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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. So not a good idea for a toggle-heavy character, but I was going to get it on my Blaster so not that big a deal.  Seems more-or-less an all-around "meh" power, I'll grab it later in the game when I inevitably have more Inf than I can spend.


    Thanks for the info.

  2. I'm too stingy to blow 1M Inf to find out myself, so anyone who already has this power, can you clarify a few things?


    - Is this a stealth power?  ParagonWiki says as much, but the in-game version doesn't explicitly say so.  If so, what are the numbers on it?

    - What effect does it have on other toggles?  Again, ParagonWiki says it disables toggles, I'm curious if that means it shuts them all off so you have to manually restart them, or if it just suppresses them while transformed.


    Also, tertiary request: Can we get a subforum for generic gameplay discussion?  It feels kinda weird to ask a question like this in GD.

  3. My personal pet peeve is the "Firstname Lastname" names, or the "Rank/Title Lastname" names.  Even in the rare cases when I add a rank to my character, the "Lastname" is a codename.  Point being, I need my characters to have a flashy superhero/villain name.  My only personal exceptions were Dr. December, whose real name was in fact Dr. Henry December, following the model of characters like Mr. Freeze or Dr. Strange, and my more recent Johnny Hellfire, but he's a demon so his real name is probably something in infernal tounges.


    As for the G-Man type character, I'd probably try something like "Agent Nobody" or "Mr. Nobody," something that evokes the idea of a person who "doesn't exist."

  4. If I had may way, every team would be made up of a /fire Brute and 7 Corruptor's, but I realize everyone's idea of fun is different.


    I'll see your Brute-and-his-merry-band-of-Corruptors team, and up the ante:


    Eight Masterminds.  Covering most or all Primaries and Secondaries.  All six pets each, all fully upgraded.  Every MM running full Leadership toggles.




    That'd defeat THE SERVER ITSELF.  Poof, all the magic smoke gone.  :D


    I have a pipe dream of an 8-Spider team running all team-buff toggles.  Those things are nuts.

  5. I don't think it's fair to presume that you can speak on behalf of all LGBT - I'm LGBT and I feel that it's the people who can't accept LGBT who should need to segregate themselves into a safe space. We exist, we're a part of Planet Earth, and they need to get over it and be decent to their fellow humans or go separate themselves until they can be.

    I mean, if the community want to designate an "unofficial bigots server", as a place for players who are discriminatory to have as their "safe space" where they can pretend that it's not 2019 and they can pretend their backwards ideas have any merit, that'd be fine. Then all of the people who can't be decent and respectful to other humans can go there and be crappy to each other while the rest of us have fun on all of the other servers.


    The projecting here is unreal.

  6. I would rather just see more vendors in other zones.  I'm actually not sure where to find them outside of the starting zones (And Firebase Zulu, apparently).


    Cap au Diable and Steel Canyon are pretty high-traffic zones, it would be nice to put a vendor next to the respective markets.  Maybe at the compound in First Ward, too.

  7. It honestly irritates me how me how many Empaths there are right now.  It wasn't like this long ago, at least not how I remember it, but then again I played mostly villains long before proliferation and alignments happened, so there was an established culture of "villains aren't Empaths."  I have always been of the opinion that debuffing is an extremely underrated and effective means of support.  No need to heal if the enemy is blind as a bat, hits like a wet noodle, moves like frozen molasses, and dies too fast to do anything.  There's a reason I love my Dark/Poison Corruptor.


    It also helps if your tank is doing their job.  The people who claim Tankers don't need taunt are the same ones who think you need a healer.  They need a healer because they're a bad tank who can't keep aggro focused on one point, because they don't have friggin' taunt.


    In my opinion, you can either be a proactive or reactive support.  I would rather be proactive.  This is probably the only game I enjoy playing support and tank.

  8. So 18:1 H:V ratio on Justin...


    For some reason, I suddenly got the idea they are testing changes to make one Villain equal to 15-18 heroes, since the population is so low and that seems like it would be a riot, in more ways than one.




