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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. You type benchmarks like they're a bad thing. 🙂 I'm not back. Just checkin in for the halibut while blowin up big robots in Mech5Mercs.
  2. Impossible if the reason behind a change isn't shared.
  3. It's still completely possible. Just takes longer. Or tweak your build for more +acc/+tohit to return to a more familiar feel.
  4. Yup. Exactly as much as the rest of us.
  5. C'mon, yall.... I'm claws/sr. It's actually an amazingly mediocre combo these days and didn't deserve any of the nerfs it didn't get.
  6. Cuz of what I've been talking about since issu1. Balance is good by default. We argue about where the balance line should be, sure, but any move toward balance is a good thing.
  7. But if I'm buffed the team has less reason to be.
  8. Yea, I see it, too. But as others posted, folks found away around that, too, like they always do. The AE crafters aren't morons and it ain't rocket surgery. They correct, they move on and with very little change to the output. It's ok. The benefits outweigh the detriments.
  9. These are all appropriate questions and my only possible response is that fiery melee sucked taint and I'm happy as hell to see it buffed. Too bad I deleted ever FM character I built.
  10. Yup, there's a few of us. But there's a difference between trying to give a shit and watching trainwrecks.
  11. Guess I'm back. Have to argue. It's not a rampant toxicity against farmers... it's just a rampant toxicity from a specific segment of the forum goers toward everyone else.
  12. Yea, that was a pretty good example of the the toxic shit that's driving out some of us.
  13. Spreadsheet says I have 35 but it hasn't been updated in a while. Think another purge might be coming if I can bring myself to care enough. Think the SG is running a hard mode ITF tonight so I may hop on for that but any thoughts of rollin new characters or respecing old or doing anything but helping them accomplish shit is pretty much out the window at this point and it has absolutely nothing to do with farming nerfs as I only ever farmed AE to powerlevel alts anyway.
  14. Nice. I'm so far-sighted that the lasik guys laughed at me when I looked into getting it done. Apparently it's total lens replacement or nothing. Thus... three pairs of glasses. 1 for driving\normal living, 1 for computer work, 1 for reading. It sucks. Tried bifocals, didn't care for 'em.
  15. Try zennioptical.com. Got 3 pair with different RX for $80.
  16. I'll play. Here's a post I made to the SG's discord: I do have to give 'em respect from the tech side of things with what they've managed to support with pretty amazing uptime and little resources.
  17. A change I agree with. Whoda thunk?!
  18. So mean, all the people blaming Satan. He's always been the good guy. Try to give food and water to some moron in the desert, he refuses. Try to give humanity logic and rationality, they lose their shit. I have no one on ignore here on the forums. I like to be reminded how useless and ignorant some people are and insist on being. I know I have no dog in this pony show anymore but a habit once started is hard to break. Like smoking. Been doin a pack a day for 36 years. I know it's not good for me but I do it anyway cuz I like the planned obsolescence. No different than conversing with some of the people around here.
  19. You're not wrong but that just makes it worse. Why, yes, I'd love to be part of the community I've enjoyed and missed since 2004. Too bad it became such a shitshow. And no, @Luminara it wasn't due to some conspiracy or cabal. No need to assign malice when other normal human failings are to blame.
  20. And they don't know ours. Treat others as they treat you. It's what they deserve.
  21. That wouldn't have ever happened unless his hand was forced so it was neither generous or brave. I go way back with PK. He's a damn fine frood and I can like him fine without agreeing with his perception of things. I'll miss him as I miss Castle and Arcanaville and CuppaJo. As I'll miss CoH as I missed it for 6+ gorram farkin years. Won't change my opinion of others.
  22. Full feedback post: Not discussing with anyone else. Not replying to anyone else. Not replying to any replies that might occur. On live, I don't have the T2 blast in my build. I'm pure offense. I blast away and never worry about the inherent. On beta, I've lost a constant debuff as the new click is NOT perma-ble. I watched it disappear against a pylon and not be ready to fire again. The very fact that I would even HAVE another click to deal with is an unwanted nuisance. I'm also annoyed that, once again, rather than the multitude of other ideas posted over the years by various players, the decision to go with nothing but moar damuge has been the choice made.
  23. I did log on to beta. Ran one of Mr Gs missions. Killed a pylon. Therefore I tested the changes. Apparently my sin was replying to those that replied to me and branching out of the exact thread topic to cover the wider issue of constant power-creep which you have stated repeatedly isn't a real issue. Which is just a kinder way of saying STFU. But in the end, it doesn't matter. I'm just another forum poster that barely plays the game at all anymore. More than likely, this last round of changes on top of the attitudes around here will mean nothing more than me being one less person that bothers with either at all.
  24. Good for you. From what I'm seeing of what's left of the old community, we've got with those that agree with the devs and those that don't who are told to STFU and go away. Then do. Thus the current anemic active player population.
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