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Display Name

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Everything posted by Display Name

  1. I can't believe I watched this whole thing!?
  2. Underneath my Notoriety settings in the chat bubble there's an option to change alignment. It doesn't seem to work for me. Can someone tell me about this, please? I tried to get a screenshot but hitting the keys caused the chat bubble window to drop.
  3. Some tips. These have probably already been stated in previous replies: 01) Switch to Vigilante or Rogue alignment. The event happens in blue/red/gold zones. 02) Create a new tab in your Chat window with "Hero Zone Event Messages," "Praetorian Zone Event Messages" and "Villain Zone Event Messages." Make sure to check it every 15 mins or so. Or just leave it "open" so that you can see when the event starts. 03) /macro_image "Teleportation_LongRangeTeleport" "Teleport: Cosmic Terminal" "enterbasefrompasscode COSMICTRANSPORT-6608" 04) Try targeting through a pet. They're focused on the enemies and it makes it easier to target. That is, if you can find one. 05) It's been reported that defeating the GM quickly will make the event last longer. 06) The bird will catch you by the head and fly up high with you in tow and then releases you. Use any kind of teleport/incandescence (incan) power to escape. 07) You might turn green. Simply open your Powers window and delete "Bad Ent Type" from your Temporary Powers to change back. Or just wait until you exit the zone. Edit: No, the GM being killed by drones doesn't end the event. But if defeating the GM faster makes the event last longer, then you want their help. Edit, Edit. Try targeting through a Portable Workbench. Whut...? Yes! Summon a Portable Workbench. Target it. And then use your ranged powers to blast the enemies! This works for *any* situation. I first heard about this from @Autumn Twilight. I never knew this, before! When they told me about it, I was surprised! So I went to Atlas Park, dropped a Portable Workbench, targeted it, and then blasted some Hellions! WOW!!!!!
  4. 7:55pm EDT on March 29, 2024. I attempt to login and after clicking the server I want to login to and waiting a few moments, it kicks me back to the login screen. Edit: SOLVED! I exited the game and allowed the launcher to UPDATE the game! Duh! Edit, edit: I've been noticing a lot of increased problems ever since Homecoming bought NCSoft! 😉
  5. My "Badge List Popmenu" that I use from this page: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev ...did an update a few weeks ago. But I still can't find the new badges like Variety Act, Doesn't Look at Explosions and Zookeeper Omega. The version listed in my mod loader is 1.4.0 and was published 2024-02-21. What am I doing wrong?
  6. I just want validation on this Mastermind build in the Mastermind thread:
  7. Whoops! Strangely, I missed your point, entirely! I kept a Halloween tip (Whispered Rumors) on each of my toons for some strange reason, and now you've explained to me why I did that! For some odd reason, I kept a Whispered Rumors tip on each of my event badging toons "just because." But now, I see why my unconscious desire to do so occurred! Thank you for explaining this "Gamer Sense" tingling!
  8. I had a I had this Valentine Mish for approx 4 years (3 years of non-playing until spring of 2023,) before I got a legit answer to easily solve it before the Valentine Event started in 2024! I thank G-d that I asked to solve it before the Valentine's Event 2024 started! I was able to eliminate it, easily!
  9. Is the Thugs/Nature Affinity up to date?
  10. I think I figured this out. For some reason, the costume slot for my Sybil costume had a Glow aura enabled. I think it's because my initial costume for my recent toons were designed with the random feature.
  11. So now that Homecoming is a licensed CoH server, does that make the unlicensed servers legitimately illegal?
  12. I have an Illusion/Kinetic Controller and changed her Tough (Fighting) power effect to "Flex" because... Boobies. Anyway, her body has a glow while flexing which disappears soon after the power is activated. My other toons don't seem to do this. It seemed to start happening after the patch. Is this a setting? Or something unique to my power combo/AT? Or maybe it's... (dun, dun DUN!!!) ...a glitch? 🙂 Thanks! EDIT: I reloaded the toon and it doesn't do it anymore. EDIT, EDIT: It does it when I switch the Sybil costume.
  13. That worked for me, *sometimes.* I'm not sure about this but I think if you get a Valentine tip prior to talking to him, then he doesn't recruit you. Which is virtually impossible to avoid after doing both the Ganymede/Scratch arcs. Just about every toon I badged the Spring Fling badges for didn't get recruited. Instead, he immediately initiated the Snaptooth mish. Edit: Are you saying that talking to him immediately after completing *one* of the arcs triggers the recruitment? I'm pretty sure that you have to complete both of the arcs to get the Snaptooth mish. But it didn't occur to me that you would only need one to be recruited for the Valentine deliveries.
