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Posts posted by Caslomyr

  1. I can't find the video that I really like. It was done shortly after the announcement. It is kind of like a news story about the closure and AP33 - it showed every AP the day of the protest. I dunno why but I always found the video to be super inspirational - probably because it showed the strength of the community at a time when it was hurting the most. Anyone know which video I am talking about and have a link?


    I think you are looking for this one:


  2. I came here to do this and find it to be unnecessary


    They say you cannot go home again.  You might take that to mean that once you leave a home it is lost to you forever, but that is not true.  You can return to a place, but you will not be the person who left, you will always return changed.  If you are lucky, if you are very  lucky, you will come back and find there not just familiar places haunted by ghosts, but friends with whom to reminisce and create new stories.  You cannot go home again, as it will have changed as will you, but you can build a fire in a cold hearth and dust off old comfortable chairs.  Perhaps you can build a new home.  If not you can leave with a warm heart and a promise that we must meet like this again.


    It's time to write a resurrection story.


    - Jock Tamson, Torchbearer.


    Welcome home, Jock!  I look forward to seeing what a few years away have done to your writing skills!


    - Caslomyr

  3. The largest one I remember was the Whitmoore Apartments threads.  Links to last preserved entries I'm aware of follow:


    Open Roleplay Thread:  http://web.archive.org/web/20120904135539/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=111878


    OOC Thread:  http://web.archive.org/web/20120904210932/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=126956


    I might have missed Lakewood Manor, but you might be able to find it in the same forums set.


    Good luck!



  4. Caslomyr returning to patrol duty!


    As no one else has mentioned cookies, I've taken the initiative to schedule a delivery.  Also, fireworks.


    *checks watch, looks up*


    Say, does anyone know the temperature cookie dough can reach on reentry?  I might have the recipe wrong.

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