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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. I love the idea of giving the "losing side" a benefit.  I suggested this a long time ago, that there be a passive bonus given to whichever side has the least active players:


    Too many Heroes: "With all the villains being locked up these days, there's more opportunities for up-and-coming ne'er-do-wells."

    Too many Villains: "Paragon is in constant peril these days, now is the perfect time for new Heroes to do some real good."


    Buuuuuuuut...Null exists.  I have been harping on this since the very inception of Homecoming, the bird needs to be shut down (By which I mean the alignment switching, everything else is fine).  Having a quick-and-easy method of switching sides completely eradicates any point in having factions, because everyone will just instantly switch to whichever side is more popular.  Nobody plays villains because there is no commitment to playing a villain, they just take their grimdark demon beast character to blueside and play there.  The alignment system, as it was intended, forces the players to make a choice and makes it difficult to change that choice.  Sometimes limiting the players is better for the game, and this is one reason why.


    Kill the damn bird.

    • Like 2
  2. On my SD/Stone Tanker, female character, whenever I have my shield in hand my taunt sound effect changes from the default grunt noise to this loud Amazonian screech.  I had this same character back on live, and this was not the case.  I know I've brought this up before and I've seen someone else bring it up, is there any chance of getting this changed so that the default sound plays regardless of whether you have the shield up or not?

  3. I only ever played one Tanker on live so I wasn't super familiar with their set options, I had no idea they didn't have access to Energy Aura.  This seems really abnormal, was there ever a reason why they couldn't have access to it? Can this be rectified?  I was well into brainstorming an EA/TW Tanker only to get home and find out the unfortunate, and somewhat baffling truth.

  4. But Propel already does hit multiple targets, it does damage to the primary target but it hits with knockdown in an AoE around them.  If it did AoE damage as well, it would need a longer cooldown to compensate, and the last thing we need in a set with only two attacks which do appreciable damage is longer cooldowns.

    • Like 1
  5. Regen is not a good set for tanking.  As for Brute and Scrapper, I find Brutes to be capable tanks if built for it, and Scrappers not so much.  A Scrapper can hold a few enemies safely, but not the hordes a Tanker or Brute can.  The main difference between Tankers and Brutes is that a Tanker can just tank all day while their team does the damage, while a Brute can tank short-term and speeds up the process by being a capable DPSer themselves.


    Basically, if you want to be tough and still dish out respectable damage, play a Brute.  If you don't care about your damage and just want to never die, play a Tanker.  If you want to be a raving psychopath flitting from target to target like a murder-hummingbird, play a Scrapper.

  6. I'm confused.  I have this power on autocast, with I believe two recharge IOs and nothing else, and the duration is a bit longer that the cooldown.  ANd I don't even have recharge bonuses, when I actually put some sets into my character, the cooldown will be even shorter.  I don't see why this should be a concern, nor do I understand the KB argument because as I recall, it DOES have KB protection (I have never been KB'd while it is active).

  7. screenshot_190818-17-43-43.thumb.jpg.2fdcd3ba9c64c2e28c331d24e3c565f3.jpg


    Bit of a backstory here: Back on live, when Going Rogue was first released, I made my main Praetorian character "Max Violence."  At this point in the storyline, I took a screenshot like this one and thought it was really cool.  But, several years and PCs later, the original screenshot was lost.  So what better way for me to commemorate the return of CoH and the rebirth of Max, than to recreate that scene?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, quixoteprog said:

    The Robots primary could replace pretty much any MM direct attack with something that turns the "clang clang clang" of their walking into something quieter, and I bet it would rank pretty high on the list.


    You could call it "Robo-Sketchers" or even "techno-stilettos" for the sophisticated MM out for a night on the town with his posse.



    Get out.

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  9. You're just going to end up with a bunch of people using Null to go over to redside for a little while, then once the event is over they will go back to blue.  Face it: The problem is that it's too easy to switch, meaning there is no sense of commitment or loyalty to one side, combine that with the fact that people have always whined about redside's aesthetic/storylines and it's a recipe for the Rogue Isles to be a ghost town.

