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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Because I've killed them so ... so very many times that I know what they all look like.
  2. Hilariously to me at least, I'm starting to grok that concept. In many areas.
  3. I hate wearing headphones while I play but try to keep the volume at a decent level so as not to wake the wife at 3am. All is fine and dandy until I smack that spawn with crowd control and even my ears start bleeding, the wife wakes up, the dog starts barking, the cat's lookin at me like I'm more of a devil than I normally am... Yes, dogs and cats ARE living together. But I agree 100% that all changes like this should be something added to the options menu for easy disable/enable when at all possible.
  4. @Captain Powerhouse CoD is showing melee, lethal. Was this changed when the descriptions for IOs were changed? Why would fire blast inferno, also a PBAoE, be tagged as AoE but not spin?
  5. Freaky. I always do this but only because I like my power screen pretty. Had no idea procs would work this way but it makes sense.
  6. Balanced to fail. Yea, that concept sucks as much as 1 hero = 3 minions but I'm not arguing. I agree with you. Yank the rule. If you have a self-rez, use it! But at least try to keep track of how many times it needs to be used. Or ignore the whole damn thing. Choose everything by concept, ignore everything else. Let's fix nothing and make no attempts at correcting old and poor decisions... other than buffing tanks more, of course.
  7. Pretty sure not dying is how one compares mitigation. Stating that a set provides equivalent mitigation because it can easily get up every time its mitigation fails seems... odd.
  8. Clear all first two missions, no insps, no temps, no click accolades, no faceplants, +4/x8 w/ bosses, including the seafood buffet at end of 1st mish. Grab the time. If a faceplant occurs, please share with us where it happened. Also please include your Mids build so that we can learn what we're doing wrong. That work? Edit: Your call if you want to use click incarnates or not.
  9. Nevermind. I already know. Base regen of 31.75hp/sec Reconstruction healing every 30 seconds for a bit less than half of base HP. Dull Pain has a 64.7 sec downtime. Instant healing up around 1/4 of the time. 14.63 resist to all. MoG up 1/8 of the time.
  10. Elude is up a little over a third of the time with 3 recreds and brings SR up to 75.42% to MRA. Going purely primary/secondary, all other power choices become junk, making sure nothing is chosen that might passively increase mitigation, I would, of course, have Elude in the build. What does regen provide with those same rules?
  11. Ok, let's do it with no pools in use at all. Course, my fire/regen brute is sure as hell going tough/weave/maneuvers/tactics. I use Rune on my squishies often. Mez protection and a get out of debt free card are nice. Arcane Bolt is amazing on controllers. Gotta love triple damage. But I do point to many of the T5s as "lookit here, this is part of the power creep issue." And, yes, I've seen some very high end builds utilizing multiple T5s in sequence to maintain insane levels of mitigation.
  12. Multiple ATs can and have soloed regular max diff ITFs as well as Werner rules ITFs. I have no doubt that @Troo will/did manage it. The question will be how long did it take and were there any faceplants. Where there's a will and all that.
  13. MA/SR nuthin but SOs. 2.26% shy of softcap to all positions. 17.55% SL resists. No elude. No shadow meld. End won't be an issue with 3 slotted conserve power. Could also go the blaster route and just load up on shadow meld, rune of protection, unleash potential, etc but that sounds awful. Probably doable though. Course, that would completely negate the test since we'd only be testing how broken some T5 pool powers are.
  14. Final build or leveling up? If final, even without perma-hasten, since you'll have no end issues thanks to energize and nrg drain, you can run fu, focus, slash, shockwave. That'd free up all those slots in Strike which you could move to Dampening Field for more SL resist. But if you want strike in the chain and fully slotted for exemplaring, yea, looks fine.
  15. Works for me but it should be a group effort. Get all the secondaries into the mix.
  16. Ahh, insults. The last bastion of the wrong when caught being wrong. I don't care. What's your test plan to prove that regen provides equitable mitigation to the other armor sets? Or do you really have absolutely nothing?
  17. Excellent. Now you're getting somewhere. What test would you like to propose? We need something other than "it works for me because I enjoy taking my time, pulling, kiting," etc, etc.
  18. Who's putting words in whose mouth? I called clicks hoops. I never stated that heals and regen clicks weren't mitigation.
  19. Nope. But you can get Lucky at 28 which stacks on any pool defense you might already have and completes your scaling damres.
  20. Gimped out meaning actual mitigation provided. Playing like a blaster means hopping around the battlefield like a bunny on crack and/or leaning on the big buff T5 pools powers. I'm not putting words into your mouth. I'm doing nothing but taking what's being said by the pro-regen crowd and comparing it to other playstyles and builds. Again, two completely different arguments getting crossed. One is: I like the set as is. This is an unarguable opinion. The other is: The set provides less mitigation than its counterparts. This is not an opinion.
  21. Hard to underestimate being able to triple stack a single IO for 20.1% damres to EVERYTHING. So damned broken.
  22. Still means you're waiting until 38 for a somewhat functional build and then it still underperforms. But again, you be you. I fully understand willfully playing gimped out characters for the fun of it. Swipe-only/Inv scrapper soloed to 50 comes to mind. As does my new melee-centric dark/sr sentinel that's currently running with gloom, air superiority, boxing and kick. Hell, I have an sg-mate that runs a toggle-less inv tank. Enjoy!
  23. Exactly how I can't take claims of equitable mitigation when they're nothing more than "I like playing and building my armored character like a blaster" seriously. So you keep doin you as well.
  24. Yes, it matters to me how much DPS is lost or how much more time it takes me to wipe out a map, due to how much time I have to spend kiting around and constantly clicking on powers from my secondary and/or pools just to keep from eating dirt. I understand that it doesn't matter to you and that this is why you feel the set is fine as is.
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