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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. I asked this over in the Brute subforum and got no response, maybe I can get an answer here:


    If I were using Power Surge, then before the crash I hit Burnout and Power Surge again, what would happen?  Would it cancel the crash?  Would it just extend the duration?  Would I have two stacks of the power active?

  2. 1) You can always backtrack and do missions via the Ouroboros system.  Ouroboros is a special time-travel zone that allows you to replay any storyline mission in the game.  Some of these storylines have badges associated with them, so you are "missing out," but you can just do it later.  In order to access Ouroboros, you need any time-travel badge, which will grant you a portal power.  The easiest way is to have someone else open a portal so you can grab the exploration badge way at the top of the Ouroboros platform.  The only snag is Safeguards/Mayhems, which you can only backtrack to after defeating 25 of the "signature" heroes/villains, AKA the guys who try to rob the bank or stop you from robbing it.


    2) Missions are only gained via contacts, you will not find them randomly, so no need to go searching.  There are four types of contacts you can have in your contacts menu: Regular contacts who usually have a storyline, Radio/Newspaper which gives you a pool of random "go here and do a thing" missions, Detectives/Brokers who count the aforementioned random missions and will give you a Safeguard/Mayhem after a certain amount are done, and Tips which are gained randomly from defeated mobs and allow you to do alignment-related missions.  Your basic flow is this: Do Radios/Papers until you get a Safeguard/Mayhem, do that, then your Detective/Broker gives you a new contact.  That contact may give you another contact, otherwise repeat the process.  Fill in with whatever else you want to do.  You usually cannot get contacts just by walking up to them, you will need to be introduced by a prior contact.


    3) Mission chains usually only last for a couple missions.  There is no continuous storyline through the entire game.  Later storylines might mention prior ones, but you are not required to complete them.  There is ONE exception, and that's Praetoria, you follow pretty much one storyline the whole time.  Bear in mind Praetoria breaks every convention I mentioned in point 2 and is purely going from one contact to another in an unbroken chain.


    4) No, but if they happen to have the same mission you can share credit for completing it.

    • Like 4
  3. For AT, I suggest Brute.  Good offense, good defense, perfect for the sort of brawler-type character you are aiming at.  As for powers, you could justify anything by the power of color customization.  There's the obvious "non-elemental" sets like Super Strength, Martial Arts, and Street Justice for your generic punch/kick action.  Then there's weapon sets for a similar effect.  As for the "elemental" sets, you have the obvious electricity and energy for a more classic robot.  But really, anything can work with a little imagination.  Fire?  Turn it blue and call it plasma.  Dark?  Nanomachines, son.  Ice?  Stone?  Hardlight wireframe projections.  I've seen it all.  I love that a powerset doesn't have to be what it appears to be, just a little recoloring and a quick description in your bio and you can do anything.


    Though for my part, I like Energy Aura, energy shields are a classic staple of robots and cyborgs, go full Android #17 with it.

  4. Honestly, now that I think about it, it seems like it should be possible to give Group Fly two separate effects: A normally-sized PBAoE aura that effects players, as it is now, and a zone-wide effect on pets.  Since players and pets are already treated differently and some powers will effect one but not the other.


    The thing that comes to mind here is Phalanx Fighting.  When I started playing my Shield Tanker I quickly noted that Phalanx Fighting does not gain any benefit from nearby pets, therefore they must be flagged somehow as a non-player entity so that they can be selectively excluded.  All one would need to do is use that to selectively target them with this new secondary flight aura.

    • Like 3
  5. Anyone tried this?  What happens if you hit Power Surge again right before the first one wears off?  Does it still crash, or does it just extend the duration?  I don't really have anything else I want to take so I figured I'd try picking up Burnout on my Savage/Elec, just in case I need to go absolute nutbar Super Saiyan 3 mode for 6 minutes.

  6. The problem is Fitness, specifically Swift.  Swift increases both your run and fly speeds, however these bonuses apply ONLY to your character.  When Group Fly was first designed, Fitness was optional, so if you wanted your pets to keep up you just wouldn't take it.  But that is not the case anymore, and no matter what you do you will ALWAYS be faster then your pets, simply by the base value of Swift, so they will always fall behind.


    I doubt there is a way to fix this.  It's an artifact of old design that sadly never got addressed.  I don't think it's possible to extend the Swift bonuses to your pets, that would be the logical solution but God only knows if that's even possible.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    I don't think so. I've applied myself because there's changes that I want to see.

    It was pretty hostile.  Nobody likes the "You're not a dev, stop whining" retort.  It is never a good thing to do.


    I don't think anyone here realistically expects changes, but throwing around half-baked content and feature ideas is a time-honored MMO tradition.

