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Lady Arete

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Everything posted by Lady Arete

  1. Ever since the server shutdown on the official servers, I've felt online homeless and lost. Other games have not given me what City of Heroes gave me and I had given the game up for lost. And now You've brought it back to us all. The diamond we cherished, not lost, but hidden as the gem it is. Once more I've been able to don my cape and powers and take to the sky in defense of the online city we love. (Or plot its takeover etc red side) To the ones that work in the shadows, THANK YOU. Thank you for this. Thank you for fighting and bringing the server(s) to us. I hope and Pray (cannot do anything else) for you and our game. May we keep our game and our gameworld with the blessing of the company that dropped it. And hopefully grow from there. The lag and disconnects now, are nothing... for I know the game is here. :) Keep up the good work that you do! I believe I am not the only one that was emotional when I first logged back in the game so Thank you for giving us a chance again to fly together.
  2. Lady Arete


    Heya. I was Lady Arete (and Cyrene) on Union, in New Heroes Union.
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