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Posts posted by Kiken

  1. Jake and her mom weren't worried about Rei's extracurricular activities.  She was a smart kid (about most things) and could take care of herself.  No, if they had been worried about Rei then Kumiko would have been following her on her little excursions in the shadows.  But Jake had been out of the game for long enough that he didn't know who all the players were any more.  So he'd figured it was a good move to find out just what they weren't worrying about. 


    There were still a few of his old contacts around and active and willing to talk to him.  Not nearly as many as when he had been at the height of his career but enough to give him some idea of what was going on out there that wasn't covered by the news reports.  And he picked up a little info here and there when he had to remind some of the Paragon gangs why Anderson Construction sites were off-limits and in no need of protection rackets.  But there was only so much you could find out by asking other people.  So he had set out occasionally visiting the easiest source of first hand information on who was active out there. The dives.


    Pocket D was the obvious starting place.  The décor was lousy.  The music worse.  But it was the best place to find both sides of the game relaxing.  And talking.  There was a lot of talking.  In just a few visits he'd met a teched up mercenary who apparently had sorted out Rei's Nakayima problem, so she was OK in his books.  Her gal-pal had a whiff of brimstone about her but didn't seem any kind of problem.  He'd learned of a probable new Yakuza front over in the Isles.  Talked a little construction.  Decided there were a lot more hocus-pocus slingers around these days.  And that most of the people that turned up made him feel old.


    At least the bartenders made a decent martini.       

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  2. On 2/27/2022 at 10:24 PM, Kismet Cowboy said:

    Craziest headcanon I ever saw from someone ingame that drove me up the wall, despite it being kind of a small detail? Marvel and DC were canon things in the CoHverse. Even ignoring the potential issues with ToS there, I just don't understand how that could ever work. 

    When this used to come up around me on live I had my character take the view that these comics about made-up heroes were obviously flimsy attempts by the publishers to cash in on heroes without having the rights to publish true life stories about them. ("Superman?  Oh that cheap Statesman rip-off.")  I don't see why fictional accounts of fictional superheroes wouldn't exist in CoH.  Detective stories and police procedurals are very popular in RL despite real police existing after all.



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  3. Claire and Venessa Hamilton-Norn invite you to their


    Slightly Early Halloween Event


    Date: Saturday 26th October

    Time: 7:30 for 8 pm (UK times)

    Location: The Talos Key Lounge (Lounge-1871)


    Join them for an evening of Dining, Drinking, Dancing and Dressing-up

    Cheesy Halloween Costumes are highly encouraged




    The event is largely an attempt to try and lure in some of the old Union RPers to reconnect.

    But the invitation is open and it's always nice to meet new people


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  4. Another thing to consider with playing a character that nobody is going to like is that...nobody is going to like them.


    Somebody back on the old CoH had a character that, while not as extreme as what's being discussed here, was a womanising sleaze disliked widely by just about everybody that met them.  IC, that is.  OOC nobody had any problems at all with the player.  But the player did say that, while it was gratifying to have a character that got just the response they expected, it got exhausting to RP somebody that nobody would talk to civilly for any length of time.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm currently running a Pool only alt


    Battleaxe/ Bio Brute


    Brute for Fury.  Primary was irrelevant as never used the attacks.  Secondary had to have a toggle first power not a passive

    (I used the free attack powers from P2W until I had an attack chain from Fighting)


    Power Pool:


    Sorcery: Because - Flying, ranged attack, RoP

    Fighting: Because - It's Fighting

    Leaping: Because - CJ, Acrobatics, Spring Attack

    Leadership: Because - Buffs

    (Tempted to switch Leadership for FoW when available just for the hell of it.)

    APP: Undecided - Energy Mastery if I'm having End troubles.  Something flashy if I'm not.


    So far I'm at Level 18 and it hasn't been too painful.  As I start hitting more enemies with mezzers I'm expecting things to get rougher.


    It's actually kind of fun knowing you are never going to be a steamroller of justice but fighting the good fight anyway.

  6. On 9/4/2019 at 6:02 PM, Davy said:

    You and I remember Union very differently.


    You just need to carve out your own little slice of the RP community and establish yourself there. Pretty sure there is a remnant of UnionRP floating around somewhere unless they sneaked off to the EU server.

    There are some of us floating about on Everlasting.  Although I think there's currently a lot more levelling of alts than serious RPing going on.  (So many new power combos...)  There is a UnionOOC chat channel if anybody wants to join it.  Although again that's pretty quiet because not much RP going on beyond occasionally hanging around in bars or confusing team mates.  There is also a UnonOOC Discord, where a lot more chatting gets done.  

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