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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. That's actually been my experience as well... But I'm an active-only type farmer. I think it's made things harder on the AFKs than it has on us.
  2. You can't do much in the way of base building with the amount of Prestige you'll earn with a solo SG. You'll scrape to be able to afford a few teleporters and a storage table. And sometimes even to make the "rent". Ask me how I know that. 😝 (Yeah. I lived it back in the Liberty days. I wouldn't trade our Homecoming base-building system for that kind of nonsense again. Ever. It was anything BUT fun as a would-be builder.)
  3. Also worth keeping in mind... A lot of Old Timers have on some pretty thick Nostalgia Goggles when it comes to the City. Those "Good Old Days" definitely had some issues of their own. They weren't a perfect wonderland of gloriously team-centric HappyHappy JoyJoy.
  4. Also, changes were made to aggro and damage type. Those are also listed in the patch notes and may affect your farmers.
  5. I don't have as much experience herding a Guardian, but I can tell you for sure that the Adept has *always* done that... I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've lost Cardinal (My old main's perma-summoned Adept-) to Warhulks and exploding cysts and goon's AoEs targeted on Kestrel (Who's a melee type-) because the floating goofball decided that he, with all his RANGED attacks, really, really wanted to be right in the middle of a fight, in the explody-stabby-whatever's face. <_< They're just not smart guys, those Adepts. I can't imagine the Guardians' and Strikers' AI being much sillier than theirs is.
  6. Then what the devil is Astra complaining about? He can turn off the Incarnate powers on his runs if he wants to. Unless this is yet another one of those "If *you people* aren't ALL playing my way, then I can't be happy!"-situations. 😝
  7. How about just adding an option to the HM content that disables Incarnate powers for them?
  8. On that note.... There are a couple of things that would be epic as "Base Template" starting options, if we could ever get those set up. Things that I know are possible with some back-end tinkering, but that can't ordinarily be done out here on Homecoming by any of us as players. The ability to start with a real "one room" base using the full grid, for instance, either of the traditional sort with bounding walls or as a filled-in "build above the plot"-type without them. Or having that filled in one-room style with "horizon to horizon" water or grass tiles already in place.
  9. I was glad to have Juno (untouchable Siren-) a couple of times there, so I know what you mean. 😆
  10. Not to mention that there seem to be a fair few people out there who prefer running those TF "at level"... and who have complained here several times that having exemped 50s joining their teams ruins the experience for them. Something about those 50s being "overpowered" by having a few extra powers and so making the at-levels feel useless... So, yeah. Even if the devs want 50s on those lowbie teams, lowbie character's players may not. Which presents a bit of an issue.
  11. Could be. Kes was built primarily for absolutely ridiculous recharge with a side order of regeneration. Positional defense wasn't one of my high priorities with her. I may tinker around and come up with a "Dodge ALL THE THINGS!"-build for her one of these days. It would probably require sacrificing some of her recharge, though, which would mean losing the perma-summon on Cardinal. (That's her Adept. He represents a good chunk of her "extra" damage-)
  12. Yep. As I said in my earlier post about running my DB Scrapper through Sister Valeria's arc, those PvP Specials apparently won't save you from being yoinked right back into the middle of things. (Kes has both the Shield Wall and Glad Armor and was still getting teleported pretty regularly when I was trying to do a bit of kiting between two of the monsters-)
  13. I didn't build that one... But there's a thread about it in the Base Building section. It involves a few hundred letters stacked together.
  14. I showed them the waterslide at Oasis and they loved it. Making one of their own was a little fiddlier than either wanted to commit to, though. 😆
  15. Yeah... I have to agree, too. You shouldn't need to be 50 to get Particles from the WST. That seems off if the idea is to encourage people to do the taskforces.
  16. The CoyoteNephews want me to add something that wasn't on the polls... Slippery surfaces. They really, really want the oil slick and ice patches that they can slide around on and Frostfire's ice ramps.
  17. There are at least three of us who still have dedicated sound cards. (Sound Blaster for-eva, yo. 😆 I like my Z, even if Creative are asshats. ) It would be really nice to have the directional sound back... I do miss it... But if it's not to be, it's not to be.
  18. I remember missing the directional sound when it went away, but never actually knew for sure WHY it vanished when it did... I'd gotten a new machine and just chalked it up to the new sound card not supporting it where the older one had.
  19. I think just putting in something as simple as selectable/searchable tags might help.,, A farm tag. A story tag. A challenge tag... That way anyone could go in, search for the tag and then have a filtered list. People *could* mis-tag things either accidentally or to be cheeky, but I suspect most folks would use it truthfully.
  20. Sorry to ruin your narrative, but be careful about painting with an over-broad brush. Some is us dirty, filthy farmers who are strangling your creativity actually *do* play other things on the AE list. We're not all one trick ponies. 😆 As I said in the straw poll thread, the members of my family SG make new arcs all the time. FCM and our nephews have had an absolute blast writing stories and challenge missions for each other. I may be one of your Roots of All Evil, but I still like playing them, too.
  21. I'm not about to buy any at that price... I'll just keep mine. Sure, I could make a quick profit, but I know that eventually there'll be a costume that I want for someone. Better to have my own stash than have to rely on whatever they're selling for at the time.
  22. Did losing the "directional sound" effect we used to have alter it somehow? That happened back in the Live days, but as long as some of our memories of the game are....
  23. Unlike Tsoo Sorcerers, they do tend to stay pretty close when they go popping around. That got them in trouble in Kestrel and Cardinal's Sister Valeria run yesterday. Grey Kestrel the DB Scrapper: "Oh look. It's a surgeon... He dies first." *gets stabby* Surgeon: "Ha ha! I can port away and be safe from your sharp, pointy blades, strange winged woman from the future!" *BAMFS* *Reappears a small distance down the hall* Red Cardinal, Kes' Mu Adept partner: "Yeeeeeah.... About that. You're still in range, bro." *zarks the crap out of the poor surgeon* It was good fun. 'Even better when he decided to Shackle them. 😆
  24. How many fleas can dance on the tip of a thumb...
  25. Aw. they're just being friendly. What's a little barf between friends... (Eww,)
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