  8. DO's are fine.  Progression is good.


    TO's, on the other hand, absolutely do not need to exist.  They are only relevant for the first 12 levels and, let's be honest here, even we who play the slow game usually get to that point in a short session.  They don't need to exist because they practically don't exist already.  They are a relic, just replace them with DO's and nobody would know the difference.

    • Like 3
  9. I am not a farmer, but I can explain how notoriety and drops interact:


    Increasing your effective team size only increases the number of mobs, and more targets = more drops.  There is, of course, a point of diminishing returns if you are unable to clear them fast enough, so you wind up wasting time.


    Level has no effect on drop rates, so if you are looking solely for recipe and salvage drops then you don't need to run at +4.  If their name shows as at least green to you, then you are fine.  Raising the level of mobs in your situation only increases their Inf rewards.


    So for you, I would first try dropping their level, see how fast you clear through, and then adjust the team size as needed.  Bear in mind that while level doesn't matter, rank does.  Bigger team size means more bosses, and bosses have better drop rates.

    • Like 2
  10. 20 minutes ago, Myrmidon said:

    If the population dropped drastically, my guess is that we would all be consolidated onto one or two servers. Also, given the way that donations fill so quickly, it’s likely that we could survive indefinitely at 10-20% of our starting playerbase. The only concern that any of us should really have is the time it takes for a new server to resurface if an NCSoft C&D comes down the pike.




    I am out of game for almost a month, however, that’s only because of my near month-long vacation in Europe. I will right back to Paragon as soon as I make it back home.

    I honestly wish they would consolidate servers.  It would cause some major problems with duplicate names, but I dunno, I think people would adapt.  Either way, we could really use a bigger population per server (especially over in the Rogue Isles).

  11. 38 minutes ago, Scientist said:

    I have fought him, someone called him out in LFG and I managed to get there just in time, and I saw one other call-out since then.  He was not super common even on live, though.  Perhaps the theory about not killing his entourage is correct?  


    I've also seen and participated in one Rikti invasion, but that was it.  I'm hoping for more, still need the Bomb badge.  

    Yeah, I actually did find him.  In fact, I called him out on LFG, so if you were on Indomitable and responded to someone named Magnum Witch, that was me.


    I still haven't seen any alerts, but at least I was able to find him.

  12. The initial rush wore off, that's all.  For my part, I don't play every single night anymore, but I'm still here.  This was expected, it happens to every game whether it's a new one or something revived like CoX, it always starts with an explosive amount of activity that then settles down into people playing a few nights a week.


    Of course, most of my acquaintances quit because they powered their way to max level and then got bored.  I still maintain that people with the "endgame is the real game" mindset are not going to last with CoX, and that attitude is too ingrained in younger gamers for something like CoX to really gain any ground.  There's a real lack of the slow pacing we had back in the late 00's when this game was at it's height.

  13. I kinda feel like it would be interesting to play with polarities, sort of expanding on the mechanics introduced in the fight with Anti-Matter.  Like have one of the single-target skills grant a Positive aura, and another emits a Negative aura, and then have something happen when the two are close.  Or maybe instead of a AoE heal, have some kind of AoE buff that charges the targets, then hitting one with a single-target heal chains a smaller heal out to the others.  Maybe then have a single target enemy-targeting skill that saps a huge amount of endurance and distributes it to charged allies.  I feel like there is a lot of potential to theme this around leaving charges on your allies and then having other skills interact with said charges.

  14. 1 hour ago, Sunsette said:

    You need mag 55 stealth to be immune to being seen out of combat by most common enemies. Mag 100 makes you immune to sight by giant monsters, and you need a whopping 149 to be unseen by snipers at any distance (though anything less does reduce the range at which they see you by that many feet). 


    Stealth and Super Speed grants 35. Invis grants 55. Stealth IOs grant 30. Stalker hide is 150 off the bat. If you don't make at least mag 55, try to stay about 20 feet away from enemies to avoid detection.


    A few enemies entirely ignore stealth.


    Generally newer content rewards stealth more because there are fewer defeat alls. I just finished Praetoria as a BR/ Energy Blaster with zero deaths or IOs thanks to stealth and careful sniping. 

    Useful information.  Stealth says it has a speed penalty, how bad is it?

  15. 10 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    So it moves pretty fast eh?  How about jumping?  It was mentioned earlier in the thread it's less than Ninja Run, what's your experience?

    The jump height is definitely less than Ninja Run, but still enough to get you over those pesky hurdles that normal jumping can't clear.  The run speed is faster than Ninja Run, and I think the jump speed is faster, so it's a fair trade-off.  Good for just getting around town between missions.

    • Like 1
  16. General consensus?


    I've got a few dead levels on my Scrapper and no real plans for anything else, so I was considering grabbing Stealth.  Would it be worth it, and worth getting Invisibility as well?  Not sure if I'd go as far as Phase Shift.

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