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About Moosejaw

  • Birthday 04/24/1973

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  1. Full disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with, well... anyone, really, and the following is just a random thought that occurred while reading this thread. What if NCSoft provides Homecoming with a free license (almost certainly with a time restriction, say... 3 years) and pays (as someone else suggested via in-game ads on bulletin boards) for the server costs, etc., as a means of maintaining interest in CoX while they are working on a sequel. A sequel which wouldn't have existed prior to all this free press and obviously positive response to the game's return. What if we (Homecoming developers and we who simply play the game) have sparked a renaissance of interest in superhero games? What if, in 2023, we were welcoming Planet of Heroes? What if I was full of crap? 50/50
  2. Back in... hell, I'm not ever sure anymore, someone at NCSoft, in their infinite stupidity, decided that if my Tanker ran into a room that held 40 enemies, I could only hold the attention of 17 of them at any given time. All of them can attack me, but I can only hold aggro on 17. Ridiculous. A pet class can exceed the 17 enemy limit (according to Paragon Wiki) because each pet has its own aggro table, independent of the player, but a tank, which is specifically designed for the purpose, can only maintain the attention of 17 enemies. NCSoft is run by morons. I don't think anyone here will disagree with that statement. Given the above, I'd like to see a re-evaluation of the aggro cap. Tankers (particularly Invulnerability) can weather the storm of many more enemies than 17 and should be able to hold their attention. Consider The Hulk. If Hulk is rampaging on a city street, every single army soldier called in to combat him has a laser-beam focus on him. Hulk commands their respect and their attention, and justifiably so. Sure, a couple may break off to deal with other threats, but the vast majority will be dealing with the Hulk. Presently, Tankers have little to distinguish themselves from the other melee classes. Brutes and Scrappers both deal considerably more damage than the humble Tanker, and both are able to hold their own as main tank against most enemies (some can even tank an AV pretty well), which leaves the Tanker where, exactly? I'm not 100% certain as to why this Nerf was ever inflicted upon us in the first place, but my best guess was that it was intended as a means to slow progression as there was little to no endgame content at the time. With the current state of the game, there are several avenues to level up fast (AE missions, P2W XP Boosters). With access to the Hamidon, RMS raids, Ouroboros missions, AE missions, PVP, Radio Missions and various Task Force missions, there's certainly no end of things to do at level 50, these days. So what purpose is the aggro cap serving? Admittedly, I'm biased. I hated the cap from day one and I ended up quitting the game for over a year when it first went live. Eventually I returned to the game, but it was never the same to me. It had lost something primal, and never fully recovered. Other things improved, of course, but that Nerf, in my opinion, damaged the game in a way that no other improvements have been able to completely overcome. The continued restriction on aggro detracts far more than it contributes to City of Heroes in 2019. That's my 2 cents. I'd love to hear from the GM's on this topic, or my fellow players, if you feel I've missed something. If you agree, please chime in and maybe we can get this fixed. We're certainly not beholden to NCSoft and their misguided wishes anymore. Thanks for your kind attention, Moosejaw 50 Tanker, Virtue Server of old 50 Tanker, Excelsior Server
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