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Posts posted by AerialAssault

  1. I have to question whether this would actually be very useful. Most Mez used by enemies is Mag 3, which means all it would take is a second Mez of the same type, and you'd be toast.


    It only really seems useful to those squishies which have achieved soft-cap. I find it very curious that you think a Break Free is too much effort, or that a Defence Amplifier is too much investment, when it would take significantly more to reach soft-cap on AT's which do not have inherent Defence powers. If you do not have near soft-cap defence, the chances of a follow up Mez locking you down (and de-toggling/suppressing your powers) are much higher. That extra protection might give you enough time to pop a Break Free if your poor, misshapen fingers can complete the herculean task of pressing a button. But I sincerely doubt it would enable you to fight without caution, which, let's be honest, is the aim here.


    Let's not forget, at level 35 (when you get access to your EPP/PPP), most enemy groups are going to have some form of Mez even at a Minion level. They're also not 'mere street goons', they're trained, experienced & deadly villains with superpowers of their own. They (as a group) are equivalent in power to you, therefore, you should be cautious when fighting them. I should also point out, that most of the powers that would get this Mez Protection are actually available at level 41 (although for Patrons it's level 35, whoever said there were no advantages to being evil??). At this stage, you're definitely facing the major threats of the world. They wouldn't be major threats if their powers couldn't even stop one 'squishy' hero for five seconds, would they?


    If you are getting comprehensively spanked each time, perhaps that's an indicator that you're not as good as you thought, and should turn down the difficulty. If you're already at -1/x0, I have no easy way of saying this but, maybe you're just bad at the game?

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  2. 3 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    bad guys running is working as intended. 


    If Joe, Bob, Fred, Ted, John, Nick, Rick, Don, Ralph, Frank, Jack, Pete, Mike, Will,  Ed and Paul got their asses handed to them in no particular order due to taunt cap....


    I would be running like hell so I wasn't #17 

    Unironically this.


    In most MMOs, enemies fight to the death, even if it isn't in character for them to do so i.e. the criminal who is "only in it for the money" but is going to fight the player character to the death.


    There is a great book called The Monsters Know What They're Doing by Keith Ammann. While this does concern Dungeons & Dragons, a lot of the theories can be used in any kind of RPG. Generally, mortal and sentient beings are not going to want to stick around and get killed, captured or worse. The only time they would is if they are compelled (magically or otherwise) or cornered.


    Hell, you don't even have to look at Dungeons & Dragons; look at real life! If you have a gun, and this guy has a sword, you're probably going to want to put some distance between you and them so you can use your weapon more effectively. Retreat & re-engage is a perfectly valid tactic in most circumstances. Is this annoying to face? Yeah, that's kinda the point. The enemy doesn't want to play by your rules, it also wants to win. This is a great advert to hire a Controller or Dominator who can prevent enemies from running away.


    In any case, I have an idea that could satisfy mostly everyone: When enemies retreat far enough away, and haven't been attacked for long enough, they 'escape'. Effectively they're defeated, but you receive less XP & Inf if they do. Not even sure how or if this could work, but it's called Suggestions for a reason.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, BrandX said:

    Wasn't there a few Scrapper Secondary Sets with a taunt aura?  I could swear WP, INV and Shield had a taunt aura.

    You're right. The following sets & powers in Scrapper Secondaries have a Taunt element:


    • Bio Armour: Evolving Armour
    • Invulnerability: Invincibility
    • Radiation Armour: Beta Decay
    • Shield Defence: Against All Odds
    • Willpower: Rise to the Challenge

    Notably, these are sets & powers which function better when enemies remain close. I could buy the argument that Fiery Aura's Burn, or Energy Aura's Energy Drain could have a small Taunt element. But not all sets need a Taunt element. For example, Regen & Super Reflexes are both sets where, generally, you don't want to be drawing any more attention than necessary. 

  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but the crux of the main suggestion isn't necessarily wanting Scrappers to be tanks, but expressing annoyance that enemies run away from fights.


    To which I say ... Yeah? What of it? Do you want every enemy to fight to the death, even when they can't win? It's a perfectly understandable response to flee when a fight isn't going your way.


    As for enemies fleeing the moment the fight starts, maybe they're just intimidated by your awesome presence lol

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    Barracuda, lvl 45+ Grandville contact, final mission lead all of Recluses LT's to be sacrificed and then beat the shit out of Reichsman. Yes that would be the one. Maybe we got lucky and either he didn't use his phase, or something else occurred. Like I said I was watching The Waterboy also at the time, but no Defenders or MM's.



    Sorry if it seems like I'm hyper-focussing on this one, tiny aspect of the game. The only scenario I can imagine in my head is if sufficient -Regen was applied to halt their healing through the Phase, and then he didn't use it again afterwards. I won't press any further though, at the end of the day it's one encounter out of many.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    To be honest, didn't really even notice him phasing through the fight, mind you I was also drinking a beer and watching The Waterboy on Vudu at the same time.

    Now, I don't want to assume anything, but are you sure you were doing Barracuda Strike Force?


    I only ask because Reichsman's Phasing in that Strike Force is, as far as I'm aware, unstoppable without the presence of a Defender or Mastermind. When he gets to 50% he will, without fail, become Phased and rapidly regenerate all of his health, unless one of those two AT's disables it. I don't believe there is a limit to the amount of times they can do it so I am curious to know how it could be possible to defeat them without disabling their Phase.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Puma said:

    What about just the addition of an NPC ally for that last mission that actually has the power attached to them via a PBAoE? 

