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Everything posted by Sanxion

  1. Thank you for your work, Homecomingservers Team !
  2. Thank you for the patch notes. Iam glad to log in this evening.
  3. Thank you AboveTheChemist, that worked ! 🙂
  4. Same problem here, thanks for fixing. I use the task manager to shut down the program, because the error repeats and repeats...
  5. Good day, some of my characters have Crimson as story arc and some as missions. Can anybody tell me why? Is it because iam magic and not mutation like him? Or is it that i contact him in the past while i have more than 4 story arcs actvie? Thanks for an answer, Sanxion
  6. You are right, AboveTheChemist (with that SisterOfMercy Profile Pic 🙂 its do not happen without this ""Numbered Inspirations (v1)" Mod installed..... This Post is wrong at this place, can i move them to a mod forum?
  7. Mhhh, yes, CoH Modder tells me that i have "Numbered Inspirations (v1) installed... I will remove this mod today and let you know...
  8. Hello, if your inspiration box looks like in this picture below, then you have to change your graphic configuration options under "World Texture Quality" to Medium or higher.
  9. Hi all, iam back and founded a good mission with fake nemesises: Contact: Black Scorpion Levels: 45-50 Mission: Stop Nemesis Attack! https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Black_Scorpion#Stop_Nemesis_Attack.21 ( a rarely map, like in holidays at the beach)
  10. Good morning, i want to create a Base Porter but i dont know the passcode. How i can find the passcode of my supergroup? Thanks for help!
  11. Hello all, is there a option to change the font size in the auction house? my w7 running with 2560 x 1080... thanks for help ! Sanxion
  12. Thanks for the answers. Yes, i defeated the "Psychic Clockwork" 40-50" and not the "Clockwork" 1-20s, my fault, sorry for asking.
  13. Storm Summoning - Can I use inspirations to push "Lightning Storm" & "Freezing Rain" ? Iam a Storm Summoning Controller... Thanks for an answer !
  14. Guten Tag, in der Kategorie "Defeats" muss man 100 "animated gears" bezwingen. Von diesen "Cannon Prince". Nun, obwohl ich von denen Haufenweise töte, bleibt der Wert 15 von 100. Was mache ich falsch? Ist völlig ungewohnt, weil sonst funzt das hervorragend... Hat jemand einen Tipp? Hello, under "Defeats", there is "Destroy 100 Clockwork animated gears to earn this badge". I defeated a lot of these "Gears" (from Cannon Prince), but it counts not up. What can i do? The counter is still on 15/100.... ? Thanks for answer...
  15. Hello, iam searching a mission with a lot of Fake Nemesis and War Hulks. It plays on a beach, open map. Anybody knows something? MISSION MIT FAKE NEMESIS UND WAR HULK GESUCHT Hallo, ich suche eine bestimmte Missionen mit vielen falschen Nemesisen und zwar spielt die an einem Strand mit diesen Bohrmaschienen die in den Sand gesteckt sind. Leider weiss ich weder den Namen der Missi noch den Kontakt. Kann mir jemdand bei der Suche behiflich sein? Danke!!
  16. Hello, i want to fight a TF by my self. this wiki tells me that i can doing that, but its impossible to start. Iam 30 and meet the recuirements. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Task_Force Smoke and Mirrors Twilight's Son 1 25 to 34 3 4 Takes place in Ouroboros. The 5th Column Overthrow Mender Lazarus 1 30 to 39 6 4 Takes place in Ouroboros. Why i cannot start one of those TF? Thank fpr your Help!
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