    Well, way back in the old days I remember I and a segment of others in the community were asking for some kind of asymmetrical PVP where one villain would fight against a team of heroes.  And this was before games like Evolve and Dead by Daylight made it cool.


    I mean let's be real, who doesn't want to be Thanos kicking around the Avengers?

  9. I think we have about as many people now as we can expect to ever have.  I don't think this game has much long-term appeal for new players, the landscape of MMOs has changed a lot and people's expectations have changed.  Nowadays it's all about a pointless run up to max level where the "real" game begins, which is not what CoX is.  CoX is about the journey, so my newer friends who blasted to max level inside a week stopped playing almost immediately afterwards.  Meanwhile, I and my veteran friends are still playing and haven't actually gotten to max level yet.  And even I realize my attitude is different now, either by playing other games in the last 7 years or just plain getting older.


    Is the magic still there?  Yes, and no.  CoX is just as fun as it used to be, but the players have changed.  Considering a big part of that magic *was* the players, we've lost something that most likely can't be replaced.

  10. It's OK.  Psi damage is always kinda OP, but it's fine.  I only wish there was a way to replace all the fist animations with more blade animations, even though the damage type would still be smashing/psi, I just want to have the Psylocke blade on all the powers for theming.


    Or just something that isn't a big ghost fist.  I get that some people like that and that's fine, but I'd love the option to swap it out.

  11. We should have some kind of Name Policy to keep people from keeping names they aren't using...


    Oh wait...


    Not really a fan of that policy.  Then again, I regularly do a login cycle to shuffle everyone to their day jobs, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.  I'm assuming that even logging in for a second would be enough.

  12. I remember when people actually tried to justify that a "Heal Arrow" made sense and that Defenders needed it.


    I remember when Paragon's spaghetti code resulted in crazy things like ragdoll physics turning into a carnival of horror, or drones exploding non-stop for half a minute, or Rikti bombs running away.

  13. Is there a lesser common support class that you wish you saw more around in later levels?


    More people play corrupter s then defenders now I think, I hear thermal radiation is underrated and under played.


    I do Thermal on a Mastermind and it is indeed a great set with a little of everything.  Buffs, debuffs, heals, and the most hilarious rez in the game.  Not a master of any one, that I can tell, but like most sets when taken as a whole it works rather well.


    But if we're talking Corruptor sets I have to say the lack of Poison disappoints me.  The debuffs are amazing.  I think when people say "support" they erroneously translate it as "heals and buffs," but don't consider debuffing to be a form of support.


    Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I am not claiming it to be objective fact.  Please do not start a five-alarm flame war because I said a thing someone might disagree with.

  14. Wait a minute, aren't you the same person who had a copy of Kamen Rider Mach back on live?




    First off, did you seriously just Google me?  That is insanely creepy.


    Secondly, CoX ended in 2012.  Kamen Rider Drive, and the official character Mach, did not exist until 2014.  So unless you want to argue I'm clairvoyant or a time traveller, then the fact is I happened to pick a name and theme loosly similar to something Bandai eventually did afterwards.


    I googled your screen name, because it looked familiar. Not exactly the same as googling YOU, as a person. THAT would indeed be creepy.


    As for Kamen Rider, that franchise has been around since the 70s. Hell, as old as I am, it's older than me. So please, spare me the idea that your character is a completely original concept. There is nothing wrong with remaking characters, whether completely or using costumes, etc. I have 2 toons that do so, in a sea of original characters.


    Dude, I created an OC to fit within a formula.  I did not copy something that existed, unless you're just going to ignore how time works.

  15. Wait a minute, aren't you the same person who had a copy of Kamen Rider Mach back on live?




    First off, did you seriously just Google me?  That is insanely creepy.


    Secondly, CoX ended in 2012.  Kamen Rider Drive, and the official character Mach, did not exist until 2014.  So unless you want to argue I'm clairvoyant or a time traveller, then the fact is I happened to pick a name and theme loosly similar to something Bandai eventually did afterwards.

  16. People used to be forced into creativity, and the players were better for it.



    *whew*, thanks.


    Anyway, to your 'point', so you think that only certain expressions of creativity are 'valid' and must conform to your worldview.

