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Posts posted by FFFF

  1. 12 hours ago, ZamuelNow said:


    Generally curious, what makes Brutes more new player friendly than Scrappers?


    I think rage is somewhat overpowered at low levels (not in a bad way). With my brutes, I can one-shot a lot of lieutenants with essentially unslotted attacks. Eventually, around level 10, you stop being able to do that since bad guy hit points scale to assume you have enhancements in your attacks. Rage is also a mechanic you can control whereas crits from scrappers are random. Moving from mob to mob at low levels don't really hurt you as a player whereas at high levels, you may want to be a bit more considerate depending on mob type.


    With that said, these are minor advantages I'm talking about. Scrappers work great for new players. It's like arguing whether apples are pears are sweeter.

  2. Brute being the most popular is unsurprising. It's arguably the most new player friendly of the ATs and the farmer AT of choice.


    Defenders and stalkers being relatively unpopular is a bit of surprise. Though upon recollection, you rarely see the blue shield nowadays. I think I might have seen a stalker on a team perhaps four months ago. Stalkers are definitely around, but they seem to be helmed by soloists.

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  3. 1 minute ago, tjjano33 said:

    Did they change how to get the Long Range Teleporter since Page 7 Came out?  I got all my badges for Atlas Park (took a bit because I did not know they moved the Rookie Exploration badge).  However, I did not receive the Long Range Teleporter power after getting the badge and merits for completing it.  I assumed then that there might be a change, so I went to Kings Row to get one badge and thought maybe now I have a badge in two zones that the power would appear, but no luck.  Did they change the requirements on how to get the Long Range Teleporter or is it a bug that I should report?

    You now need 10 exploration badges to unlock it.

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  4. 53 minutes ago, mechahamham said:

    On the multi-lingual front, the players I seem to run into the most often that have trouble with English are Korean folks. They're usually on in the VERY late night US time or early morning. When my insomnia lets me sleep at all, I'm usually on the same schedule they are.


    I had no idea that there were non-English speaking folks on HC. I don't think the HC servers/clients support any sort of localization, so this must be tough for them.

  5. As a level 2 blaster, I accidentally zoned into Steel Canyon and was insta-killed by nearby Outcasts. Ending up in the Steel Canyon hospital, i wasn’t good enough to run back to the tram or the tunnel back to Atlas before being killed again and sent back. I just ended up deleting the character and recreating it so I could be in Atlas. If that wasn’t bad enough, I accidentally wandered into Independence Port at level 9 on the recreated character and essentially fell into the same loop. Fortunately, I managed to make it to Skyway just to be instantly put down by a Troll boss. The trek from the Skyway hospital to the tram wasn’t nearly that bad. 

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  6. I don't think there's a difference in mob density. As @Lunar Ronin mentioned, the red side mobs are more difficult. CoV came out a year after CoH and the devs definitely learned a lot. The missions are honestly richer. The stories are better (yes, even though you are often times an evil minion of someone more powerful). Even the contacts are more flavorful. Compare Doc Buzzsaw or Television with a contact like Steven Sheridan or Cadao Kestrel. CoV, if I'm not mistaken, introduced elements like ambushes, cut scenes and more varied mission objectives. You also have less free 13 lawyers from the Devouring Earth or find 11 relics in Oranbega type missions.


    I think CoV's unpopularity simply boils down to the fact that most players (me included) like playing the good guys in a superhero MMO. Mercy Island is rather depressing compared with Atlas Park which is not only buzzing with player activity, but gives off an uplifting feeling.

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  7. 1 hour ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    My main is a tank and I spent years leading PuGs on Freedom and Virtue and then on Torchbearer. In all of those years leading PuGs I had maybe a handful of bad experiences. So maybe, just maybe, if you're having a lot of problems with PuGs the problem is you.


    Nah, that can't be it. We're all perfect. It's those other people who aren't on the forums who are the problem, right?

    I’m not sure why you’re so snippy. I made it clear that the majority of my PUG experiences are quiet but competent. I’m surprised there seems to quite an abundance of stories of bad experiences. Without fail, there is a weekly story here about some failing. 

    If you have something to add to this conversation great. If you’re trying to snidely insult me then yeah, that’s evident. Good day to you. 

  8. I think both ATs are end game viable but brutes, if built well, can more easily play a pseudo tank role owing to higher resistance caps and hit points.


