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  1. Sorn

    I have a question?

    Oh Hi, What am I trying to say? I think what I am trying to get at is. First off, I played during live. So I kind of remember the game during live. I am pretty sure I already noticed a few changes in the game that exists in the Homecoming version compared to the original. However, to be fair, Point 1: I never actually completed the whole game during live and well Point 2:. Simply it was twenty some years ago. Thus, it was awhile ago up until very recently, that I even played this game. With that said, I noticed some specific changes already and I wasn't sure why they were made? Secondly, since HC still does not own the IP rights I was wondering how such (even small changes) could be allowed? If HC, has reached some deal as it very well seems with NCSoft to continue development (with certain rules I think to what changes are allowed, not sure?) Meaning, new content and they now want to add things to the original game. Point 1: As long as it jibes with the fictional foundation of the world already established, for the most part I think I'm totally fine with that. Point 2: What would bother me though is if I saw alterations to existing creations, that make up the game as it was established? I hope this makes sense? Thank you for your feedback.
  2. Hello Homecoming or other players of COH/COV. I love this old game. I want to say that first. When I have been able to I have tried to donate to help support this great work established twenty years ago. I just simply have one question though. How does this new license granted to Homecoming allow HC to make changes to this game or unless these changes just means further development and past development of this game is left alone, while NCSoft still owns the IP rights to this game? I'm just trying to understand this point. Thank you for your time Sorn
  3. Hi, I play blue side but I also play red side. I'm looking for a few more people to sometimes play with on red side. I am on Reunion server though. Just wondering if any people here might want to make a few more reds over on Reunion to sometimes help me do things over on red side. My main villain right now on Reunion is level 46. Let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks for your time.
  4. I donated 30 dollars this month. I'm happy to help when I can. I just need to ask a question for my own records. I will receive a notice from my next bank statement or in the near future that I donated to you guys? This is just for my records. Glad this game exists at all.
  5. Yeah, please let me know? Just saw a reaction to this post. Going to be leaving for the day. Just let me know if you are at all interested and maybe we can set up some times and days. Have a good day.
  6. My main supervillain is now 43 too.
  7. Thought maybe I would have gotten one response by now?
  8. I'm a supervillian on Reunion. I play both sides but I mainly play red side. The content I am doing on my main villian right now is new to me so I try not to rush. Absolutely hate the rush mentality that exists in so many game communities today but I digress. I'm willing to team if you want? I'm seven hours behind you though I think. Let me know if something can be worked out. My main villian is a controller.
  9. Hey Scarlet Shocker. This is the supervillian you found on Reunion this afternoon. Yeah so I play both sides. My main supervillian on red side is 43. As I told you I don't want to out-level new content my character has at this level range. However, I will still do a few strikeforces. I like to move at my own pace too. I don't move slow on purpose but I don't like to rush content. At some point, my villian will reach incarnate so worst case scenario we could do some of these strikeforces after I reach incarnate level on villian side. As for my main hero. I am veteran level 6 almost 7 now. Maybe we can work out something eventually. Will team with rogues too for redside content as it seems there are very few villians on red side in general and on Reunion specifically.
  10. Hello I am someone who pvp's from time to time. I am looking for some more pvpers to play with. I play both sides. Secondly, I play a-lot on red, especially right now. I'm looking for some other villains or rogues to team with from time to time (especially on strikeforces) but I am on Reunion server. If you have any toons on Reunion and want to level them up on red side especially just let me know. My main hero is Tizar. my main villain is Zappras. I also go at my own pace. All of the content I am doing now on my mains is new to me. I never got to the levels I am at with both toons during live. So I like stories and I take my time. If you are looking for a partner that wants to rush through content I don't think I am that guy. If interested just let me know. I am a U.S. player on a European server.
  11. Yeah, I'm on reunion and I do pvp. Not all the time, but I do pvp for sure.
  12. I play both sides on Reunion server. I am U.S. based. I switch back and forth with my toons but for the most part (due to life), I find myself for the last few months really only working on two main characters. My main hero Tizar (Level 50 incarnate) ice/frost based corrupter. (Which is a bit funny, as I remember back in the day during live when corrupters could only be supervillains). My main villain I am working on a-lot right now. Zappras. I'm looking though for help sometimes on red side. I'm just looking to possibly set up times on some days with some other reds who want to complete now I guess upper villain content. Keep one thing in mind. For me at this point. For my hero and my villain. I have reached a point, where all of the content I am doing now on my mains is new to me. I don't rush. I like the stories. So I don't think I move totally slow but I don't rush either. I am beginning to work on my patron powers for Zappras right now. Amongst some other new story content I haven't done before. So what I am essentially saying is, if there are other reds out there on reunion who want to continue leveling with me as I go along now let me know either here so maybe we can set up times. I would also like to set up specific times with villains or rogues to do strikeforces. It seems it's much harder to get strikeforces done over on red side. Let me know. Thank you for your time.
  13. Hello Mnemonic, I am a U.S. player too on Reunion. I don't play like most players as you described. I play the old fashion way. Yes I have one main hero who is 50 and incarnate but guess what I did it the old fashion way. Took months. I am mainly at the moment, working on my main villian who now reached level 40. I plan to do the same for the most part with my other toons as well, one day. So I will be on red side for awhile. I just started the villian patron stuff with my main on red. Main hero on Reunion is Tizar. Main villian (right now) on Reunion is Zappras.
  14. I was playing my supervillain early this morning. I logged off around 9am eastern standard time. I got a message saying the servers were coming down. I went and did a few things and I just wanted to check out my toon again for a little bit (around early afternoon). I put in my account name and password. I was able to log in. I saw the list of servers. I chose Reunion as that is the server I am on. Instead of going to my character list I immediately got some strange message stating wrong game version, patcher and reconnect, server 202209111_5121, client 20220829_5091? Is there something off with Reunion still? I mean I did see it was taken down just a few hours ago for maintenance? Does this mean I can't play COH/COV anymore? No idea what this error message means? If anyone can suggest anything I would appreciate it. Thank you
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