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  10. My Elec/Storm on Live was entirely built around end drain.  Short Circuit, Mu Mastery's Power Sink, and Deflated Ego -Recovery on Hurricane were the main staples of my set.  It worked with crippling effectiveness on just about anything up to EBs.  When Incarnate came around I was able to add Musculature Radial Paragon for even more end drain, on top of everything else useful it did for my build.

  11. 5 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    As someone who loves Savage Assault on her Dominator: 


    You should never be exhausted.  Pop your stacks at 3 or 4, guys. That's how it's meant to be played. The ring is misleading because it's a warning rather than a queue to use that power. 

    This is what I do, but it is still not the "correct" way to play.  It's a bandaid for a bad mechanic, or at the very least a misleading design.  The powers which run on stacks clearly state that "at 5 stacks" they are more powerful, implying that the 5th stack is worth more than stacks 1-4.  Also, the circle around your power icons has ALWAYS in EVERY set indicated a good thing, not a "warning."  These are all bad, misleading signals if the intent was to punish the player for hitting 5 stacks.  In any case, I don't see any other sets like Street Justice or Water Blast being gimped for using max stacks, it shouldn't feel like a mistake to do the same with Savage Melee.

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  12. I do remember on Live seeing Reactive leaving a notable burning effect very frequently on the 75/25 version I used for my Elec/Storm Corruptor.  I don't recall seeing a resistance debuff showing, but that could just be either hidden or bad memory at work.  But I do distinctively remember a very obvious flame effect when the DoT hit, and I remember it being frequent enough to "feel right."

  13. Didn't Storm Kick have a Chun-Li style animation once upon a time?  I wonder if that can be added as an animation option for powers like Flurry and Shadow Maul.


    Sort of a tertiary thought, but it just came to mind.

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  14. They're worse than Shock Treatment.  I never understood why anyone thought it was a good idea to give mobs a full-duration defensive T9.  Maybe if it was a raid boss that would be acceptable, but giving a run-of-the-mill basic boss mob that kind of ability is just a soul-crushing waste of time.  Should be like 30 seconds, maximum.

  15. 9 minutes ago, carroto said:

    If I'm understanding that correctly, then a character wouldn't take any "real" damage until enough was inflicted to chew through the temporary HP.


    So how does that work on an auto or toggle power that grants +absorb?  Wouldn't that be constantly refreshing the temporary HPs?  Seems like it would be impossible to take any actual damage unless it was coming in at a rate that surpassed the absorb amount and refresh interval of the power.


    Looking in the character builder it shows the Blaster power Reaction Time as granting 6023.8% absorb every 3 seconds.  What does that mean?

    I don't know the exact values on that power, but a friend of mine uses it and basically it ends up giving him a small absorption shield every few seconds.  It doesn't appear to stack on top of itself, but rather replace itself.  So if it is, for argument's sake, a 100HP shield and you take 50 damage, the next refresh will bring it back up to 100HP rather than 150HP.


    Think of it like a tiny second HP bar that gets consumed before your real HP and refills every 3 seconds.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, biostem said:

    Then the best route would be to go the "due diligence" route and implement a simple list of blocked names - keep said list fairly strict, though - so "Wolverine" would be blocked, but making "Trog the Rabid Wolverine" who is completely different, should be allowed.

    Of course, Marvel doesn't have a monopoly on a mammal.  However, making a Claws/Regen in yellow spandex under that name would still be a problem.  That's basically how it was handled back in the day, you simply could not create a character named simply "Wolverine," it would be rejected as if it were taken.  Anyone who tried to skirt around that would be reported and appropriately Generified (Their name would become something like "Generic#1234").

  17. 3 minutes ago, Mr.Sinister said:

    Repel was concerning hurricane.  Leaping strike into a mob with hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, lightning storm.  The chaos!  I need whirlwind ever since they nerfed hurricane’s repel.  


    How would the +rech proc work in whirlwind since it’s a toggle?

    Make it a Psi/Storm and throw Psionic Tornado into the mix.

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