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Everything posted by subbacultchas

  1. Same, even with convergent views. I'll take them into consideration, do some digging and see if it's true. But the amount of misinformation even well-meaning people spout daily is mind-boggling. I include myself in that too.
  2. Not really. Any character I consider built properly usually doesn't include snipe. This change allows me to actually work it into builds. This is me as well. I can't remember the last time I did include a snipe, because I don't really use them. Now though? My /MA dom is very very happy with this change. Not sure how you like to build your doms but for PvE mine always go leadership pool for the easy LoTG mules in manuevers and vengeance and take tactics for the to-hit. If you had taken your snipe and I do believe /MA gets a +tohit buff in envenom blades then you can toggle up two nasty strong insta-snipes usually by the time that buff wears off. With tactics and the kismet +6% to-hit any very small addition to to-hit would get you to the insta-snipe, meaning whenever you popped your domination, envenom blades or even vengeance for a longer buff. I suggest you don't play it on live quite yet because if the proposed changes go through it's quite a loss on that QoL buff doms got. Or please do play it on live as it currently is and realize it's damage is proposed to be cut by 1/3 so we can add your voice to the small amount of us dominators asking for a compromise. Rarely do I take leadership toggles as a dom personally, I usually find enough spacing in epic shield power, weave, cj, and stealth or maneuvers (usually stealth). Just preference, nothing actually wrong with leadership at all, I just don't use it on a dominator usually. So for me, this change is a much bigger thing than I suppose it is for you, or at least a much more likable one. But beyond that, I don't want *two* strong insta-snipes, I would prefer them to all be insta-snipes. As you say, I could plan for that using leadership and +to-hit from kismet, but I don't build in that manner and don't want to be pigeonholed into it. I build usually for perma-dom and closer to soft-cap defenses, and I don't have the fluidity needed to do it the way you've suggested. So I believe the changes actually offer more choices and viability in the long run. Thanks for the suggestion though, it may be that I try your route with a future build!
  3. I really like this idea a lot. While I don't have the versatility of bio armor with rad, I may still try this somewhat with staff/rad fighting. Rad fighting has enough +recovery and +end to make the end-red staff stance not necessary at all, so I can usually switch between the other two. Making a distinct build for each could be pretty cool, maybe even a third one with end-red staff stance just for endurance sappers and the like.
  4. Why not autocomplete it? I don't mean in general, your autocomplete could still be on cd or something. But just why fail this one intentionally, versus that if it's available?
  5. When I hit 40ish, I'll start looking at what recipes I have and gradually swap out SOs for IOs. Hope that helps. Traditionally I've taken this approach too. But enhancement unslotters have changed this for me overall. When I hit 30 now, sometimes mid 20's if it's unique drop or lotg +rech, I will go ahead and craft them and use them. When I get ready to replace them with something else, or the level 50 requirements, I unslot them and sell them or pass along to alts. I generally get a lot more money out of the crafted IO's than it takes to actually craft them, and I get to use them for a good number of levels and then sell them them like a brand new car. Just my 2 cents on that.
  6. Struggling with this somewhat right now. I could probably softcap m/r/e if I didn't have to worry about dom and having bit of wiggle room for it. But it's just tough as a Plant/MA, or any dom really. I have several builds in the planner where I've tried different combinations, and honestly going the typed defenses is easier in some ways than positional, but it's still not the best. I've got a solid build with domination time of 82 seconds (bit lower with FF proc), and 44 s/l, ~35-40 e/n/f/c defenses. I'm not 100% happy with some of the slotting choices though, so still work in progress.
  7. I have always enjoyed the making of builds, min/maxing characters and "theorycraft" although I dislike that term a lot. However, I don't usually make firm builds until the 35-50 stretch. Until then I always have a vision and tentative plan when I first conceive of the character, but until those last few powers I don't exactly have a strict guideline to go by. That way I can get a feel for how fun it is, before I start pushing it into strange requirements. And it's worked really good for me at most times. My only wish is that people would take the time to understand IOs, sets, incarnates (I'm still learning) and planners, instead of just asking random folks or sg members to make builds for them. While most of us will do it, it often leads to them making a character where they may get results, but they don't get the understanding of why or how. That can be harmful when new content or changes come in, and they don't quite understand how to adopt them in their current build, because they don't understand the build itself well.
  8. Not really. Any character I consider built properly usually doesn't include snipe. This change allows me to actually work it into builds. This is me as well. I can't remember the last time I did include a snipe, because I don't really use them. Now though? My /MA dom is very very happy with this change.
  9. I wish I could honestly say, but my experience with what Bio offers is fairly non-existent. I'll say this, there's not many brutes/tanks I've played where you *had* to have tough/weave by the 20s or 30s, especially weave (maybe regen?). But YMMV with the newer sets, and yes you can get around with beast/sprint. I don't recall taking more than 2-3 powers from epic pools as a brute or a tank. As a dom or troller I have often taken 3-4 but those can be needy sets. So no, you shouldn't need that much room for it. You can always get a good idea on which and how many epics you'll take in Pine's.
