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Everything posted by Farrellite

  1. Those are two unrelated incidents, I hope?
  2. Thanks for the report back, Victusfate. Did any of the changes help?
  3. Been leveling as this as I didn't hear back. It does work, but I'm 28 now, with full farmed 30 IOs including endurance reduction in each toggle and assassinate and I'm as thirsty as anything I've ever played. Drinking blues just for normal combat. Looking at Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection dozen+ levels away in envy.
  4. Is Heatstroke's build fine to level as?
  5. That makes enough sense to me, just curious though - you'd be running in Offensive stance in Bio? And if not isn't the accuracy buff from Invuln better?
  6. Invuln compared to Bio / Rad is missing the flexibility and/or AoE, is that the reasoning behind the primaries?
  7. Probably the wrong person to do this, as my expertise is in performant cloud infrastructure (not specifically, but often based around SQL & SAP HANA) and they're on physical analogues to my boxes in the sky, but here I go: Big monster provides playground for it's fleas on it's back. But to power playground, Big Monster has to eat a lot. However, Big Monster cannot always find the best things to eat, and sometimes the food gives Big Monster an upset stomach. Lately, a lot more fleas are playing on Big Monsters playground on his back, so Big Monster has been having to eat more and more, and sometimes runs out of food, giving the playground hiccups or if Big Monster is just too overwhelmed by it all, crashes entirely. Sometimes, Big Monster has to sleep (maintenance).
  8. Figured it out - somehow my subwoofer, which sits below, behind, and typically untouched on my desk setup had the 5.1 sound flipped to 4. Once I had the center channel running once again, all the sounds are working fully. Thank you both for the assistance and your time.
  9. Logically, it's like the computer doesn't have rights to certain basic sound files. I added full permissions for Users to the folder, just to check.
  10. 3D sound is disabled (cannot on or off), Sound Playback is currently set to Performance, though I did test it both ways before reinstalling - checked it just now and with Compatibility mode on I seem to hear more music, but that might just be confirmation bias, but no sounds on non-archtypal powers or from enemies using the same.
  11. I just did a reformat and installation on a brand new drive after deleting all files previously, made an entirely new character, issue still persists. Have not modified the game in any single way, not even settings ingame. Checked and my data folder is empty - I'd normally be a bit alarmed, but that's for mods inside there, correct?
  12. Just had someone else check and they're experiencing sounds that I'm missing. Verified files again, issue persists.
  13. I've been trying to investigate this ingame and not being able to find out why this is happening. Combat is very, very quiet when fighting solo. Enemies very rarely ever have sounds when they attack, and my character typically doesn't makes any sounds. Sound settings are positive, and I do hear opening of doors, music when transitioning between areas, activating toggles, and specifically, any archetype powers (like Heavy Blow from Street Justice) but not Brawl, Kick (from Fighting Power Pool), enemy basic attacks, Prestige Powers like Taser - none of these things make any sounds. Verified and re-installed to the same issue. Given that some attacks have sounds, but others don't means maybe the files aren't used for certain sounds perhaps? I've tried searching the forums but was unable to identify if this has been previously reported. Fairly standard old-system here, but no sound issues with other programs, softwares, or games. Any assistance would be appreciated, the silence makes the combat feel very lacking.
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