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Posts posted by wRECk69

  1. 2 hours ago, JJDrakken said:

    These are builds of toons I'm leveling when I feel in mood to lvl new ones & not clear out 50 contacts on my large swell of decked out 50s.


    Next, am I back.  -shrugs-  I'm tentatively eyeballing the thread again.  If I start seeing more shit directed at me, yes I'll inform mods and go from there. We'll see how things go.


    Welcome back, JJ!

  2. While I have too many alts to count across a few servers (levels 2 to 50+ Incarnates), I've refocused on my top mains.  My global is @Twilight Walker.  They are, in no particular order:


    Name                                                       Lvl.                      Any other additional Info


    1.  Dawn's Requiem (Dark/Dark/Soul Tank)              50+ Incarnate             Badger (Only 600+ right now)

    2.  ActiveX (Kin/Rad 'Fender)                                    50+ Incarnate

    3.  Slayer of Monsters (Traps/BR 'Fender)                 50+ Incarnate             Badger, Too (700+ right now)

    4.  Agelenopsis (Crabbermind)                                 50+ Incarnate

    5.  Nuclear Bull (Fire/Rad Tank)                                 50+ Incarnate             Sole Farmer, Gladly Helps Sitters & Hitters (Semi-Retired)


    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Celestialstarwolf said:

    Hey, JJ. Ok, well, I've decided to try out Arachnos for a bit but I'm having some trouble trying to figure this out. For the Spiders you have things from the Spider tree but it won't let me pick them in CC. All I can pick there are Single Shot and Pummel. As for the Widow/Fortunata I can't pick subdue from the Fortunata tree. Need help, please. TIA.


    For VEATS, you need to be level 24 to unlock the specialties.  You will receive a free respec at 24, and everything unlocks then.

  4. Typically, you build for recharge to get your "pets" out as often as possible.  And, while you wait, you blast away, shielded by your FF generator, seekers (if taken), caltrops (if taken), mortars, etc.  It takes getting used to to get things set up, but once you have the groove down, it's quite fun.  My Traps/BR defender can take on almost anything, though it can take a while to wear down GMs.


  5. 6 hours ago, Spark Inferno said:

    That tells me nothing I need to know what the actual words are that they abbreviate. What do they stand for the KB and KD I have been back a total of 5 weeks and have no clue. Like an elderly person has no idea what lol means so you have to tell them laughing out loud.

    KB is knockback, where the target(s) you hit go flying away from the attack's point of origin.  KD is knockdown, where the targets fall down where they are.  Most teams don't care for random knockback (KB), since it sends the mobs flying away from you, forcing you to follow after them.  The Overwhelming Force Invention Origin (IO) set contains one enhancement that will convert KB to KD for that attack when you slot it into that power's enhancements.  You can read about the Overwhelming Force IO set here: Overwhelming Force - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki (along with most things Homecoming related)


    You can either find this enhancement as a random drop in the Summer Blockbuster trial (see that Wiki link above to find out more) or from the Auction House, where you can buy those that people are selling with influence.  I hope that helps.

  6. As has been mentioned, I think the hardest part will be keeping the defender alive due to splash damage.  That is the primary killer of many of my defenders when fighting large groups on a team, and that is when I'm actively playing.  Since you want a defender, I would choose between force field and sonic resonance.  Keep the main bubble (dispersion) up and throw on the others if/when you want.  Also, load the defender with leadership and any other +def powers you can to minimize hits.  If you go sonic, you can also toss disruption field on your scrapper for some additional -res, since your defender is auto-following.  The other school of thought I have is to get something with a PBAoE heal and set it to auto.  Then, gear that defender toward IO sets that add +healing and +rchg to get an almost continuous stream of healing.  That will help keep the defender "topped off" health-wise, but you still need to build for defense.  Empathy would be my choice, unless your scrapper is incredibly self-sufficient, as you can jump to the defender before a large fight and toss on all those buffs (as others mentioned).

    • Like 1
  7. Do you case Empowering Circuit on your pets and have it jump to you?  All your ally buffs will often jump back to buff you, especially when you're solo and near your pets.  And, without seeing your build, I am wondering how you have all your powers slotted.  Here's a copy of my build for reference (assuming my version of Mids works).


    View This Build In MRB


    PS: My initial build used Scorpion Shield, so I had to run the Black Scorpion arc to unlock the patron pool.  My Elec/Elec was one of the easiest builds to ever get through that arc.

