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  1. It changes where the damage "hits" in the animation, which can make it feel slower than it actually is. And you gotta be good about queueing your next attack, or then it'll play the full animation which is lame. But it's less of a problem now than it was, which is nice. But yeah, it's more important on a Bane than a Crab, which can kind of partition ST to the gun and AoE to the legs or just go full crab people if it wants. VEATs were the ones my testin' buddies and I tested it on; we originally were testing switching between mace for Shatter Armor and claws for Night Widows (which is its own can of weird spaghetti code worms), and they're the ones most affected by redraw issues most of the time.
  2. The animation pass at the end of the game was bigger than most people thought, actually. Now, redraw doesn't change the actual animation time of an attack. The full animation will still play if you let it, but if you're diligent about queuing your next attack while the current one is going, it'll now do a sort of animation cancel after the regular Arcanatime runs out and chain into the next attack faster. So yeah, break out that gun! I do it all the time on my mace-Banermind to get my full -Res suite up. Give it a shot and see for yourself!
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