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  1. Very rare what? For what kind of merits?
  2. So I have hit 35 and find myself a little stuck. I have a water/time blaster who is working very nicely but she needs to pick an epic pool. Ice is obvious, but I'm not sure how graphics-heavy the frozen armor is - walking around like an ice block all the time is somewhat unattractive. I'm very used to the fire pool and fire shield but noticed frozen armor is +def, not +res and wasn't sure if that mattered much. I'm also not really sure about how some of the other powers play out. Is snow storm basically a tar pit? That could be useful. (If the test server was up I'd go try it out but...) Munitions could be a possibility - the armor just works without a lot of mucky graphics and a couple of the other powers could be interesting. The rocket doesn't quite fit concept, but having a sniper might be nice :) Any helpful thoughts are appreciated.
  3. First off, thanks for the info. So hard getting back up to speed...sigh. Two questions: What IO set would you slot into Tactics? Kismet: how does that work exactly? Does the 120 second duration go off each time you activate the power? (So you’d have to re-hover every 2 minutes?) Or is it something else? Thanks!
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