    At that point you might ask, why even bother with the Phase power for Reichsman?


    If it were my way, I'd ditch that part altogether. Reichsman is already a laborious battle, and while I can appreciate the attempt to create an 'epic' boss battle, it falls woefully short of that. Make the Mastermind/Defender temps just completely nuke his Resistance, Defence & Regen for a short time.


    But, as is usual, someone will be here to say that actually that's their most favourite thing in all of CoX and it's removal would be killing the game for them so y'know 🙄

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  8. To be honest, the proposed name purge I think is fine .. though I have reservations about Level 50 Immunity.


    It would be naïve to assume that nobody has farmed characters up to Level 50 to avoid the proposed name purge in advance. The issue is that any dedicated name squatter will circumvent any measures short of a complete reset of the character database. I think that those fringe cases should be dealt by and reasoned with the GM Team. 

    • Like 2
  9. Just a side note on the "Some people don't use the forums" topic;


    You have to come to these forums to even set up your account in the first place. I can't speak for everyone but I have these forums bookmarked, and even set as one of the default pages to open on boot up. It's not some babylonian lost-aztec technology. And if people are dismissing the Message of the Day in-game then .. that's their fault? I don't know what else HC could do to make people read it aside from putting a timer on the 'Ok' button.


    I work a lot in customer correspondence and let me tell you, a lot of people do not make it easy on themselves to stay informed.


    In any case, a bulk e-mail giving a month's notice before any name purge program is run should suffice. 

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  10. Lot of good suggestions, though I only had a brief skim.


    I'll repeat what I've said in the past; expand the Ouroborous/Task Force challenges to regular missions. You could even throw in a warning for team members that challenges have been enabled, maybe even requiring a unanimous vote for them to be enabled if people are worried about joining a challenge run without knowing.


    I think, as well, tying increased rewards and new badges to these would be cool.


    While I'd love new zones I think that is a distant dream. New missions are also welcome too. I think an expansion of the challenge system would go a long way in providing content for the not-insignificant amount of people who want to do something more challenging than the base content.

    • Like 1
  11. I could get behind all of these changes. I've been playing an Ice Melee/Ice Armour Scrapper recently and the set is "Fun" but by god it shows it's age.


    The only suggestions I could add would be:


    • To have a faster animation for Ice Patch. In groups it tends to suffer from Dead Enemy Syndrome from my experiences, and the AoE is so small as to almost be negligible. And all it takes is one teeny tiny Knockback and it's pretty much wasted. I think the AoE across all AT's should be bumped up a bit, with Tankers obviously having the wider range
    • Not sure how I feel about changing the animation for Greater Ice Sword, but I'd take that & the chance for KD over what Greater Ice Sword is now.
    • Maybe I'm weird but I .. kind of like the Sleep element of Frozen Aura? Maybe I can only appreciate it because it's cooldown is pretty low. In a group though, it basically only serves to stop a mob for about 0.1 seconds. It also seems counter-productive for a Brute? In any case, I do think that Immobilize would be the better status.


    But other than that I'm down for all of this.

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  12. 2 hours ago, LQT said:

    "Swipe Left" should be enough for a badge like that naming wise, however my own suggestion for the requirement in the last few months has been drag him over those flame pillars in the room while fighting as it involves some kind of movement, hence the swiping. However I'm unsure on how practical that might be a trigger mechanic.

    I'm not sure if he can be affected by those flame pillars, but perhaps the badge could be awarded if he is defeated by one of them? 

  13. This has something to do with invasion enemies always spawning slightly to the right of the player, and when one spawns in, they tend to all spawn in that one place. My guess would be that the spawn point is attached to the player, hence why they always seem to get further away.


    I'm not sure what the solution could be ... having the spawn point randomized around the player might make invasions a bit more chaotic.

  14. If Devs never listen to feedback, how come Sprint (and the prestige sprints) are getting No FX & colour options? Or the last Ward mission being re-designed to be less punishing?


    On transparency: It's common (and good) practice not to reveal something until you are sure it's in an actual, releasable state. Entering full & open discussions is just inviting a quagmire of an argument. Hence why the Feedback Threads are heavily curated, it's in nobodies interest to engage in a constant back & forth, and I feel like "shouting down the Devs until we get what we want" is not indicative of a friendly & healthy community.

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  15. 7 minutes ago, Riverdusk said:

    Okay, not sure what that has to do with what you quoted I said.  The personal degradations are also just wonderful.  🙄 



    I don't see how it is anything less than lazy or ignorant to not use the tools given to the player to avoid the situation of being CC'd, especially when the tool in question, Break Free, is a core part of the gameplay. Hell, you have to actually pay for the privilege of not receiving them.


    So, excuse my tone, but what I see is not a problem with the game, but a problem with someone's playstyle. Unless hard numbers can be found that show that yes, actually the AT's in question do need Mez Protection, I can't really see how the proposed change is necessary.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Riverdusk said:

    Okay, not to pick on just you as others have made this point, but this argument I find kind of silly.  Does this mean that since break frees exist that melee AT's don't need mez protection either?  Defense inspirations also exist, so maybe we should get rid of all defensive powers too?  Healing inspirations exist so I guess we don't need any healing or regen powers in the game?  Etc. etc.



    Maybe it's just me but I'm against making changes to the game because some people are either too lazy or ignorant to change their playstyle to the circumstances presented to them.

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