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  1. I think... It was set up so that there were no buffers, debuffers, healers or mezzers. I think dark melee and some power pools were also off limits. The blasters were like the quarterback in football, the scrappers like runningbacks and the tankers like linemen. The scrappers and tankers who were on the same team could not choose the same sets. It was fun because it was damage vs damage with some minor secondary effects.
  2. On live, our supergroup had a 5v5 pvp league. Each team consisted of 2 tanks, 2 scrappers and 1 blaster. Every player was level 12 and set up with do's. The manager of each team named theirs after a city zone and selected the colors. Our uniforms looked like football uniforms. We had: Talos Island Minotaurs (red/black) Skyway City Towers (green/white) Brickstown Sentinels (black/orange) Kings Row Monarchs (purple/gold) Independence Port Authority (blue/gold) My team was the Brickstown Sentinels. We had a Roman Soldier mascot named Ziggy.
  3. I would just like to see the Patron arcs unlock a few levels earlier so the first tier of powers may be selected at 35 without the need of a full respec.
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