  10. This may be something already well known, but I've messed around a bit in missions trying to figure out how to get only minions & lts to load when grouped. I'm not sure how useful or practical this is in non-farming instances, but for farming with a small group this has actually been pretty damned useful (especially AE). Make sure you're set to no bosses solo, start the mission with nobody else in your group, and run to the ends of the mission making sure to run by each mob of folks. Then you can invite other members and the mobs should stay without bosses. If the mission has ambushes, I *think* they will load with bosses and such. This obviously works on smaller maps much better, I have particular ones I use for inf & tickets that take about 20-30 seconds to run. If it's a multi-part mission, you will have to accept and start each individual mission solo, do this then reinvite folks.
  11. Thanks for the reminder. I'm not sure yet whether I will attune them or not honestly. I'm still weighing the advantages and whether I'll exemp down often enough to be useful.
  12. I've been making money off the market through ticket farms for a bit. Doing what you've described here didn't occur to me, I'd never used enhancement converters before. So I tried this with about 4k tickets last night after some runs. I now have 1.5 sets of Obliteration at 50, and made about 15 mil with 10 more mill selling, all for 4k tickets and maybe 5 mil in converters and crafting salvage. I'm a believer, been trying to get those Oblits and was not prepared to pay the going price.
  13. Me too, played a few back in the old days, and I have a 40s Water/Cold that I love now. It's a fantastic all around buff/debuff/damage secondary.
  14. I've not played bio armor yet, but I do have a 40s Staff/Rad brute that I like a lot. So these are my suggestions with that. Take Guarded Spin pretty early on, it's a good melee cone and the +def of it makes for a good fight starter or second hit. I have not felt the need to take Mercurial, Precise, Serpent, and Sky Splitter single target attacks all together. I usually skip Serpent entirely, it's not a bad attack but there are better ranged one and it's animation *seems* slow, and stick with the other three. Other than that, I think your build is fine from the Staff side of things, although I usually take hasten much much earlier. Then again this is on a rad brute that has no end issues to speak of. No travel power?
  15. I like TA quite a bit, or used to at least. I haven't tried it since this came back up, but I remember having an Elec/TA Controller I liked a lot.
  16. Also, I have tried recently to use this proc in a "summon" type power. It seems to work pretty well and often, though I'm not sure if it's WAI at all.
  17. I'd assume standard toggle rules would apply. A chance when you first activate the power and then every 10 seconds thereafter that the toggle is running. as a Bubbler I'd stick it in Repulsion Bomb. With a base recharge of 30 seconds it's going to proc very often when using that. That being said, this IO has always seems of dubious use to me. If a power isn't "recharged" within its 5 second window it seems to reset back to where it was before the proc, minus 5 seconds. Making the whole thing mostly futile unless you're using it for shorter recharge powers like attacks, or luck out on your long-recharge powers timing wise. So I'd imagine its great in Super Strength etc, not so great for recharging multi-minute powers though. I've certainly not noticed this when I've used it - AFAIK recharge works so that if you have the proc for 5 seconds, you just get extra recharge "ticks" for those seconds. I've been using it to get to permadom quicker. I could be wrong, but otherwise what you are saying seems to suggest it would take longer for long recharge powers to recharge which doesn't make sense. I've used it a lot on long recharge powers and it seems to work well. This is correct in my experience as well. I have three of them currently on my dom and it's a noticeable different in the window to perma-dom than it is without them, sometimes more than a 10-15 second window. So the +100% recharge for five seconds does not "reset" back to where it was pre-proc, not that I have noticed.
  18. One of my mains sure, but one toward the end of CoH life (albeit different secondary). I haven't remade what were my mains for nearly 7 years, I feel like I've played them enough. I'm more interested in new concepts and creations.
  19. My Plant/Martial/Ice dom currently has S/L softcapped, E/N/F/C in mid twenties and the others in teens. I haven't hit 50 so I haven't started toward really capping them, but I have investigated some of the IO sets and it's probably possible to get them to mid-thirities if not mid-forties. It's a tough one but I don't plan on giving up perma-haste and dom for the extra types.
  20. Probably not. As Veelectric said, your patron shields are by type, not positional. So that's going to make it really hard to softcap positional defenses. However, most +def powers give all defenses, and most IO's give positional/type defenses in a bundle (melee/l/s, ranged/e/n, aoe/f/c, etc.). So by getting those you can softcap *most* typed defenses, except for toxic and psi. Psi itself would require it's own unique ones or bonuses.
  21. It's been brought up several times, almost every page of this discussion.
  22. +1 from me too. I have a hard time playing tanks instead of brutes, the extra hp, slightly more def/res cap, and inherent taunt just aren't worth what brutes offer. I would like to see them differentiated in some way.
  23. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3304.0.html There if you are interesting in helping fix it.
  24. It was put in effect sometime during Score's patching of i25 I gather. I don't believe it was in CoH at any time under NCSoft. There's a current thread in Suggestions as to how to fix it, and we've had an admin chime in looking for help. It's a good time to put on those thinking caps and come up with a viable reworking of Rage.
  25. It's meh. I've tried variations across a few AT's, just didn't care much for it. But it does look neat.
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