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Everything posted by ZEdglord

  1. Earlier today, almost every unprotected networks in the Rogue Isles briefly went out. Television, radios, phones, connected fridges, propaganda boards, everything. Then, from the sudden blackout, came a face, and a voice. Long, white hair covering half the face, golden targeting monocles on one eye, grey irises dancing with gelded datastreams. "Greetings ! Rogues, Vigilantes, Villains, anything in-between ! I have an... offer. An opportunity, that most of you will like to hear. I am looking for someone. Someone who is adept at magic, one way or another. Who would be willing to sometimes get their hands dirty, sometimes not. I pay well. Very well. I do prefer permanent employement, but... we all know the realities of our line of work. Come one, come all. Look for Nano." The message feed is quickly cut off from the network, Arachnos' logo briefly flickering whilst the feed is being rerouted. Then all goes back to normal. ((Character name is Nanocrash, Global is Exiliath.))
  2. I tried it but it remains the whitest of whites no matter what, sadly.
  3. Hey everyone ! So the title isn't super explicit, but basically I'm looking for a way to either reduce the blinding flash of light that occurs when you go Squid as a PB, or disable it entirely. I want to play Tri-Form and my eyes are just melting from the light it produces. Thanks !
  4. Thanks, I have played a bit more and I've started to grasp how containement works and how it effectively gives damage increases. This whole post helped me a lot, honestly.
  5. Thank you for the run down. I don't team up because I have absolutely no interesting in teaming up. That's about it really.
  6. Sounds both fun and kinda awful at the same time !
  7. Sadly the UI and interface haven't been updated at all. It's a nightmare.
  8. I might try that ! I tend to not see the point of Trick Arrow (though I never played it myself) because it seems to just be more control, and no damage - though I guess with Procs that can change.
  9. I understand that the point isn't damage, but if you don't do damage, you're never clearing anything. This isn't at all a speedrun toon or anything of the sort. It's just being able to kill three ennemies without dying. But at very low level there probably isn't much to do against that.
  10. Oh, okay ! That's so much more clear to me. Gotcha, so I need enhancements to proc those effects. I guess my vision is morphed because of the early levels gameplay.
  11. Does that mean you just spam two/three powers for damage all the way through ? I think I'm used to a different definition of what a Proc is. A proc is an effect that happens off another effect. How do those do damage on Controller ?
  12. I get it, Controller is great, but how do you DO damage ? None of the skills even do damage past the first two ! That's what I'm curious about.
  13. Hi all ! I was wondering how does one actually get anything done solo as a Controller. I know Illusion has acceptable damage (until you get Phantom Army then it becomes hilarious), but outside of Illu, how does one even do damage ? Like, you either have buffs or debuffs, which are great ! But you can't get anything done like that can you ?
  14. I'll look through that ! Thanks for the tip.
  15. I wanted to try a controller but their damage output seems quite weak... maybe I thought wrong ?
  16. I was interested in Kheldians but they felt quite weak and fragile early game... guess I must have thought wrong ! Look like big fun though.
  17. I can handle it. I don't mind having what one would consider "too many buttons" !
  18. Wouldn't you just want one for "attack this target", and the ones to change into Offense/Defensive mode ? What others would you need ?
  19. Hi all, first post here. Basically title. I'm a big fan of MMO's like Everquest 2 or Lord of the Rings Online, where you have a bazillion abilities in your hotbars. Now, I know COH obviously isn't this, and I'm well aware of that fact, and I'm not trying to make it into something it isn't. I was however curious to know if Blaster is the closest to "having a million buttons" you can get. If it is not, I'd be happy to hear what is ! (PS : I know Masterminds have a lot to deal with but in terms of buttons they themselves press it's a bit too little for my taste... but maybe I just didn't make the right build yet.)
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