  14. I didn't get a notification for your reply!? To answer your question: I couldn't be certain the WL hadn't already spawned. Does the WL spawn at a package location? Or is it random? Does the WL wander far when it spawns? If the WL spawns at a package location and doesn't wander far, then I'm pretty certain that it had not already spawned.
  15. SIgh... There were three badges I didn't enjoy doing for this event. The Handsome/Beautiful badge and the Valentine delivery badges (Matchmaker and Missed Connection.) Valentine tips I didn't like the delivery badges especially because I would have to join a team, play a mish or two and then continue playing until the arc was ended even though I had already picked up the three max Valentine tips. The time commitment for this was enormous! And then it happened. One day, I casually beat up some Hellions in Atlas Park and got a Valentine tip!? I had received no inf/exp because I had outleveled them. But I got the tip! From then on, I farmed tips by street sweeping low-level zones. I tried to stay out of the way of low-level players street sweeping for the inf/exp and would move to another zone if there were a lot of players doing it. But I found that street sweeping is a fast and efficient way to generate Valentine tips! And there's no time commitment! You just beat up enemies until you get three Valentine tips and you can stop any time without letting other players down! Best of all, you don't have to defeat and entire group to get a tip! I took on this group of Clockwork one time and the last one got away. But I received the tip anyway and just let it go. Note that if you talk to DJ Zero, he'll sometimes *recruit* you to deliver Valentines. This adds a counter in your "Closest to Completion" category under Badges (in your Nav window.) The counter is easier to find in the "Events" category. Also note that if DJ Zero doesn't recruit you, this counter won't appear. I haven't figured out the condition that causes DJ Zero to recruit you to deliver Valentines. But it really doesn't matter because the counter has no effect on your ability to get the badge. Handsome/Beautiful badge Ugh! Not only do you have to put a team together for this, you have to get someone of an opposing alignment! So if you're blue and doing Ganymede's arc, you have to recruit a red or a Loyalist (goldside) for the last mish. And if you're red doing Scratch's arc, you have to recruit a blue or a Resistance player. Since this takes place in Pocket D, most players offering to join were level 1 and looking to level up. They came for the farms but they'll take a ride with you while they wait for a farm to open up. Sigh!! So to make it attractive, I would up the difficulty (+2/x4) so they would get some decent exp. Then I would have to keep them alive while we (slowly) battled our way through each mish. And then it happened. One evening, while attempting to recruit, a player casually pst'd me and told me that I could solo each arc if I switched alignment on the last mish. Wait... WHAT?! I tested out this hypothesis, and HE WAS RIGHT!!!! The caveat is that you *have* to launch the last mish in the arc *before* switching alignment! Otherwise, you can't talk to the contact to launch the last mish! Lol! This also allows you to immediately dive into the second arc because you're already teh correct alignment for it! And when you're on the last mish of the second arc, change back and now you have the badge and the same alignment you started with! Mind. Blown! Here are some macros that might help Ganymede arc: /macro target target_name Operative Tupelo Scratch arc: /macro target target_name Terrigol /macro target target_name Operative Finch Widow Maker badge You can speed-run this up until the last mish. But the last mish is super easy. Here are some macros that might help along the way: /macro target target_name Librarian /macro target target_name Night Widow Assassin Heart of Light/Darkness, Partygoer and Toothbreaker badges Honestly, it's WAY easier to earn the Toothbreaker badge during the Spring Fling than it is during the Winter Event. In the Spring Fling event, you can catch Snaptooth immediately upon entering the mish if you fly up and over the cliff to the north. At the top is a grassy airfield and Snaptooth spawns in the middle of it. Watch out for the Arachnos enemies! You have to defeat him three times to finish the mish. And you have to do this mish five times to get the Toothbreaker badge. It's better if you have a team for this one because those Red Caps can overwhelm you. I think that's all that I have! Have fun!
  16. I noticed this in Steel Canyon at first: I could see the exploration badge in the AE building in my Vidiotmaps overlay but not the AE waypoint itself. But now, I don't see the AE waypoint at all on any maps. This happened before the Valentine Event started. I'm using the City Mod Installer and Vidiot Maps installed through that. I don't know if this is on my end or Homecoming's.
  17. The Crusader mishs didn't take me to the correct locations...? Is it called "Imperial Crusader?" Edit: I found it! It *is* "Neutropolis Crusader!" When I saw "Imperial Crusader" it confused me... Thank you so much!
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