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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. I forgot snarky responses! Let me put that on the bingo card for next time. I rarely make comments on how others play the game(literally never in game), but YOU lot...I'd need exponential functions to begin to calculate over the years how often you all do it. So yes, DO start with the man in the mirror 🙂 I do spend too much time reading this stuff though. That much is true. What else am I to do on days off/lunch breaks while friends are busy :P. In that aspect, I’ll take a note from Mr. Jackson and look at making a change there.
  2. Most of CoH IS boomers 😛 It’s actually pretty interesting. The forums is mostly older players in their 50s-60s. Discord is usually 30 and under. Nothing exact. Just gives me an idea of the audience I’ll be dealing with. I personally prefer the discord as of late. The forums is a lot like NextDoor. People who have nothing better to do than judge how another plays the game. It’s cyclical; someone makes a passive aggressive or thinly veiled judgement post about X aspect regarding how someone plays. Some people who agree pile on, people who disagree point out how dumb the topic is and end up arguing, then the thread either gets locked or driven way off course with memes. Or someone mentions Snarky. Then the cycle repeats. Sometimes in the same day even.
  3. I could of sworn I used to see his post back in the day on these forums. Maybe even a guide or two? Did he give a reason as to why he left?
  4. Thats exactly how people on these forums think. I really feel people who cry “power creep” simply don’t play enough(or any, lets be honest) games outside of CoH to understand what it looks like. Hell its’ meaning has become muddled a smidge even IN CoH
  5. NuCouncil to me is...okay. I mean, the spongy galaxies is meh, but otherwise they're not some horribad group to be lamented. I still solo them at +1x8 on the few 50s I still do play, so nothing besides some tedium has changed for me. It sucks that a mindless group for people looking to relax got changed, I get that, but it's not changed so that it's impossible to really get into a rhythm with. You just now might have to use insp.
  6. You can also do as I do and smack em on ignore in the forums. His asinine and egregiously incorrect and horribly misinformed post don’t ever cross my screen thanks to this feature
  7. Even better, I only lead teams. Little to no autonomy given because someone is mad the mission got done faster. Complain about it? Don’t really care! I’m the lead. Passive aggressive remark about no one sticking together? That’s nice, I’m still the lead and absolutely not forcing the team to acquiesce to one member’s perceived notion of “proper teamplay”. It’s how I’ve been doing since live days and relaunch. Hence my earlier comment about stalkers. I will never acquiesce to how someone else thinks a team should be run, minus iTrials and raids as I don’t lead those anymore(those were lead in my live days on virtue). Saves me a headache.
  8. CoH is weird. On one hand you’ll in these very forums say things like play your way and have fun. Then in the same breath have replies like in this thread trying to dictate how to play. I miss when this community had sense. Never was a thing really on HC but it was on live. I think since this game is pathetically easy and solved(and has been for 20 years) you all have run out of things to talk about, and instead make asinine and inflammatory post.
  9. I have 5 50 stalkers and years with the AT, all the way back to their initial release. You absolutely can do the whole assassin thing and still be a helpful member of the group. You can now, thanks to i22(?) buffs to the class, scrap it out, again with hide still and the stalker ATIO(which is nuts!) with the rest of the team if so desired. I have never, and will never, be on a team where I get complaints for utilizing the main draw of the class; stealth, to get an objective early. How I also do it, and I think this will help all of you with getting the most out of the class in a team, is I rush to the boss and ATT or ST TP the team to my location. Then AS the boss and scrap it out the rest of the way.
  10. When people say “do X or Y if I want to actually play the game” I know you: A.) were operating off shaky foundation with your initial argument. B.) “Argue” from a disingenous standpoint and are upset when presented a valid and equally correct counterpoint. Enough years with y’all has told me this is rarely wrong. Now I am sure you or someone else will give me a snarky response as a retort.
  11. Im going to be honest, and this will be mean but I truly do not care. I’ve said this years ago when this came up. A lot of people who demand everyone stick together are the people being hard carried in the team anyway. Unless there’s a reason to stick together(Mo runs kind of, HM 4’s, iTrials. Thats it), split off and go ham. The usual lazy responses of “you should just play solo” irritate me. It’s like if I were to turn around to those people and say, “and you should of made an actually good build so you could contribute meaningful DPS instead of being a carry in what is arguably the easiest content in gaming history. All the while masking this as “playing with the team”.” Neither is helpful.
  12. Would you believe me if I told you thats one of the highlights of the AT and what they did before stalker buffs? Thats kind of like me getting mad at the fender for buffing me. Seems a lil weird
  13. Exactly this.
  14. I used to hop in and do a few radios then hop off. It worked well for that, but ultimately wasn’t rewarding. It’s not meant to be, the XP and potential defeat badges was the reward. And mostly the quick mindless XP. I can’t find it in me to stay logged in to CoH, whenever I do log in, for longer than 20 minutes. Most everything I’ve already done too many times to count. But radios was always that fun bite sized 5 minute adventure that really appealed to me. Now I have roguelites so I don’t need it anymore but you could say it was roguelite esque in that it was a short run. Point being, I wouldn’t knock radios. They have merit as quick romps with okay XP.
