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Everything posted by Bellerophon

  1. Whether this should be a cone, or a targeted AOE, and what the exact values should be, I'm not prepared to comment on. But having two different sized cones both affecting enemies is way too confusing. The only time I would support having two different shapes/areas/etc for power effects are going to be things like Fulcrum Shift with one area effecting enemies, then the PBAoE affecting your allies.
  2. Bah... missed that the assorted travel Stealth IOs are mutually exclusive, not just that you can only have 1 Celerity Stealth slotted. Thanks for the quick responses.
  3. My understanding is that with the recent new IO sets, those can only go into actual travel powers, with things like Sprint being restricted to the new "Leaping & Sprints" or "Running & Sprints" category that the original 4 running/jumping sets got moved to. Looking at the power in the Enhancements screen, I do see Sprint as accepting the "Running & Sprints" category, and looking at the IO itself, it is tagged in that category, but when I try to slot it, Sprint/prestige slide get greyed out.
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