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Posts posted by Graviton

  1. I created numbers 24 and 25 last night (Dr. Brainpan and Silver Lightning).  But that's not including the ones I've created, played a couple of of levels, and then deleted because something just didn't feel right about them.  I still have a couple on the chopping block, it depends on how much I like the new ones I'll create in a few days.


    Back in the day I had at least 10 characters on each server.  I think I got four to 50.

  2. Driven insane after his character died for the umpteenth time due to lag, he quit his job at NASA and spent his life's savings developing the Biodigitizer (don't ask, it's too sciencey for sane minds).  He bio-digitized himself and his invention into the game, and now does to the bad guys what the game used to do to his toons:  lag their bodies and their minds.  He is the Mind Control/Time troller known as LAG MAN!


    After 30 years as a high school janitor, his latent mutant genes were activated by the radiation treatments he underwent for colon cancer.  Now his body generates and thrives on radiation, so he's taken to the streets with his trusty broom to clean up Paragon City.  He is the Staff/RA scrapper called The Cosmic Custodian!


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