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Posts posted by Amaylia

  1. I wonder if it would be possible to just make things purchased with reward merits account bound?  Would that solve the farmer problem and allow non-farmers to still get more use out of our veteran levels?  I play my main almost exclusively, and I was really surprised when I saw the conversion to merit rewards was gone.. I read from one of the other posters that we could still buy super inspirations and sell those, but does that actually make it worth continuing to level a single character?  I already have all of the incarnate powers where I want them, so threads and incarnate materials aren't useful to me any more, and I really loved that I could play any content I liked and still be progressing my character in some way.


    I'll still continue to play my main rather than alts, because I never get tired of that character, and I have other things like badge hunting and stuff that I can do, but this change is super disappointing and it makes veteran levels feel kinda pointless after one has their incarnate powers how they like them.  I do hope they are still considering alternatives. 😔

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