  15. I have everyone at 50, so I'm fine on my end. Plus I don't work weekends so even if I had a leveling toon I'd be fine too. Just food for thought was all. Also, while I don't have a disability or work a physically demanding job, not everyone's disability is the same. I shouldn't need to say that but hey it is 2024 unfortunately so saying what used to just be known is now the norm, as much as it sucks to have to do so. I’m not even asking for any changes to the program, just for understanding even if you disagree with their assertion, and really for everyone to not just troll a thread if they come back understandably upset and vent their frustrations. Thats really it. I actually like the name policy myself. Very generous imo, but I get life happens and I used work as an example but there are a myriad of reasons why one can’t log in even if given a month or two’s time.
  16. This is one of the busiest times of the year for a lot of people who are working. An entire month is good, I agree, as a buffer for time, but I won’t be flabbergasted if people couldn’t make it and are understandably a bit peeved. It’s Q3. Q3 & 4 are hell for all sectors.
  17. This part right here is why I actually really like this name change. Getting to 6 gives you a whole year, which hopefully you’ll be able to get to 50 and be set forever
  18. That still isn’t passive aggressive 🙃 thats just someone being untrustworthy. Passive aggressive is expressing negative emotions indirectly. An example would be if someone offended you in some way, and instead of confronting them directly, you went, “Well, SOME people can’t be expected to act with courtesy. It’s my fault for assuming manners are taught at an early age.” With them within ear shot after the incident to another person. It’s indirect, but you both know that was directed at the offending party.
  19. I know you weren’t, that was more broadly speaking. Probably shouldn’t of used the quote there haha! My fault
  20. I wouldn’t recommend doing this, as I think a lot of people who play this game religiously fail to understand: Outside of this game? RL happens. Their computer might break down, a family member may pass and they have to grieve for some time, marriages and then a child. That can lead to spending 1+ years away from the game. They’re not camping a name you want(Psst! Use a thesaurus, and make use of synonyms. Thats been my secret to names when stumped), they’re living a life and unfortunately can’t get to the game. They shouldn’t be punished because they have correct priorities/life circumstances come up.
  21. That name release policy seems to be exactly what I was expecting. Should be interesting to see for those looking for names I suppose. I'm glad and a little weary of new beta testers arriving thanks to the the proverbial gates being lifted. On the one hand, more testers! Yay! Should lead to faster and damn near bug free releases. On the other hand, the potential for infighting between testers as beef from the forums spills over/grievances from whatever previous slight take root. But more importantly, the chances for leaks sky rockets. I figure this can be remedied via GM moderation, so I'll cycle back to yay more testers!
  22. Okay so you’ve never played HM. Alright let me explain, so in HM you bring about 5 corrs. 3 cold doms a kin and nature for heals. These 5 corrs, really 4 of them(colds and kin) are SO STRONG in debuffs, they allow a carry slot in the hardest content in the game. Cold is so goddamn strong, it legit is damn near REQUIRED, and on meta teams legit required, for 4* runs. Same with Kin. This is corrs btw. Now imagine what that’d look like with fenders. Yeah this is the one time I’m going yeah no buffs to debuff numbers.
  23. Thats why I’m looking at everything like uhhhh I don’t think you wanna do that chief. This would also require the entire game be made more challenging, but since HM already established mechanics are not a thing, it’ll end up being artifical number tweaks that lead to slog fights. I don’t think that’d go well with the playerbase
  24. So here’s the problem with CoH. It’s so disgustingly easy dunning kruger takes full effect and people start spinning up charts to argue any and all kinds of outlandish ideas. Moving past that, if debuffs were made stronger, 8 supports would literally be the meta and the game made even easier. It would nullify HM even more than it already is. You forget to take into account how crippling debuffs for mobs is currently. Solo, on my supports, I'm able to face tank with things like Darkest Night and Rad infection. Hell, my cold dom is fairly sturdy thanks to sleet having mobs on their asses and recharge being floored with HL. Defenders do NOT need a debuff buff, which would reverberate to other classes, which then would require a rebalancing of the ENTIRE game.
  25. And thats fine. Look I don’t make the rules I just understand them. Fire^3 is the objective, not subjective, best in offensive power for a blaster by its’ nature. Being that the blaster’s role is damage no matter how many pedantic metrics we add to try and alleviate the above point, it makes it the best blaster pick or “meta” pick. It may not be liked, it may not even be accepted, but to deny Fire^3 as the objective best damage combo for blaster is like saying the sun doesn’t exist. Sure you could say that but it’d be insane.
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