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Posts posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. The amount of attention and effort the Team has put in to this particular quality of life balancing act is very inspiring.

    I do find myself deeply curious about what the hack was that @Jimmy discovered to make the timer change.  Deeply curious!

    Obviously giving away any information which is protected under ncsoft's ownership would be ill-advised, but even a colourful analogy would be delightful to have!


    With the addition of the PvP Holicopter linkage, I foresee St. Martial becoming my primary travel hub for Redside.  If only there were a way to quickly get from the Giza/hospital over to the south-western Arachnos fort . . . hmm . . . 

  2. I'm not an expert, @Vanden, but I don't believe that would be the ideal work-around for this issue.  Rather than a coding solution, a animation kludge might be more appropriate.  Basically take the existing "forward walk" animation and modifying the rotation of it.   It'll still look awkward, but I imagine it would have less overhead and less potential to break than having the code try to perform the visual translation on the fly.


    Although, the Walk Power animations are already all complete; they're just gender-locked, which might make for a little skeletal squashing or stretching, but @Piecemeal's recent work seems to suggest that the Devs -do- have something at their disposal to address issues like that.

  3. I think there was a Dev/GM response a while ago along the lines of "that rule is there for your safety, since anything that another person says or does with your account is going to land in your lap when we hold you accountable for their actions."

    Not sure if that was an -official- stance, but I do remember it popping up a month or two ago.

  4. I'm honestly kind of confused on the "name sitting" thing.

    How are people so sure that's such a dramatic problem?  My perspective genuinely doesn't afford me the insight in to seeing that.  As far as I'm aware, any name sitters would need to personally be painting targets on their own backs by declaring "I took this name so no one else can use it."   Is that actually happening somewhere?

  5. One of my reasons for using Ninja Run so much is that it mutes the "clippy clop" of footsteps which sound like high-heels even on barefooted characters.

    If it would be possible to have Athletic Run without sound effects as an option, I would be even more grateful than I already am for this wonderful quality of life improvement's addition.

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  6. It's a known issue.

    Two conditions tend to cause this:   You either had untrained level ups pending (the green UP arrow in the upper-right corner of the GUI, on the Experience flower) or you were attempting the Respec inside a Base (not sure on the specifics of this, but it has been reported by other players on numerous occasions).


    Glad to see the reboot restored the Enhancements!   Was going to recommend that.

    • Thanks 1
  7. First off:   YES!



    (Thank you!)


    With these additions, since the Sprints are not unlocked by default, could we please have a Facemaker added to the starting area of the Breakout Tutorial, and a Crey Surgeon (since that would be more narratively appropriate than an Icon employee) added to the starting area of the Outbreak Tutorial, please?

    Not sure what would be narrative appropriate for the Praetoria Tutorial or the I-fuggin'-hate-this (Ruining Galaxy City) Tutorial.  But, then again, Trainers are now change rooms, apparently, so maybe a narrative crux isn't entirely necessary.


    Thanks for the consideration!

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