/End
    111 - Winter's Bite: Acc/Dam/End/Rech
    112 - Winter's Bite: Rech/Proc
    113 - Brain Storm Ideas x 80
    114 - Enhancement Booster x 3
    115 - Enhancement Catalyst x 3
    116 - Reward Merits x 100
    117 - Character Respec
    118 - Experienced (1 Charge)
    119 - Frosty Aegis (10 min)
    120 - Frost Bite (1 hour)
    121 - Winter Ward (1 hour)
    122 - Windfall (1 hour)

    • Like 5
  5. 2 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    NICE! So is that the current available max badge count, or are there still a few you need to get other than events?

    1514's the total I've got right now for badges that don't include Bug Hunter or events that haven't run (and aren't accessible some other repeatable way). That count includes things like the 2 Valentines tip badges, the CoH anniversaries, and the Halloween event.

  6. This is just a theory, but tonight in PI, we had a GM come by to watch us ToTing. And soon thereafter, the zone capped out and wouldn't let anyone in. Checking the search showed far less than the zone cap in the zone.


    So we all moved to PI 2. The GM showed up again. And again, shortly after the zone capped out and wouldn't let anyone in. 


    So we moved to PI 3. The GM didn't show up a third time, and we seemed to be OK.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rathulfr said:


    Is there any reason for a sub-level 35 to not be allowed in the zone?  


    Sure. Lowbies can't contribute to the MSR very well, but they can contribute to hitting the zone cap. That's a reason they shouldn't be in the zone. The whole adding the MSR to the LFG tab is because of that problem. It's a stopgap fix for what would be a much easier solution--restoring the level requirement.

  8. 2 hours ago, macskull said:

    Of course, everyone also conveniently overlooks that this entire conversation is going to lead to some significant buffs for the click-to-location powers like the existing SG teleport power. But sure, blame the PvPers.


    EDIT: This wasn't directed at the person I quoted, just more of a general observation.

    It's OK. I am willing to blame PvPers for just about anything. I stubbed my toe when I got up this morning and blamed PvPers.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. There does need to be some way to get that League star back from someone else. Even if you take the moochers out of the equation. I've been on ToT Leagues where the league star crashes, then the person the system assigns the star to has a client crash, but their character stays logged in. So there's literally no way to get the league star back to the original leader until the new leader also times out.

  10. Very happy to see that the League system got some love in this patch, BUT...


    Since the patch, we've had all kinds of League bugs. The weirdest is that now sometimes we get -2- league stars on the same league. Then neither league star can do anything, because the system thinks the other star is the lead. 


    This seems to be connected to how the team star and league star are now separate. It's only ever happened to me when I've been given the league star but somehow am on a team with someone who still has the team star.


    I also saw this weird message when handing off the league star to anther player:



  11. #1   - 1581 - Burning Dombloo

     tie  - 1581 - Dark Bladed

     tie  - 1581 - Kwof

     tie  - 1581 - Daubechie 

    #5   - 1580 - Sister Corruption          

     tie  - 1580 - Lorraine

     tie  - 1580 - Caddoch of Helios

     tie  - 1580 - Patty-Sue Ivanova

     tie  - 1580 - Ukase Fire 

    #10 - 1577 - Rex Kwon Do

    #11 - 1574 - Barb-Ra

     tie  - 1574 - Lil Bug

     tie  - 1574 - Fusskallous

    #14 - 1573 - Melonni Lorraine 

    #15 - 1561 - Brooke Lorraine

    #16 - 1557 - 70s Man
    #17 - 1556 - Flame Bow

    #18 - 1550 - Voltor 

     tie  - 1550 - Yuffie 

     tie  - 1550 - Armor Fist

     tie  - 1550 - Squelch   

     tie  - 1550 - Quick-Fire

     tie  - 1550 - Golden Striker

     tie  - 1550 - Dragyxa

     tie  - 1550 - Blaze Babe

     tie  - 1550 - 331

     tie  - 1550 - Crimson Sting

     tie  - 1550 - Vanguardian Prime

     tie -  1550 - War Mage 

     tie  - 1550 - Saskya

     tie  - 1550 - Vangelis

     tie  - 1550 - Sentenza

     tie  - 1550 - Svana

     tie  - 1550 - Delevault

     tie  - 1550 - Random Psycho

     tie  - 1550 - Yuliia

     tie  - 1550 - Lorraine's Bodyguard

     tie  - 1550 - Rookie Lorraine 

     tie  - 1550 - Voltor Prime

     tie  - 1550 - Wild Kard

     tie  - 1550 - Brimstone Rider

     tie  - 1550 - Deus X Superstone

     tie  - 1550 - Dominator Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Stratosphere Prime

     tie  - 1550 - Stratosphire Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Natasha Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Operative Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Scorpio Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Defender Voltor

