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Mike Arclight

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  1. Character name: Dr. FizzbangGlobal: @st. mikeBase or SG Name: Rift JumpersShard: Excelsior Passcode: Jump-9611Item Count: 8,605Category for Contest: Multi over 7kOther associated contributors, (up to 4 more people): ---Additional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: Additional Notes: Flight is not necessary, but may be desired. There is tele points to and from ground. Nothing is hidden, per se, but there are a lot of nooks and crannies. Most of the staterooms 'tell a story' about their occupant. This SG base is meant to tell the story of a ship rendering aid in a time of cataclysm; there are depictions of death on the ground.
  2. Character: Victor Echo Global: @St. Mike Super Group: Rift Jumpers Shard: Excelsior Password: Jump-9611 Builder: Victor Echo Synopsis: A supergroup who jumps between dimensions has stumbled upon a tragedy and is rendering aid
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