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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. I know this is radically off-season, but sometimes the Youtube algorithm moves in mysterious ways. And I have to share - because - Real Life Eochai!
  2. I'm not sure where in the Nemesis order of battle this guy would go - I'm using the name "Nemesis Golem" as a place-holder name. But in concept this should be about as tall as the Nemesis Warhulk, and unlike the Warhulk, be prioritized for melee combat (super-strength). Also - perhaps it's piloted. But perhaps not. If this is anything like the Warhulks, maybe recolor that central "roundel" on the chest as a window/port-hole of sorts?
  3. Oh hey! I remember these! Classics! I gotta go back and re-listen again!
  4. That's awesome! And you know what that first image reminds me of? The "Big Zam" mobile armor from the original Gundam series in 1979. It was basically a flying, walking pocket battleship compared to regular mobile suits!
  5. While I'm thinking about it - I have another "Magitech" armor add-on for a mecha suit. This is the Dynamo Banshee. And this is the normal appearance of the mecha. And yes, I kinda went wild with the design, comparatively speaking. ( "Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod red in there." "Oh yes. That should help you keep a low profile." ) ^_^;; This is my only Mecha character who started on redside. And also likely the LAST of my Giant Mecha characters. (I feel like I've kinda mined the field sufficiently) By concept, Banshee is the only SENTIENT mech of the Dynamo line - though he does partner with a human pilot. By powerset he's meant to be a reflection of my main, Dynamo Joe - Sentinel, Beam Rifle. But where Dynamo Joe is set up to withstand damage. Dynamo Banshee moves fast enough to outright avoid most of it (Super Reflexes) And the Banshee duo encountered Magic foes much earlier than Joe did. Running through the First Ward and Night Ward Arcs. So here's the Magitech Armor and Weapon used in the late First Ward and Night Ward arcs for Dynamo Banshee: I may make other mecha designs in the future. But probably just as design theory. Not as playable characters.
  6. That would absolutely rock so damn hard! As an enormous fan of mecha in general, the above backpack (The AB7 Afterburn) reminds me strongly of the FASTpack used by the Valkyries in the original Macross series and movie. And it was both a thruster pack and missile battery (or optional beam cannon). If the AB7 Could fire the same "Macross Missile Massacre" that the Praetorian Commanders (with their missile backpacks) do... DEVS! WE NEED AN ADDITION TO THE MUNITIONS EPIC POOL!!! STAT!! :D
  7. COAST TO COAST!!! (A friend back on live had this awesome base that was set up as the Space Ghost Coast to Coast talk show studio. :D )
  8. So, I've got Dynamo Joe running the Dark Astoria arcs. This is his normal look BTW: And it seems... incongruous to have a guy in a mecha suit doing arcs based so heavily on magic. I started thinking about attacks from Mot and the Knives of Vengeance etc, not to mention the high level Circle of Thorns and that DJ's defenses against those would naturally be lacking. Maybe his return attacks might lack something as well. I know that in the game, this doesn't matter. But I like my own headcanon to stay relatively consistent. I think about these things! So - going back to Final Fantasy games as far back as FF6. I remembered a word often in use in those games - Magitech. Now in those stories - you had MECHA and other mechanical weapons that were powered by magic and often used it directly to attack and defend. But they are still mechanisms at their heart. So what would Dynamo Joe look like if they stripped the suit down to it's frame and layered it back up with armor that had runic protections and weaponry that was amped with mana energy? Why... ultimately, I came up with something that looks like ... THIS: Does he look the part for Dark Astoria now?
  9. 😁👍 I couldn't help it - I saw the above, and my mind IMMEDIATELY remembered the following:
  10. BTW - related to Becky - was her original game model a standard Tarantula Mistress? It's been over a year since I last ran Vernon Von Grun's arc. And I just did again yesterday. And noticed Becky's upgraded character model. Was she always this look? Or was her look altered for the first mission in the Dr Aeon SF? (Things often go by so fast I rarely get a chance to look more closely) And if so, is her model in Von Grun's arc a change to make sure she matches up with the DASF model? This is in no way a complaint. I LIKE what's been done here. Just wanted to be sure that my memory wasn't playing tricks on me!
  11. Oh that's not even the most awful thing the newbie freakshow likely get tagged for. It's dealing with the OTHER end of that procedure that's THE WORST. And that's all I need to say about that. You can figure out the implications for yourself. :P
  12. So I'm running Vernon Von Grun's arc. (Lot of fun, that one!) And I came across Becky The Tarantula Mistress. Valley Girl Spider. Creepy but kinda adorable. Thought I'd get a screenshot: THEN - I noticed - hey - isn't her character model a little... different than the usual Tarantula Mistress? Why yes. Yes it is. I hope this is good enough resolution to see. But she's definitely customized her armor. :D Also - just in case you can't make out the words in that decal on the top of her carapace, it says "Hot Mess Express". LMAO!! :D
  13. Even on their last album together, RUSH was on TOP of their game!
  14. Not one of mine - but I just ran across her at the MSR aftermath. And had to give MASSIVE Props! I really got an honest laugh out of this one!
  15. A little bit of Weird Al Yankovic can go a LONG way in making a character concept... Like a Sturgeon... Cutting for the very first time!
  16. Free idea - comes with PUNishment. Use as you will. :D He is an ancient being of PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!!... Who lives in the ittybittylivingspace behind the bar of his partner, who runs a bistro during her "Day Job". Together they fight crime as "Djinn and Tonic"!
  17. The above was my commentary and presentation for a Counter-sniping badge a few months ago. Yes, my inspiration was pretty obvious. :P
  18. Introducing the latest model in the Dynamo Series of mecha suits. The MSP-95 GP-01 Dynamo Ingram. This mecha has been designed with close and medium range weapons and a variety of non-lethal subdual options. A streamlined and slightly smaller compact build makes this unit better suited for urban environments. Proven, durable technologies and easy maintenance make this mecha suitable for inclusion as back up and fire support for Longbow, Vanguard and even local police. Fire and rescue missions can be supported with add-on modules. The pilot is a Longbow reservist acting as a test pilot to see how the Ingram works out in Paragon. Assuming all goes well with the test unit, later there will be official variations such as the Police unit below.
  19. And then... there's that almost infinitely rare time, when you realize that you and another player have actually beaten the odds and made matching character designs. (I'm the one on the right. FYI)
  20. This reminded me of an old convo thread where a clever guy posted the following:
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