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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. There is also the Hero-aligned, and one-the-nose'ly-named "Undeath" Group.  The mandate of Undeath is very much in line with establishing civil rights for "the differently vital."

    We should probably discuss the possibility of an alliance.

  2. Need us some Female Outcasts and Trolls, too.  Of course, I believe the game lore states that excess use of the Dirty 'Dyne which causes Trollification also has a side-effect of loss of sexual characteristics, so the Female Trolls would be the Minion Rank . . . which might cause some confuse/concern for those who don't know about that part of the lore.

  3. Yes, the Villain-Accolades are level-locked by the sub-Badges being gated behind level-locked content.  However, that's different than the Accolade itself being straight-up level-locked itself.  I have all of the prerequisites I need for three of the Hero Accolades on my main at the moment, but I'm level 17, so they aren't awarding.
    But regardless, I'd like the locks removed from the Task/Strike Forces too, so then even the Villain Badges will be available too.

  4. I think we need to figure out the Inherent though, to really sell it.
    Maybe something like "every time you use an Attack Power, you gain a small stacking bonus to your outgoing Healing, Buffs, and Debuffs up to 5 stacks.  Any time you use a Support Power you gain a small stacking bonus to To-Hit, Recharge, and Endurance for your Attack Powers."

  5. The Ouroboros Zone is actually not level locked; using the Ouroboros Portal is though (level 14).  You can get to Ouroboros through the Echo Zones at any level.  However, the frozen flame crystals still require you be . . . probably level 10?  Maybe 15.  I can't remember.


    Cimerora is level locked to 35, and The Hive and Abyss are level locked to 45.  All PvP Zones are level locked as well (15, 25, 30, 45).


    I'm personally ready for all those locks to go away, honestly.  "Just" put a pop-up dialogue box when attempting to enter those zones, with a 5 second countdown timer so it can't be dismissed straight away, which says something like "You're about to enter a zone which is beyond your current abilities" blah blah blah, "click Yes to proceed."

    And while we're at it, please remove the level locks on the Hero-side Accolades and Vanguard Day Job.

  6. Of course, I didn't realize that wives of Marcones also exist in Port Oakes until Homecoming.  Mainly since I never bothered with the northern coast of that zone before.


    But, back on original topic; is they can't or don't want to add full-blown in-game gambling . . . how about giving us the tools to make our own gambling?

    > Expand the dice roll slash commands.

    > Add a multi-user trade interface, with a "master" role for the dealer/house, who can determine which trade members get the payout.

    > Make Rock-Paper-Scissors in to a 5-"weapon" version instead (like:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_paper_scissors#Additional_weapons , but more City of Heroes/Villains'y with "weapons" like different elements or different factions "Arachnos beats Longbow and Legacy Chain, but loses to Malta and Circle of Thorns").

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  7. Sorry, I suppose my "I may be slightly confused" part was misleading.  I understand how Alignments are supposed to work during gameplay.  I meant that I don't know all the details of the Alignment code working in the background.


    I'm essentially asking for a reward for figuring out how to make a character without an Alignment, basically.  Rather than an Unaligned character being a "Hero with Praetorian Badges," I'd like for the Unaligned character to be a character with access to all of the Hero Contacts and Zones AND all of the Villain Contacts and Zones.  Or hell, even if they do have access to /any/ Contacts, but still have access to the Zones, I'd be happy.

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