  8. 2 hours ago, evetsleep said:

    When it comes to soloing "at a leisurely pace" I am hard pressed to not recommend (bots/thug/mercs)/traps mastermind.  Bots and Thugs are a classic well tested SOLO set and mercs, with the recent changes, are very much improved.

    I have a Bots/FF mastermind, and he is fun.  However, and it might just be me, he really struggles with the tougher content (AVs, very large mobs, etc.).  Thankfully, when a cascading fail is coming, I have plenty of time to brace for and react to it.  Pairing it with Traps might be an interesting alternative, though!  Thanks for the suggestion, evetsleep!

  9. 11 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


    Claws/Bio Scrapper.


    Truth be told, I've never had a scrapper hit 50.  That's a possibility, given I have no issues with melee (hence my tanks).  Can a claws/bio scrapper handle the harder content even when at the lower levels (20's and 30's)?  I know that claws matures quickly, but I have no experience with bio.  Thanks, twozerofoxtrot!

  10. 39 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    I nominate the Crabber-mind!

    That's an interesting idea!  Thank you, Bionic_Flea!  I haven't played an epic AT since live!  Would you happen to have a build handy that I could look over?  I will gladly admit that my VEAT building experience is...um...very lacking!  Thank you for the idea!

  11. 22 minutes ago, carroto said:

    It's fine if you only play at 50 but if you want to be able to exemplar and keep that ability it's tough.

    Thanks for your thoughts, carroto!  I appreciate your comment (quoted above), as that's on my mind.  Yes, I can take almost any toon to 50, slot out all the incarnates, and then solo almost anything in the game (maybe using two builds, depending on the content).  I'm trying to think of something that opens up earlier.  My tanks, while very survivable, couldn't out damage an AV when exempted down to the lower levels.  My solo attempts at them always ended in a stalemate...and I didn't bring P2W powers to bear.


    I've read some about Stalkers, but I've never played one very far (even on live).  I assume that they overcome the mighty obstacles by damage, vice debuffing.  How do they fare against challenging content as they work their way up into the 20's and 30's?

  12. Hello, everyone!


    I have been running my traditional toons on Homecoming--Defender, Tank, and Controller.  This last TF run today made me stop and sigh, as we blew through the TF so fast that I didn't have time to stop and smell the flowers.  As an Elec/Elec defender, I almost felt unneeded when the blasters/corrupters jumped into mob after mob and just nuked them away.  Even the tank seemed more useless than helpful, though he did a good job gathering where possible.  I know that changes, depending on the circumstances, but it left me deflated.  And, on Homecoming--especially lately, every TF and arc that I've been on a team with has been a steamrolling ride.

    I'm looking for something that I can solo up through the game at a leisurely pace.  However, I'd like it to stand up to whatever challenges await--AVs in arcs and TFs, mobs (though I don't care about soloing +4/x8 at level 2), and perhaps even GMs once I am able build-wise.  I have a few 50's on Homecoming (a farming tank, a regular tank, a 'troller (Illusion), a few defenders), since I gravitate toward them, but I'm willing to try anything.  Money isn't an object, given my farmer.  I'll team when I am able, but I'd like to solo a lot to reread some of the great arcs in CoH.  I'll likely start blue-side, as I have a few gold-side toons and I really don't care for red-side.



    Something that can solo CoH content, harder challenges (AV/GM), and can still take time to smell the flowers!  Any AT suggestions are welcome, especially if you think it will be a nice change from the tank/'fender/'troller playstyle that I am inclined to play.

    Thank you in advance for your pontifications!

  13. I took on the Gold-side arcs with an Elec/Elec defender, pausing XP and running every arc through 20.  Honestly, anything works.  However, I do recommend (as was mentioned earlier) that you take hover and possibly stealth if you have ranged attacks.  The ghouls can be rough, so stealthing and staying out of melee is very helpful for a low HP defender.  I'm thinking about going Gold-side again with another toon.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Psyonico said:

    no, it will not wake a sleeping mob.


    it will, however, cause them to aggro (even though they are still asleep)

    Thanks, Psyonico!  That answers my question.  I was considering a secondary to pair with Mind Control, and was thinking about a set where I could sleep a mob and then SP/SS/FS myself (or a team) before blasting away.  And that helps me to understand that field in CoD!

  15. 1 hour ago, Uun said:

    Yes. If you look at any of the powers on CoD, "Notify Mobs" (lower left corner) is set to "Always".

    Thanks, Uun!  I have never noticed that field in CoD before!  That helps me tremendously!

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