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  1. Happy to share my bots cold which has worked very well so far (just a handful of vet levels) The bots and my team are very hardy with all the +def, and stacked sleet + heatloss melts tough enemies quickly. Props to a proc'd out infrigidate too, its a solid damage and debuff power combined. AA_ZeroKBots_BotsCold_Mu.mxd
  2. I would recommend Zects slotting. Compare golden dragonfly, you seem to be mostly skipping it with generic IOs and 3 slots. While that very rare set he has slotted is likely out of your range, consider another pb melee aoe set like obliteration. If possible achillies -res procs are great in slow recharge/aoes. Have fun and take your time with the build, respecs are fairly cheap so focus on running TFs and enjoy the character at 50 to get the rest of the inf you need.
  3. After some tinkering and I ended up dropping some of my pets (the tier1 -2 level ones) and slotting up heavier attacks. They just are too squishy with a long cooldown. This may be an older spec I ended up skipping regular leadership for endurance reasons.. AA_DeathClawVictus_Crab.mxd
  4. You stuck it out, and completed a s$&t show of a 2*. You're a hero in my book.
  5. Cantankerous Old Man is an AR/Dev and he's a joy to play. There's some goodness in that combo for sure.
  6. For your rad/dark/mu add a theft of essence +end proc to your dark regen. Fixed my /dark end issues nicely.
  7. It will hit tankers, but Controllers and MMs will get annihilated by it.
  8. Both are solid. /Rad can be a bit tankier with resists, /Bio is insanely tough and can be more offensive. Both can get absorb shields and great regen BB_Brute_SavageBio.mxd
  9. was able to manually add custom hard difficulty boss spawns and it worked pretty well! now I have both Council in the apocalyptic city loaded up, and my custom Ocean Rejects in space both working nicely. find the current incarnations by my user handle, victusfate
  10. How do we scale the size of each spawn? My custom maps generally have small groups vs more popular maps (Xtomics maps) Reading this thread for context this comment: One thing you can do to affect mob size, instead of setting enemies in your mission, set the map enemy to "empty" and then populate a bunch of boss spawns and set the boss spawn to easy, medium, hard to your preference, and this will affect the number and rank of the spawns. This multiplies by the team size to set the number of mobs in your group. This gives you more control over your map
  11. I'd be down to bring Necro/Rad in a rad SG. Torchbearer works
  12. I play my Fortunata like a mix of scrapper + blaster, and they are pretty tanky. Here's the build I'm using but I honestly haven't paid careful attention to where I put my ATOs.AA_SpiderfangVictus_Fortunata.mxd
  13. Has anyone done the math, are the new damage/animation times worth it compared to Soldier Single shot and Burst?
  14. I think it's time we retire them.
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