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Everything posted by iaele

  1. I would like to be quite self sufficient, still i like to be in big messy action with a full team. I can put influence gained with my fire farmer. I prefer to support but I guess i will need 1 primary set attack for -regen big guys. I like fly but SJ is good too. Ty for help! Alessio
  2. Can someone help me with a build for ROBOTS/NATURE MM? It seems I can't find a recent build. Repairs was skippable, but Maintenance Drone is quite good to have). Thank you in advance. Alessio
  3. Can you please give me your build? Ty in advance. Alessio
  4. Can you please show me your build? Ty in advance.
  5. I can't find a good bots build considering the changes in the primary. Everyone skips repair bot, which is too good to be skipped.
  6. Do you have Builds for Stormy Demons and Thugs i could see please? The gameplay changes much between the two?
  7. I would like to play Storm as secondary, but what primary fits better with It? Bots, Demons and Thugs are the 3 i like the most. My first objective is to soft cap positional def. Any suggestion/Builds?
  8. Can you please give me your Elec Armor/Rad tanker build? I tried to make one but im really bad with mids and sets. Iaele
  9. Ty guys, your help is very apreciated. I will give a try to an Ice Armor Tanker. Now, should i prefer Rad or Spines? Any solid build available? Iaele
  10. Hello. I was wondering if this kind of tanker is effective. What primary would be better? I guess Stone and Dark maybe are more reliable? Still, Ice and Electric armor sounds funny to play. Should i try to cap res or def for a double PbAOE toggle Tanker? And what is the best secondary between Rad and Spines? Ty in advance for any help! Iaele
  11. iaele

    ICE Tanker

    Please, can someone help me with ICE/RAD and ICE/Spines builds? Thank you.
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