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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Sign me up with Micro Menacement - Claws / Fiery Aura Stalker.
  2. Costumes... absolutely brilliant! Shame I missed it, but ... well... beer.
  3. I will be at the ACTUAL Beer Hall this weekend.
  4. Just a heads up: Will be off again for the next 2 weeks. Have fun and good hunting.
  5. Greetings from Crete Island, friends. We are wrapping up our family vacation here in 2 days and I definitely plan to take part in the MM Numina. Will update you on the specific toon to go when I am back at my desk at home. EDIT: @FrauleinMental I am signing up with Mikasa Blue Moon, Ninjas/Nature Mastermind.
  6. Again, not sure if I have the time this saturday. If I can make it, it would be with Smiley Goblin (Beam Rifle / Traps Corruptor) playing hardlight holographic tricks on the foolish Nazi punks. Also, for the next 2 weeks, it will be spontaneous, if at all. Should be more regular schedule again for me once september passes... And thank you so much @FrauleinMental for taking the lead on this! Much appreciated, even when I am not taking part every time!
  7. I hope to be there again this time. Still undecided which toon to bring, I keep you posted. EDIT: Sign me up with Chainbow (Arrow/Dark Sentinel). - Dark Armor actually makes a nice, flamy aura if you set it right and color appropriately. I like that look quite a lot!
  8. Blasters? I got Blasters! ... just don't know if I got time. Again, we may have plans for the weekeend, so not sure if I can make it. It's summertime, it's busy...
  9. Can't promise to be there today. But in case I can make it, I have prepared Eddie (the delivery boy played by Meatloaf) - Symphonic / Savage Dominator (I think...)
  10. Take it to good use and enjoy. All of us copying here have been one both ends of the equation some time or other 😎
  11. If anybody can, it's Jaxx!😎
  12. All the best to you, @TrixieKixx! And get well soon! We will carry the torch for as long a time as you feel you need! Hope to see you around again in some form or another, once things are getting better! 😷
  13. I'd say Storm Blast definitely qualifies! That one has lots of water in it for sure! I would love if there was the possibility of combining Water Blast with Storm Blast, to make it ALL WATER on a toon. But we will probably have to wait for the new powerset in Beta to come live for that. For Imperious, I plan to bring Tainted Waterlily, A Poison/Water Blast Defender. More a Swamp Thing than Fish, but I hope that's ok.
  14. Hi @TrixieKixx, I plan to bring Smiley Goblin, disguising his wicked little self in shiny Nemesis uniform. P.S.: I would REALLY like to get my hands on some original costume parts from these buggers in the CC! EDIT: Smiley is Beam Rifle / Traps Corruptor, for the record...
  15. Love the outfits! Great pics!
  16. Looks sufficiently evil, I would say 🙂
  17. Love the Bios! That one was great fun, I am very fond of Martial Arts powerset! Such killer animations! And I really enjoy my newbie Li-Chun with her Super Reflexes, a combo I hadn't tried yet.
  18. Not gonna be there next weekend. Although it would have been the perfect opportunity to finally get a Widow to 50 for this. Have fun and good hunting!
  19. I Most likely won't be there tomorrow, so don't wait for me.
  20. The first time in quite a while that I have made a new character for Theme Team, but it just felt so fitting. I am signing up with Li-Chun Xiang (MA/SR Scrapper). There IS, however, the next match of the german soccer team on saturday at 9pm CET (3h after theme team) and I may be meeting with friends for some public viewing, which may require me to head out early. If I stay at home for watching, timing shouldn't be an issue, tho...
  21. Signing up with Khal Drogo, the great Dothraki Horselord of the eastern plains. (Katana/Regen Scrapper, for the record).
  22. Sunday would also in general work for me, the time is EU friendly, so appreciate that 🙂 I will keep doing this case by case, depending on the badges at hand. Not a completionist here...
  23. Agent Caustic is seriously giving me the creeps 😆
  24. I will be there with Glissade (Ice/Kin Controller). EDIT: I just remembered while looking for a suitable toon that we had something similar a while ago on a Respec Trial: @TygerDarkstorm: You chance to go again 😉
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