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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. Make your villain, but on blueside ... run DFB up to level 20 ... visit Null the Gull, and switch to Villain.  Pretend the blueside stuff never happened, you're just so awesome your character _starts_ at level 20 or 21.  :)


    Actually, it's AFTER that point where I run into problems.  I can solo to 20 no problem in short order, but it's after that when I want to start finding teams.


    Truth be told, I think the alignment system was kind of a mistake, because it removes any unique, mechanical reason to play a villain.  Yes, I get that I'm a bit of a hypocrite here playing a hero AT as a villain, but the old restrictions forced people to pick a side.  Basically, my point here is that more choices and more options just results in everyone picking the same thing.

  2. Back in Live I built up my Elec/Storm Corruptor specifically for endurance drain.  I got my Short Circuit up to a point where I was draining half the endurance of the average boss, then went Mu Mastery with Power Sink to drain the other half, and slotted the Deflated Ego proc into Hurricane so I could further debuff their recovery.  Finally, I got the Musculature Radial Paragon alpha slot ability because it does literally everything an Elec/Storm character could ever want, including EndMod for even more draining.  If you want to go way overboard, go with Gravitic Interface.  I didn't feel the need at that point, so I went with Reactive.


    All told, it was pretty obnoxious and shockingly (hah) effective at shutting down tough foes.

  3. My characters are like 90% concept, and since I'm just plain better at coming up with villains then I play more villains, and I adamantly refuse to change sides on any of said characters because it would not fit the concept.


    Unfortunately, since nobody else plays villains and I don't really want to play my few hero characters right now, I've basically stopped playing.  It's becoming a serious problem.  The LFG channel is flooded with "DFB BLUE" non-stop.  Well, I'm not playing a hero and I am already sick to death of DFB, so what is there left to do?  I desperately want to play my villain Tanker, I made this character so I could tank for a team, but I just can't get any teams.


    I'm sure a certain someone is going to come in here and pitch a fit at me for saying this, but we seriously need to do something about the non-stop DFBing.  Nobody is even doing weekly SF/TF missions, nobody does anything but spam DFBs on heroes constantly.  It's impossible for a villain to find a team, and on the rare occasion you do find one it's more DFB.


    So to answer the initial question: I can't find teams, ergo I can't play redside.  And since I don't want to play blueside, I don't play much at all.


  4. I'd honestly like to see another hybrid power akin to mystic flight: Grappling hook.  Basically, toggle it on to increase jump height roughly equal to Ninja/Beast Run, and while active allow a "teleport" (think like Shield Charge or Savage Leap) that requires a surface to hit.


    It follows the same logic as other "hybrid" travel powers: Combine two powers, but make them lesser than their singular counterparts.


    Really they just need more travel pose emotes, like they have with flight. Some creative interpretations of Super Jump could get around a lot of these.


    Wouldn't mind some alternate Super Speed run poses, to be honest.


    I would love to see alternate teleport animations.  Or really just see the mystic flight spellcasting animation proliferated over to Teleport.

  5. I have this theory that all the Circle of Thorns Guides/Defenders/Non-Mage Guys are all 20's-to-30's D&D nerds who got lured into actual demon worshiping like something out of a Jack Chick fever dream.

    I'm not sure how serious you're being here but canonically all of the CoT humans are regular people who were kidnapped and had their soul replaced by one of the ancient Oranbegans.


    There is an absolute butt ton of lore in enemy groups and I'm too lazy to read/remember all of it.

  6. Maybe it's just my tinfoil hat showing, but I think mob AI basically says "I'm not DPSing enough, time to flee!"  I've noticed that if their recharges are hosed, or their End is drained, or their hit chance is trashed, mobs will default to running like mad instead of trying to stand their ground.

  7. I've been on the fence about taking it for my Pistols/Dark Blaster.  So far I have Bonfire, I intend to get Fire Shield and Rise of the Phoenix, so I don't NEED to take Melt Armor.  Groups already get insta-killed so I don't care about the AoE, it would be more for bigger targets but I don't think it will make enough of a difference.


    I dunno.  I was going to respec out Death Shroud for it.  Maybe I'll just keep Shroud or grab Char.  Two holds and a fear wouldn't be the worst thing.

  8. Hate to break it to you but farming/PLing was a part of CoH at launch.

    CoX was designed for people to play how they wanted to play, to make as many characters as they wanted to make, and to join with others who wanted to play the same way.

    I have a friend who played for a few weeks - got to like level 30ish doing story arcs and hasn't been seen in over 6 weeks... so your anecdotal acquaintance is just that...anecdotal.

    When CoH was live farming was so popular/in demand that Chinese Gold Farmers spammed the zones offering great deals...and I know many who paid real money to have their character farmed to 50 in a day.


