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Posts posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. @Piecemeal, something that would have been helpful in giving a more in-depth review of @holymittens' work of yesteryear would have been the opportunity to see the mission files.

    Yes, this would "spoil" things that were intended to be surprises, but I think at a certain point it might be worthwhile to show the guts of your work so the playerbase can give a more intensive analyse of it.


    In the meantime . . . I'mma get started on this and see what I can knock loose!

    Although; could we please have the initial post in this thread mention that FBSA NetOps Agent Watkins is situated at -2261.0, -84.0, -2578.5 in Steel Canyon?   Took me a dog's year to find the guy!

    Might also be good to mention that this is not a "Hero Only" Contact, but rather a "Blueside" Contact, since it appears Vigilantes can access him.


    And thank you for volunteering your time and work on this.

  2. I have a lot of Temporary Powers on my main, and a few on many of my alts.  Enough that it's a pain in the ass to organize things after a Respec.



    If we're not able to have something like https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14927-save-and-load-command-for-power-tray-configuration/ any time soon (or even if we are), I would like to propose sub-categorization of the Temporary Powers.


    Sub-Categories I would like to see would be:

    -Single-Target Attack (possibly divided between Ranged and Melee if necessary)

    -Cone Attack (possibly divided as above)

    -AoE Attack (possibly divided)

    -Self Support

    -Team Support




    This would be hugely helpful.


    I realize a project of this magnitude could be quite time consuming, but its relative simplicity lends itself to something which the Homecoming Team could potentially recruit from willing players to tackle.

    So, how about it, Homecoming?  Think this is something we could work on together after Issue 27, Page 1 has been fully tested and given some post-release attention for last minute bugs?

  3. I don't think it's a shoeful of dog crap, @Crowe . . . but yeah, I empathize with your point of view.  The optics on this are already going to be kind of bad.  Not as bad as disabling the Double Inf feature, of course, and the Devs certainly look like they're trying to throw us some bones, so overall it will hopefully be a less rocky road than last time.  

    I think the Devs are moving in the right direction here.  These new transit Powers just need to be tweaked to make them worthwhile and standardized across the board.  

  4. It's pretty simple, I think, @Luminara:



    There is no shortage of roleplayers in this game.  I can not speak for all roleplayers, but I do try my best to keep a close ear to the concerns of "my people" given the role I have in the OOC and RP Global Channels (which, don't get me wrong; I know there are discords and stuff which are far more active these days, and I'm not the only player out there who is advocating for roleplayers, and not all roleplayers are the same, at et cetera et cetera et cetera . . . but I -am- hearing a LOT of discontent from the ones whom I do try to accurately represent in this forum).


    The current speed with which roleplayers can use the enterbase command is a thing of absolute beauty!   It's not just about popping in to a nightclub Base, or zoning out to "the real world" when we're done.  We create elaborate scenes and scenarios, with a great deal of travel taking us from locale to locale in a very short amount of time.

    enterbase made that a reality, and we absolutely LOVE IT!


    A lot of the players I've spoken to still aren't aware that this command was never intended for them.  They don't visit the forums and they think the people claiming such as just trolls.

    This change is going to hit them pretty hard.

    So this feedback that we're offering saying that the current transit Power options aren't ideal, it's with the context that we're looking to soften that blow as much as possible.  We're trying to maintain the level of enjoyment and pleasure we've grown accustomed to playing this game over the past year-and-change.


    Travel, to us, isn't so much a part of gameplay.   It's a thing that gets in the way of gameplay.   If a scene is supposed to take place during a leisurely walk; cool.   We'll leisurely walk.  But if we're trying to keep a story/act engaged and pithy; sometimes we just need to get from point A to point B instantly.


    Again, going to emphasize:   I do NOT speak for all roleplayers.  I am just advocating for some of the players who feel their voices will not be heard here; either because they don't trust themselves to speak clearly, or (as is most often the case) they're terrified of being shouted down by "hardcore gamers."

    (Also, not saying you're not a roleplayer, @Luminara.  Just so that doesn't seem like an accusation I'm making.)

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  5. There is another issue with having SO MANY of these transit Powers: 

    Power Tray Slots


    I'm already at capacity:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12662-ran-out-of-room-need-more-power-trays/

    And not to mention that with all these additional transit Powers, post-Respec clean-up is going to be even more of a hassle for everyone:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/14927-save-and-load-command-for-power-tray-configuration/


    I get it.  

    The enterbase command wasn't meant for us, and there are players who feel that the community should have never adopted the use of it.

    But we did.  And it demonstrated something to many of us:  This game is much more enjoyable for us with travel times significantly demolished!

    To the Homecoming Devs' credit, they opted to let the command stay in our hands until this point, and they're doing their best to find a fair compromise.


    But with about a dozen separate Powers which, when combined, barely compete with the sheer usefulness of the singular command, then we're going to run in to some issues.

    The community has largely been trained to accept and appreciate the enterbase command.  Maybe the Devs regret not dealing with it sooner, but the genie was let out of its bottle for a good long time and we're looking to find a better solution for everyone from this point on.


    There are a lot of redundant transit Powers, frankly.  That wasn't the fault of the Homecoming Team; they were redundant already thanks to the Legacy Devs.

    Removing options from players is not the ideal solution, and I think the Homecoming Team understand that.

    Without getting a clear and concise breakdown of what the Homecoming Devs specifically want out of this, I'm operating under the assumptions listed above.


