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Posts posted by Bananiac

  1. On 9/21/2024 at 7:53 PM, FrauleinMental said:

    28 Sep - Positron 1+2 (Level 8+) - THEM!  All insect motif (another of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!)


    Sign me up with Micro Menacement - Claws / Fiery Aura Stalker.


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  2. On 9/21/2024 at 7:14 PM, Midnyte said:

    Terra Volta Respec Trial #2 / Harlan - Oktoberfest costumes w/beer powersets!

    Saturday, September 21, 2024


    We went with the 6 who signed up, and we had a blast! Quite literally. Beer blast! 🍺




    Wake Monster, corruptor by @FrauleinMental, in only the 'fest finest!


    @TygerDarkstorm brought another cute canine creation with controller, Captain Barkbeard


    Beer Goddess, bar-wench sentinel by @Midnyte




    With a cool story and creative look, Princess of Atlantis, defender by @Purple Enchantress


    @TrixieKixx brought defender, Kailani Bayou, with her clever apron design!


    @Burnt Umber brought mastermind, Gekiryu no Oni, in a festively dashing costume!






    We stayed awash in all the glorious goldens and ambers




    Cherry Beer Bubbles 😄 




    He's being swallowed whole by the little-known Beer Shark!



    Zero defeats! Fun times. 


    ~ The End ~




    Costumes... absolutely brilliant! Shame I missed it, but ... well... beer.



    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  3. On 8/31/2024 at 7:29 PM, FrauleinMental said:

    I didn't see any objections or edits, so here are our themes for September:

    • 7 Sep - Soul of the Woodsman (Numina, Level 35-40) - NuMMina TF (one of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!)
    • 14 Sep - Cavern of Transcendence (Karsis, Level 12-15) [last Theme Sep 2022] (Note: Unlock required for leader) - “Pinball Wizard” - Kinetics or Kinetic Melee powerset
    • 21 Sep - Terra Volta Respec #2 (James Harlan, Level 34-43) - Oktoberfest - Beer (Water) powers, Oktoberfest costumes [As far as I can tell, we've never done TVspec 2 or 3 in Theme.]
    • 28 Sep - Positron 1+2 (Level 8+) - THEM!  All insect motif (another of Rich’s original themes from page 1 of this thread!)

    Signup for 7 Sep:

    1. @FrauleinMental Project Isabelle - Bots/Rad MM
    2. @TygerDarkstorm TBD
    3. ??
    4. ??
    5. ??
    6. ??
    7. ??
    8. ??


    On the horizon, October is a month-long theme: “An Arachnos Shardtober” (Arachnos invasion - All VEATs), running through all four Shadow Shard TFs as they rotate into WSTs.  I'm leveling my first-ever Arachnos Soldier (Crab Spider) just for this occasion.  And I think we're still hoping on 2 Nov to run Dr. Kane's House of Horror (Level 15-29, 4 players per team) with an Illusion power, Halloween costume theme (otherwise, it's MLTF).


    Since there's been a request for signup for "An Arachnos Shardtober", I'll start tracking those as well:

    1. @Glacier Peak Fortunata Non Grata - Arachnos Widow
    2. @FrauleinMental Orb Mistress - Arachnos Soldier


    Greetings from Crete Island, friends. We are wrapping up our family vacation here in 2 days and I definitely plan to take part in the MM Numina. Will update you on the specific toon to go when I am back at my desk at home.


    EDIT: @FrauleinMental I am signing up with Mikasa Blue Moon, Ninjas/Nature Mastermind.



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  4. On 8/10/2024 at 9:33 PM, FrauleinMental said:

    Sign up for 17 Aug - The MegaMech Cometh (Ernesto Hess, 25-30) - "Striga Infiltration" (Any AT/powers, Council costumes)

    1. @FrauleinMental Lost Time - Mind/Time CTRL (TF unlocked)
    2. @Burnt Umber Nox Atrissima - Night Widow
    3. @Midnyte Global Catastrophe - Seismic/Storm Corruptor
    4. ??
    5. ??
    6. ??
    7. ??
    8. ??


    Again, not sure if I have the time this saturday. If I can make it, it would be with Smiley Goblin (Beam Rifle / Traps Corruptor) playing hardlight holographic tricks on the foolish Nazi punks.


    Also, for the next 2 weeks, it will be spontaneous, if at all.


    Should be more regular schedule again for me once september passes...


    And thank you so much @FrauleinMental for taking the lead on this! Much appreciated, even when I am not taking part every time!


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  5. On 8/3/2024 at 7:37 PM, FrauleinMental said:

    Sign up for 10 Aug - Beast of the Mountain (Virgil Tarikoss, Level 15-20) - "Fighting Fire with Fire" (Any AT/powers; Fire/Demon/Necromancy-themed costumes)

    1. @FrauleinMental Radical Flambe - Rad/Fire Brute
    2. @Burnt Umber Alichino - Demons/Pain MM
    3. ??
    4. ??
    5. ??
    6. ??
    7. ??
    8. ??


    I hope to be there again this time. Still undecided which toon to bring, I keep you posted.


    EDIT: Sign me up with Chainbow (Arrow/Dark Sentinel). - Dark Armor actually makes a nice, flamy aura if you set it right and color appropriately. I like that look quite a lot!


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  6. On 7/28/2024 at 2:57 PM, FrauleinMental said:


    That's right--all Blasters!

    I dropped in my character as a maybe, so that spot's still open if by some chance we get 8 definites.


