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  1. If they lose names, they are not players
  2. You have all been reported!
  3. Spurs fans got nothing else to do…….it’s not like they have trophies to brag about
  4. Just an fyi @ThaOGDreamWeaver You can type out the code for the spoiler tag. Put the word spoiler in between these [ ] before your comment. After your comment put /spoiler in between [ ]
  5. Since devs are working to #banMMs, I doubt they will make changes to them 😎
  6. In all seriousness, it comes down to what each of us find fun when playing the game. If fun for you is doing every last decimal point of damage you can possibly do in order to wipe enemies as fast as possible - then I understand the concern. For me, the fun is taking my time on TFs. Actually playing squishies as squishies (oh, the horror) And not worrying about min/maxing everything. Which is why a change to procs would not destroy my game or fun.
  7. Nope - not beans, but since my game is apparently broken and unplayable, how would I even know?
  8. I have several (actually most) toons with no procs. Does that mean they suck? Is my game broken and unplayable? Crap. I didn’t even realize.
  9. Patiently waiting for the follow up thread complaining about all his other characters being generic’d
  10. One power always has to be the worst just sayin
  11. I know one player on these forums that would intentionally stand there (while posting essays), so he could run around with no pants on
  12. I always figured Snarky’s base looked just like the vampires base from Lost Boys Now I’m disappointed ☹️
  13. I believe if you set the new scale, and then save the costume. Anytime you load that costume in the creator, it will auto adjust the body to the saved body settings/costume. Then you only have to edit your costume - at least that’s worked for me in the past.
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