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  1. Got it, it seems to be installing the game now. Thank you
  2. HC Launcher does not crash, it just kind of stops. 0% activity on CPU (occasional twitches to 0.1%, then back to 0), 2.9MB memory, 0 disk, 0 Network from task manager. I let it run all last night like that. Nothing special happened.
  3. Windows 10 Home 64-bit Computer type: Desktop No Crash folder launcher.log
  4. Still no valid response on a fix to the problem?
  5. Yep, did that several times. Tried different folders on different drives too.
  6. I cannot get the hcinstall.exe to complete. It freezes at Completing setup, activity of the install program drops to less than 0.1% in Task Manager, and just hangs. Last 3 entries in Launcher log are: 2021-11-27 20:02:07 bootstrap: Package is valid 2021-11-27 20:02:07 bootstrap: Cached package loaded 2021-11-27 20:02:07 bootstrap: Package is valid I cannot find a crash log. I have done this with and without my Antivirus enabled.
  7. I am having a problem with the new installer. It runs, it makes the new directory separate from Tequila, but it does not seem to finish, or end. I do not have any new Icons on my menu or on my desktop. Task manager shows HC Launcher (32 bit) as running 0.1% processor occasionally, 4.6 MB memory, no disk or network usage. What gives? I have shut it down, restarted, Deleted new directories and run it again. Same result.
  8. Long story, short version: Is there any way to get a toons missing badges exported as a CSV? And ROBOKiTTY thank you for the updated list. Please do not take this as criticism, but the one thing I miss from the BRE and your list is the details on the badge. Looking at how to marry the two.
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