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  1. Earning SP in game would be cool. Maybe for something not quite as hard though and possibly with a weekly cap.
  2. Everything you just said is a good idea and a QOL improvement over de-toggle. Stone armor is a terribly outdated set that could benefit from it though it wouldn't fix the issues with SA.
  3. The easiest QOL change you can make for kheldians is toggle suppression. When you swap forms, instead of toggles getting turned off they simply suppress so when you change back to a human, you don't spend10 years re toggling everything.
  4. Give dominator energy melee gimmick (obviously adjust so it works with just melee) Make energy transfer AoE like bab (adjust numbers so not too OP) Make stun a small cone so you can stun 1-3 enemies if you line it up correctly. Energy Melee 2.0...3.0?...4.0? whatever.
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