    Have I got that right?


    So do you go to ComicCon and rag on the cosplayers? Hm?


    The thoughts you express are some of the most close-minded and hateful things I have read on game forums.

    Sadly you are not alone in your worldview, as many here on these very forums have the hateful and elitist attitude that creativity and expression must fall within some invisible set of boundaries to be considered valid.


    This high-horse outlook is not distasteful, it is disgusting, IMO.


    I know!

    You can make a SG and call yourselves the Creative Dicktators so we know who you are!

    It will be awesome!


    Are you just gonna keep up this ad hominem shit and refusing to address my arguments?

  17. Thank the gods for that. It’s bad enough seeing the ripoff toons in game already without them actually sporting proper symbols etc.


    What is with this hate for people that enjoy homage?

    I just don't get this incessent need to put down the way other people choose to express themselves.

    It's hateful and rude from my PoV.


    What gives?


    What do you "express" by using a tool with immeasurable potential to copy someone else?  Because the only thing that seems to express is a total lack of creativity.  There's also a line between "homage" and "ripoff."  Statesman is an homage to Superman and Captain America, borrowing elements from both but still being unique in enough ways to be a new character.  On the other hand, yesterday I ran into the literal Hulk.  Like, he was a green giant named Hulk, there was no attempt to be subtle or clever about it.  Not to mention the legions of other "homages" I've run into, you have no idea how many variations of Star Lord I've seen already.  It's just an eyesore.


    If you want to play a Marvel character, play a Marvel game.  People used to be forced into creativity, and the players were better for it.

  18. The original developers and thier ideas were not/are not 'perfect' and things change.


    I never claimed they were, only that after years of work they had the game in a good place.  If it was their idea to give free toggles to Blasters, then I won't defend them, I find it to be an absurd idea that skews balance.  Why does Martial Combat get Time's Juncture 2.0 for free while Controllers have to pay for a weaker version?  Why are these even toggles?  At this point, might as well just make them autos.  Why should melee classes have to pay for 3-4 toggles?  Do you see how this is a problem now?


    Anyways, it's getting cramped at the bottom of this dogpile.  I'd prefer to let this die.

  19. EATs were already kinda "tankmages."  Also, I'm pretty sure Sentinel damage is actually rather low when compared to the other ranged classes.  Of all the things done thus far in Homecoming that raise my ire, Sentinels get a great big "Eh" from me.  They're novel, they're functional, but I'd rather play a Corruptor.

  20. Maybe you should demand they refund your sub, or visit one of the static i24 servers out there, or use the freely available code to make your own which wont make you "extremely mad".


    Oh and they were confirmed, they just were not released, oh and cost free toggles were here too so thats an expansion on a theme, they were also moved onto the exisiting ones such as Field Agent (cloaking device) for example and as for "doing way more than their official counterparts" not one of these sets is considered overpowered.


    If you get "extremely mad" when being provided with a free, long dead game with more content than live, well Im not sure what to suggest you do to "chill", perhaps look into medication?


    Ditch the snark.  I hate to be a frowny cloud in this sunny day, but someone has to stop and say "Is it actually a good idea to dump unfinished stuff into the game?"


    CoX was a well-balanced game.  I don't want to see that balance messed up by a green crew that, frankly, I don't trust yet.  And I wasn't exactly paying attention in the twilight hours of CoX, so I don't know what was or was not in development before the end, and seeing so many Blaster buffs at once was as alarming as it was worrying.  It didn't come across as "Paragon was going to do this," it came off as "Someone in the Homecoming crew is a Blaster main."  If I was mistaken, fine.  I still don't like the dump-it-all-on-live-as-is approach, and I still think some of the new Blaster stuff is overpowered, but fine.


    I may not be investing money into this incarnation of the game, but you should know god damn well how invested we vets are emotionally.  But I get it, I'm not allowed to express my annoyances, that much has been made abundantly clear thus far.  Free game no bitching, or whatever.  Also, you should realize that this is the internet, and hyperbole is as prevalent as it is unintended, "extremely mad" is more like "exceptionally grumpy."

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