    I like defense sets for scrappers and resistance sets for brutes in general. I have not played regen on brutes since I’ve started on HC so I’m ignorant as to what they can do in end game content. Regen on Sentinels is actually pretty good, while the consensus opinion is that it is underwhelming on scrappers (though IOs can probably patch many of the perceived shortcomings)

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  9. 1 hour ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    Bad PUG experiences for me are often caused by:


    1. Folks playing solo on a team. If you're going to run off on your own then complain when you've been pounded into the floor, don't bitch and moan to or about about the other players who kept together and covered each others' back. If you can hold your own, fine, if not then the 'G' in PUG stands from Group.
    2. Being unfamiliar with a special mechanic is a mission and ignoring instructions on how to deal with it. Not everything in the game requires brute force, some thing require you to use items/kill X but not Y/defeat or destroy item prior to defeating X/etc.
    3. Not paying attention. Team activity being advertised 'Kill most or kill all' and players punching straight through to the end.


    I think all these are somewhat excusable if you’re talking about a player base that’s a mix of old and new players. Some of us have probably played certain task forces upwards of a 100+ times. How can people still be this bad with that much repetition? 

  10. I've had my share of bad pick-up groups recently though the majority of my teaming experiences have mostly been quiet competence, teammates who join and fulfill expectations but are relatively quiet.


    There are some of us that have well over a decade plus of experience, and let's be honest, this game isn't that tough. There's really nothing that require twitch reflexes, buffs/debuffs are very powerful and encounters are rare where you require players to act in a specific sequence or apply anything more than the simplest of strategies (e.g., "don't go on the stairs until we clear around it).


    And yet we are regaled continually of stories of incompetence, bad team play, and sometimes bad behavior bordering on griefing.


    This would make sense if this was 2004 and the player base had only a couple of months under their collective playing experience, but this is 20 years later. Yes, there are "AE babies", characters that are manned by players who rush to level 50, but I think those are rarer than what most people believe. I think this is an overwhelming veteran playing base, and the state of play from our random pick-up group doesn't seem to match what I think should be better overall play.


    I wonder a little if the bad play could be a result of part-time play. The vast majority of us have careers, families, activities, outside of this game and dip in only here or there. Maybe, it's truly rust. I know that I'm competent on just about anything pre-incarnate but I'm not knowledgeable about iTrials or how to speed past certain obstacles.


    The other reason could be that some of us just don't care that much about our quality of play. I know there's more than a few that may enjoy an adult beverage or two while playing and that could obviously affect judgment, reflexes or even behavior. Others may just be tired of the pace of traditional team (which begs the question of why join one in the first place) and may try to solo in the context of a team.



  11. I don't think Fire/Fire is as bad as many of us remember it. Back in the old days it was the epitome of a debt machine.


    With that said I think this would be terrible combination for me because how methodically I typically play. With Fire/Fire you just have to go for it and trust the best offense is the best defense.

  12. +0/x1 default all the way until level 25-32 depending on AT. Then I'll bump to +1 or +2 but still keep it at x1. I value story arc completion and reward merits as much as the additional xp. At around late 20s/30s though, leveling slows a bit so bumping up difficulty still allows for a decent leveling speed while completing arcs.

  13. I realize that the folks that lurk here probably skew older than even the current player base. I'm assuming that I'll get different answers on Discord or on /r/cityofheroes. According to this thread, we skew to around 50 years old and are mostly males.


    I'm curious if the NCSoft licensing agreement and/or the updates in Issue 7 lured in any new players, players who are experiencing City of Heroes for the first time in 2024 (or late 2023).  If you're new, I'd love to know what drew you in.

  14. 23 hours ago, temnix said:

    I think I should be able to play this or any other game like this: I fight, complete quests, develop powers and with a little selling of what I don't need, buying what I do, a tiny bit of saving, maybe, continue on my merry way. But development here is not inherent, it hinges on filling power slots. If I am being herded into consignments or some weird and time-consuming economic shenanigans, then... I am not interested enough even to make a joke.


    So you just don't want to avail yourself of the mechanisms in the game that allows you to have plenty of influence?


    Even if you don't want to play the market, how difficult is it to get merits (which you do for just doing story arcs / TFs), converting them to Enhancement Converters, listing the batch for 10 inf each and selling them for 65-70k a pop?


    100 merits = 300 enhancement converter = 18M influence (assuming the bottom price of 60k per each enhancement). Just running through the full Hollows arcs can net you 85 merits. 18M is more than enough to fund a character on SOs for the rest of your hero career.

  15. 2 minutes ago, StarseedWarrior said:

    5 50s is considered casual these days? Lol I guess if your always using exp boosters all the time.