     tie  - 1550 - Sentinel Voltor 2

     tie  - 1550 - Praetorian Voltor 2

     tie  - 1550 - Dark Voltor

    #53- 1549 - Jack Burns

     tie  - 1549 - STiTcH 

     tie  - 1549 - ST1TcH 

     tie  - 1549 - Ukase

     tie  - 1549 - Dead Hand

     tie -  1549 - Lucky Strike mk1

     tie -  1549 - Luverne

    #60 - 1547 - Catalystic

     tie  - 1547 - Billy Mailman 

     tie  - 1547 - Void.Devil

     tie  - 1547 - War-Dog

     tie  - 1547 - Volt-aire

     tie  - 1547 - Dead Hand

    #66 - 1546 - Space Monkey

     tie  - 1546 - Clair Esprit

     tie  - 1546 - Nightbreeze Lorraine

    #69 - 1540 - Tax E Boy 

    #70 - 1540 - Charred Embers 

    #71 - 1537 - Misericordia Diablo 

    #72 - 1535 - Killerhurtz

    #73 - 1534 - Ice Pirate

    #74 - 1531 - BeowulfinIA

     tie  - 1531 - Hellion Angel

     tie  - 1531 - Atomic Alpha

     tie  - 1531 - Kid Napalm

     tie  - 1531 - Lykkio

     tie  - 1531 - Classic Plasmar   

     tie  - 1531 - S o l a r i s

    #81 - 1530 - Psicy Chill

    #82 - 1529 - Jack Burns

     tie  - 1529 - Cyber Inviso

    #84 - 1528 - Sealdy            

     tie  - 1528 - Classic Crimson

    #86 - 1527 - Zit Boy

    #87 - 1526 - Gahd

    #88 - 1524 - Cygne Noir

     tie  - 1524 - DW Sanat Kumara

     tie  - 1524 - Captain Stronghold

    #91 - 1523 - Invigorater

     tie  - 1523 - Herr Blitzkrieg

    #93 - 1519 - Living Brain 3000

     tie  - 1519 - Space Monkey

    #95 - 1517 - Ura Hero

    #96 - 1515 - Seraph Vedette

    #97 - 1513 - Steadfast Protector

    #98 - 1510 - Pipalicious

    #99 - 1508 - CIPH3R

    #100 - 1504 - Flame Doctor

    #101 - 1502 - Steelhelm

    #102 - 1501 - Doc Caulder

        tie - 1501 - Stycman

    #104 - 1493 - Frostwind

    #105 - 1491 - Lost Cosmonaut

    #106 - 1488 - Atomic Queen.

    #107 - 1487 - Posie Petal Pixie

    #108 - 1485 - IT Geek

    #109 - 1483 - Bionic Flea

    #110 - 1481 - Oromatic

    #111 - 1474 - Lt. Frost

    #112 - 1458 - Europa of Asgard

    #113 - 1456 - Rekaren

    #114 - 1453 - Jack Lord

    #115 - 1452 - shiddin

    #116 - 1445 - FireFire Lorraine

    #117 - 1443 - PI Gittes

    #118 - 1439 - Beastieboy

    #119 - 1434 - Orion Star

    #120 - 1433 - Helen Killer

    #121 - 1430 - Psycho-Sis

       tie  - 1430 - Steel Claw 

    #123 - 1429 - Canan

       tie  - 1429 - Natures' Fury

    #125 - 1423 - Magnus Ludovicus

    #126 - 1419 - Gunaro

    #127 - 1410 - Big Bud

    #128 - 1404 - Frostbitten Kitten

    #129 - 1401 - Myster Y

    #130 - 1399 - Star Spangled Sara

    #131 - 1396 - Atom Boomer

       tie  - 1396 - Bebe le Strange

    #133 - 1385 - Gulver 

    #134 - 1383 - Thirteenth

    #135 - 1378 - KreamPuff

    #136 - 1361 - Harimau Garang

    #137 - 1360 - Atomeka

    #138 - 1357 - Crunchwrap Supreme

    #139 - 1338 - Shimmering Atom

    #140 - 1352 - Cheyenne Lorraine

    #141 - 1332 - XFrin

    #142 - 1326 - Virginia

    #143 - 1318 - 9Lives

    #144 - 1314 - Silver Osprey

    #145 - 1313 - Placta

    #146 - 1308 - Fiery Inviso

    #147 - 1301 - Nifty

    #148 - 1300 - Ultra Statesman

    #149 - 1289 - Talon Blue

    #150 - 1279 - Bloodrayne

    #151 - 1273 - Fairly Local

    #152 - 1272 - Camo Fire

    #153 - 1268 - Miranda Mirage

    #154 - 1264 - Simone Violette

    #155 - 1263 - Asau

    #156 - 1259 - Nymph

    #157 - 1251 - MTNSide




    This Leaderboard is no longer maintained. It was current as of December or so of 2021. Anyone else out there is free to copy the data and maintain their own list. RL has gotten the best of me, and I just don't have the time to keep it current. All best! --Sister C


    Minimum number of badges for inclusion: 1251

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