    Blasters? I got Blasters! 


    ... just don't know if I got time. Again, we may have plans for the weekeend, so not sure if I can make it.

    It's summertime, it's busy...


    • Like 2
  7. On 7/13/2024 at 11:01 PM, TygerDarkstorm said:

    If nothing comes up, I will try to be there on Fae Tastic - Time/Storm Defender (it just says water themed and time can be made to look like water and storm blast has water powers in it lol).


    I'd say Storm Blast definitely qualifies! That one has lots of water in it for sure!


    I would love if there was the possibility of combining Water Blast with Storm Blast, to make it ALL WATER on a toon. 

    But we will probably have to wait for the new powerset in Beta to come live for that.


    For Imperious, I plan to bring Tainted Waterlily, A Poison/Water Blast Defender. More a Swamp Thing than Fish, but I hope that's ok.



    • Thumbs Up 2
  8. On 6/29/2024 at 8:26 PM, TrixieKixx said:


    7/13 - Sara Moore (Level 40-50; Blue Side: Cascade Archipelago) - Any AT / How close can you get to the costumes of our enemies? (Circle of ThornsNemesisSoldiers of Rularuu) Let's infiltrate!!


    Hi @TrixieKixx, I plan to bring Smiley Goblin, disguising his wicked little self in shiny Nemesis uniform.


    P.S.: I would REALLY like to get my hands on some original costume parts from these buggers in the CC!


    EDIT: Smiley is Beam Rifle / Traps Corruptor, for the record...

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. On 7/2/2024 at 12:19 AM, TrixieKixx said:

    Hey @Burnt Umber 


    Can you lead this one for me? I won't be able to make it as we have last-minute plans to go out of town.




    BTW, this is the look Evil Goddess was going to rock.

    Screenshot 2024-07-01 152057.png


    Looks sufficiently evil, I would say 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 6/29/2024 at 7:48 PM, Midnyte said:

    Positron 1 and Positron 2 TFs - Martial Arts powersets and costumes

    Saturday, June 29, 2024


    We had a small group of 5 sign ups, and then @Lividus & 2 more recruited.

    The whole group stayed for both parts of the Posi TFs.





    Love the Bios! 


    That one was great fun, I am very fond of Martial Arts powerset! Such killer animations! And I really enjoy my newbie Li-Chun with her Super Reflexes, a combo I hadn't tried yet. 



    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    I look forward to seeing everyone who signed up tomorrow at...


    [1100 PST / 1200 MST / 1300 CST / 1400 EST] Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3: The Arena badges are next for the final PvP week! Tournament Victor and Pentad Victor take the most time, so we will be doing these first and once everyone has those two, we will proceed to the other three Arena badges. If you want to switch badgers after each attempt, you are more than welcome as needed. We will meet inside the Pocket D Arena area, I'll be there 15 minutes early to start inviting people. ***I'm locking the player count at 8 for this run to ensure I can respect the two hour time estimate for players who sign up.*** 


    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:22, 8 May 2020 Arena Victor: Win any rated or unrated match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 23:54, 7 May 2020 Arena Duelist: Win a rated or unrated Duel match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:31, 8 May 2020 Tournament Victor: Win a rated or unrated Swiss Draw match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:01, 8 May 2020 Arena Survivalist: Win a rated or unrated Battle Royale match in the Arena
    • Thumbnail for version as of 00:08, 8 May 2020 Pentad Victor: Win a rated or unrated Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
    • File:Badge arena AllStar 5.png Arena All-Star: You've earned the Arena All-Star badge by winning all of the above types of Arena matches


     Sign-Up for Sunday, June 30th - PvP Badges Week 3:

    1. @Glacier Peak Glacier Peak - Ice/Cold Corruptor
    2. @FrauleinMental Fraulein Mental - Mind/Kin Controller
    3. @Burnt Umber Nox Atrissima - Widow/Fortunata
    4. @Midnyte Midnyte - Dark Melee/Willpower Brute
    5. @Bananiac Character and AT unknown
    6. @DethMonger @BruceWee- Bruce Wee - Martial Arts/Regeneration Scrapper
    7. @Crossbones "Silver Sun" AT unknown

    I Most likely won't be there tomorrow, so don't wait for me.


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  12. On 6/22/2024 at 8:18 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    6/29 – Posi 1 & 2 (Level 8-15 and Level 11-16 – Blue Side: Steel Canyon) – Any AT with Martial Arts as one of the powers / Martial Arts costumes



    The first time in quite a while that I have made a new character for Theme Team, but it just felt so fitting.

    I am signing up with Li-Chun Xiang (MA/SR Scrapper).


    There IS, however, the next match of the german soccer team on saturday at 9pm CET (3h after theme team) and I may be meeting with friends for some public viewing, which may require me to head out early. If I stay at home for watching, timing shouldn't be an issue, tho...


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  13. On 6/15/2024 at 7:49 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    6/22 – Tree of Thorns Respec #3 (Level 44-50 – Red Side: Nerva Archipelago) – Any AT / Game of Thrones costumes


    Signing up with Khal Drogo, the great Dothraki Horselord of the eastern plains.

    (Katana/Regen Scrapper, for the record).

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. I will be there with Glissade (Ice/Kin Controller). 


    EDIT: I just remembered while looking for a suitable toon that we had something similar a while ago on a Respec Trial:



    @TygerDarkstorm: You chance to go again 😉 


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