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Everything posted by WyllPrime

  1. Some of us are comfortable with Calvin's unique vision.... Praetoria forever. :)
  2. There was no debate for Sister Flame: she was going to make and play her old character... and is. I did the "both" approach. I remade two of my old mains right away and then made a few new ones: Doctor Detroit as a healing support and John Wyck.... My youngest daughter, who was 9 when the servers shut off, made a brand new character. Her old character was Fencebolt, an electric/electric blaster that she enjoyed. She goes where angels fear to tread and plunged into a brand new character who is a dark/dark dominator. She is rocking it hard and amazes me by how quick she mastered her new powers.
  3. I find people here pretty forgiving and understanding, perhaps a lot more than other games. I usually play melee, but I switched to support at the request of Sister Flame (my lovely daughter). I have no idea really how to play a good healing support and I am just mimicking what I see others do. None of the pick up teams have had any issues with "the rookie" and I even had some positive comments on my heals. Granted, there has been a team wipe or two... but heals were never to blame. I also run into quite a few new players who feel the need to apologize for their inexperience. I just laugh and tell them not to worry about it: it is just a game and we are here to have fun.
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