    I think your rose tinted sunglasses are skewing your view of what CoH was...


    I am not saying those people didn't exist, but it was accepted by the majority that it was the wrong way to play, and those people were duly ridiculed for doing so.  Not to mention, I vividly remember Positron going on a rampage when people started using AE to powerlevel and farm, doling out nerfs and bans like a goddam vengeful deity.  The folks at Paragon were very disappointed to see a tool for creativity used as a shortcut.


    Yeah, powerlevelers and farmers existed, in a minority, and as a sort of grimy underbelly that we mostly ignored and laughed at.  It was not THIS bad.  Every other character I see is a damned Spines/Fire now.

  9. An acquaintance of mine rushed through the game to max level and Incarnate.  He hasn't played in over a month.


    The landscape of gaming has changed so much, back when CoX was live we still lived in a time when the leveling process mattered.  These days all that matters is the endgame.  So people unfamiliar with the "old ways" are blasting through only to realize that there isn't much to see at the end.


    CoX was designed to be enjoyed over a long period of leveling.  Slow down, enjoy the journey.  It's a nice reprieve from the instant gratification shit that is plaguing other games.

  10. Yes, with one minor exception: The temporary absorption shield that you click to activate, don't remember the name, the "no FX" option will show the blob armor for a second, but it bursts immediately and you go back to normal.  Otherwise, there ARE visuals in the form of pulsing and particle effects, but no blob armor.  I'm OK with that, personally, I think the non-blob effects look cool.

  11. It is specifically non-player heroes/villains.  Basically any of the random heroes/villains who you would encounter during a Safeguard or Mayhem, also they will show up in Tip missions.  You only need 25, which could be a pain if you're just starting to pursue this at level 50 but it's something you'll probably get incidentally if you're playing content all the way through.


    I'm honestly not sure how you didn't know about this badge, it's something that existed for years on Live, I got it on pretty much every character I ever played without even trying, it's not something you usually have to go out of your way to accomplish.  All they did here is tie it into a new method of backtracking to older missions.


    Not gonna lie, man, this is one hell of an overreaction to one of the most mundane badges in the game.

  12. This has been brought up before, but it was buried and mostly ignored, so I am bringing it up again:


    When using Shield Defense, in this case a Shield/Stone Tanker, female character, the Taunt sound effect is incorrect.  When the shield is not deployed (all toggles off, both hands free) the sound effect is the expected grunt we all know.  However, when the shield is deployed, the taunt becomes this grating screech.  It is very annoying and really takes me right out of the game.


    I do not recall this being the case in the old days of Live, back when I played the same power sets.  I also don't know if this is an issue for other Shield characters.  In any case, is there any chance of getting this fixed?  I feel like the change of animations mandated by having a shield deployed is somehow calling the wrong sound effect.

  13. Have you tried any of the post-Incarnate content?  It is designed to be far more difficult, requiring that you have all that extra power.  It is also more mechanically complex, even at that higher level of power you can and will be flattened if you do something wrong.  Endgame in CoX isn't about mindlessly nuking, go in with that attitude and you're going to get your team wiped.

  14. I would take someone with low-end power sets that they picked for flavor, rather than a Spines/Fire Brute fully decked out with sets.  When you pick power sets for fun, you learn how to make them work.  You learn how to exploit their strengths and cover their weaknesses.  Someone who blasted through to endgame in one day on a copypasta build is not going to have the kind of experience that comes with the slow progression to 50.


    Just like in the old days, my primary filter for teammates is creativity.  If you have a cool concept and you've put some obvious effort into being unique, you're getting a prime spot on my team. I have found, in my experience, that someone who loves their character plays 100x better than anyone who Googled their build.

  15. One of my endgame villains on live was a Bots/FF Mastermind, so I am intimately familiar with the set.


    The "AoE" aspect of the timed-buff powers was added by Paragon, as was the case for all timed buffs with negligible cooldowns.  They realized that spending half a minute buffing your whole team one-by-one was dumb and made them targeted AoEs instead.


    As for Detention Field, I STRONGLY disagree.  This power is working precisely as it needs to, because Intangibility bypasses mez protection.  This is not intended to be something you use regularly, it's an emergency method of shutting out an enemy who is wiping your team.  If it was a Hold, it would be subject to mez protection.


    I am on the fence about the others.  I never cared much about FF power damage, I had an army of robots for that.  Force Bolt is a great way to effectively take someone out of the fight by repeatedly jacking them up against a wall.  Repulsion Bomb is sort of meh, it's about on par with comparable targeted AoE knockdowns/disorients like Fault or Dark Pit.  Repulsion Field does it's job, I'm not sure improving it would be a good idea because it might end up gamebreaking.

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