    To those ends:

    I feel the optimal play is to make EACH of the transit Powers meaningful by allowing the average player to get comparable use out of any one of these Powers when held up to the standards we achieved with the enterbase command.

    To do that, each of these Powers need to have significantly lower cooldowns and/or cast times.  Having them blocked for Master of-... and PvP will hopefully be a small issue once they're all standardized.  Having them be inoperable for a few seconds after using a Combat Power or being attacked (not necessarily being hit) is also very reasonable and fair.  I think that with those limitations in mind, a 3 seconds or less activation time is very reasonable for all of these Powers, and a "drop" duration equal to the recharge time is also reasonable.


    Hopefully we'll hear from the Devs and the rest of the Homecoming Team on how they feel about that, and what reasons they might have if they feel this is unreasonable.

    • Like 6
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  6. As it stands, if the Cooldowns on all these travel Powers stay as long as they are, then I -will- need to unlock all of these various travel Powers to maintain the same speed at which I skip between zones as I do on the current live-release version of the Homecoming Servers.


    Alternatively, if the Cooldowns for Base Transporter is dropped to 30 seconds, and Supergroup Portal becomes something like 90 second duration with 90 second cooldown, then sure.  Whatever on Long Range Teleport.  I'll just use the Base Transporter and Supergroup Portal instead.


    Ideally, we'll get the best of both solutions so that players can meaningful choose between their transit options.

    • Like 1
  7. A thought (or two) . . . 

    Would it be possible to create tradeable "Beacon Tokens" as a new Special Salvage item?

    You earn one for every 8 Exploration Badges you find, which you can then redeem for a Zone unlocked on the Long Range Teleport Power List?

    Tradeable, so that you can collect these Tokens on one character, then toss them over to another of your characters to facilitate the whole experience.  Or alternatively help out your friends who might be having trouble unlocking things themselves?

    And these Tokens could be purchased from P2W or from the Market for something like 500,000 Inf?  


    Otherwise . . . well, I already have a Taxi character on Everlasting.  I suppose I'll end up dusting them off . . . 

  8. I'm rather wary of Extra Credits, because on a few occasions they've said some really ass-backwards things (such as going in to examples around the 4:10 mark, but the three games that were cited at the start of that . . . I definitely would NOT call League a humane game), but overall . . . yes.  The point made in that video is accurate.  Game designers have power to make their work ethically and humanely, or not.  And with City of Heroes being not-for-profit, there's really no excuse to be inhuman and unethical.

  9. No, @Luminara.   You should stop picking on @Jimmy for staring at his own nipples because no one should be picked on for staring at any nipples.

    At most, they should be politely reminded not to stare at nipples to the point of making others uncomfortable in situations where the appropriateness of the conduct has been applied in accordance with social niceties.  But never picked on.



     . . .



     . . . TOP FREEDOM!

  10. In regard to my earlier feedback, here are some more detailed critiques:



    Neither Base Teleporter nor Base Transporter appear to be accessible publicly or to teammates.

    I very strongly feel at least one of these should function similarly to the Ouroboros Portal Power, and provide other players access.

    If not either of these Powers, then please create a third one to fill this function.  Given the current conditions on Live for roleplayers, being able to ferry multiple players to a Base is VERY MUCH a desired function.

    Missed the two additional Powers.  Apologies.  I'll get to testing those.


    Similarly, a Pocket D Power which "drops" a public-access portal would be fantastic too.  Given this update addresses the issues related to travel, now is probably the ideal time to implement such a new Power.


    The 40 foot range from existing Portals seems reasonable.

    The conditions for what interrupts the Base Teleporter and Base Transporter seem too easy to accidentally trip, ESPECIALLY with the 10m cooldown on Transporter, and the limited-charges nature of Teleporter.


    I've yet to test this, but given the nature of Day Jobs, I believe now would also be a good time to implement the opportunity for players to increase the number of maximum charges for Day Job Powers.  Personally subjective, but 30 is fairly low when it comes to one of my moderate length play sessions, and being limited to only replenishing one Day Job Power at a time, it would be nice to stockpile a higher number of maximum charges.


    Another major priority:

    Timing on these Powers seem to be on the high end in terms of activation and recharge (excluding Base Teleporter's Recharge of 30s, which is good).

    I would recommend 3 second activation times, but perhaps add a "not engaged in combat for 10 seconds" clause.  Less than 3 seconds would be even more ideal, but I imagine you still want there to be some kind of barrier to instant travel?

    Cooldowns of 30 minutes were always ridiculous, so thank you for dropping those.  However, I think 10 minutes is still erring on the side of overly conservative.  5 minutes, bringing them in line with Ouroboros Portal would be the most sensible decision, I believe.


    And speaking of Ouroboros Portal; the 90 second up-time is just . . . bizarre.  5 minute duration with 5 minute cooldown was perfect.  Reasonable, helpful, non-exploitable (as far as I'm aware, anyway).  This change is especially confusing to me, and seems needlessly punitive.


    Additional animations for all Teleport / Zone Transit Powers would be fantastic, now that we can customize these Powers.

    I propose the following:

    - The Arcane Teleport Animation, on loop for the duration of the cast time.

    - The Wrist-beep Animation, on loop for the duration (such as what we see with Ouroboros Portal cast and Team Transporter).

    - A Snipe and/or Assassin Strike Animation, or two or three.  There are some good ones which could make sense here.


    And the sound is definitely NOT growing on me . . . oof.  My ears!


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