    No boosters, no PL either. I find the leveling process in Homecoming really fast, even with me running 95% solo, and mostly doing missions. It probably has to do with early access to SOs, inherent fitness and the converter economy which eliminates early level scarcity. I can get to level 20 or so within 4-5 hours of play. 50 takes me about a month playing part-time. I just don't die as much and athletic run + jump jet pretty much cuts down travel time a lot.

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  16. I've been looking for a new favorite scrapper, and somehow it's been a bit elusive. Back during Live service, I had four or five that I really enjoyed: Spines/Regen, Fire/Shield, Kat/SR, Dual Blades/WP and others. Back then, brutes were considered inferior tanks; I built up an Electric/Shield brute which was okay. I've dabbled with just about all the power sets that were available prior to issue 20. The stuff I wasn't familiar with I've started to play around with.


    On Homecoming, I've played:

    • Staff/SR - stopped playing at level 40 due to feeling staff was inadequate. I still like the character but it took too long to kill ("arrest") stuff.  This is even after a sizeable investment in IOs (about 200+M worth)
    • Savage Melee/Rad - just couldn't get into the Savage Melee mechanics. Radiation armor feels better on tanks and brutes in my opinion owing to higher resistance caps. I have three other radiation armor characters.
    • MA/Invuln - still playing. Both MA and Invulnerability were two sets I didn't play much on Live. The character is "okay". Not great, not bad. I'll still probably keep playing because I like the character concept. Another combination that I think may be better on a brute or tank due to lower resistance caps. Still the scrapper crit ATO on Cobra Strike is pretty nice.


    I've also played a lot of brute combinations, and they all feel pretty nice. Battle Axe/Frozen Armor in particular is a bit of a standout on a brute but actually may be better as a scrapper. I also have an Energy Aura brute, and again it feels like it may have been better as a scrapper.


    What scrapper combination do you recommend that you think works better as a scrapper than either a brute or tank? What combination feels "crunchy"? One of the things I enjoyed about scrappers are the large damage numbers that can be inflicted on hard targets like bosses, elite bosses. Among my current characters, staff has almost no ability to do that while MA can generate some nice numbers. I'm trying to recapture my earlier love this AT.


  17. I'm making a small plug for a Guide I published recently on leveling from 1 to 20. It's up-to-date with the Page 7 changes that dropped yesterday.


    As you're a returnee, you're probably familiar with many of these steps already, but I think it will be helpful to you to see how someone else plays, sets up their characters, earn influence and generally progress through the game. You do not have to play this way at all. Farming is still well and alive, and many players skip through parts of the content they don't like either through trials like DFB or joining radio mission teams.


    I think the others covered your questions about incarnates, SGs, etc.

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  18. I have updated the above guide to reflect the changes to the new character experience that dropped in Issue 27, Page 7. The biggest effect may be in how to quickly earn influence via the Atlas Park exploration badge collection method. The method still works but you will need to collect the badge Rookie (near Ms Liberty) and Silent Sentinel (which is now in Echo: Atlas Park) is no longer needed. The collection of 8 exploration badges also no longer award the Passport accolade and the Long Distance Teleporter. You will have to collect any additional two exploration badges to unlock these (easily obtainable).


    The list of badges required for Atlas Park Tourist and 5 Reward Merits:

    • Hero Corps Insider
    • Undefeated
    • Patriot
    • Top Dog
    • Freedom
    • Edge of Chaos
    • Observant
    • Rookie
  19. 2 minutes ago, heyedwin said:


    I'm trying to understand why it's not longer giving me the 5 easy merits after reaching all locations using the vidiot map.  In the past, it was easy 600-800k influence.  But after the new patch went live.  It no longer gives those 5 easy merits because 'Silent Sentinal' was moved.  I'm not asking about comparisons, I just want to know if I'm going crazy because of one change, which is the location of 'Silent Sentinal'.  That's why I provided a full uncut video of me doing the location run for the easy 5 merits.


    Go talk to Ms. Liberty. You might have to get to level 2, but I got the Rookie badge when I went up to train. I don't think you have that one.

  20. 13 minutes ago, heyedwin said:


    Thank you for testing it as well.  I've included another test I did.  I've provided the     full video with no edits       so you can see it all happen.  I'm willing to learn what it is I'm doing wrong.  I've done in the past before this new patch was made live.  (Depending on when you're watching the video below, Youtube is still processing the HD version)



    Here's what I got so you can compare. Full exploration badge list:




    Edit: This was done on a fresh level 2 character on Excelsior.


    Edit 2: You don't have the Rookie badge. I got that running up to Ms Liberty to train.

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