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Posts posted by Display Name

  1. Oh!  Found it!  I didn't know they listed them in the text, also!?


    Am I looking for contacts with "story arc" on their profile page?  Twin Shot has "Story Arcs" and lists three.  Sunstorm has nine arcs!?  But the badge only calls for seven...  Some of the contacts have "badge missions" but no story arcs.


    I'm getting confused here, somewhere...!  What is an arc?  What is a mission?  What is a story?

  2. I have a level 1 Arachnos Widow with Villain alignment.  The odd part is that I'm not sure I was offered a "starter" mission after creating her, but I certainly didn't complete one.  So I have zero exp and require 106 exp to reach the next level (if that makes a difference?)  I'm logging out in the "Arachnos building in the Marconeville neighborhood of Port Oakes."  I've used both the Help channel and the Paragon wiki to locate it precisely:



    I've been logged out in the lobby for approx 100 hours and I don't even show any progress towards the badge in the Closest To Completion in the Badge tab of the Nav window!  Nor is it in the Day Jobs section.  Am I doing something wrong?


    Edit: Nvm.  The progress bar showed up (finally?!) after I exited and re-entered.  It only shows activity from what I've done today though!?


    Arachnos building in Port Oakes lobby.jpg

  3. While setting up my character and "collecting" badges, I noticed that the list of Villain Accomplishments doesn't match the regular list!  I still have "Chameleon" in the Villain Accomplishments, for instance!


    If the character lists haven't been updated in a while, then there are probably several differences.  I'll keep looking!

  4. I would like to get this badge, too.  And I've heard it's a hard one to get.  But good strategy in CoX seems to be the most powerful Power in the game.  Cadd in the Cosmic Council is passing out Really Hard Way badges every Saturday night.


    So I imagine this one wouldn't be hard at all with some undistracted players.


    Edit: Eww!  Necro-thread!

  5. On 2/17/2020 at 8:27 PM, SpookTheHerd said:

    Keep finding more of these generic ID's for things coming up (and haven't noticed any corrections to previous ones!)
    This one's all over the Hess TF text, or should I say the P3149535802 task force. I THINK it should just be his name, right?


    Confirmed!  Same happened to me!

  6. In the Lars Hansen arc during the mission "Defeat Base Commander and His Men." after you defeat the base commander you get a message on the Awards channel that says "After defeating Archon Parson, you found a note in your pocket."


    I guess it should read "...found a note in *his* pocket?"

    Lars Hensen arc_Defeat Base Commander.jpg

  7. I wanted to start an Ernesto Hess Task Force and had a couple of questions about it.


    I attempted to talk to EH and he told me to talk to Lars Hansen.  Ok!  When I talk to LH, he tells me to talk to Gorgeous Glenda!?  Whoops!  Hold on!


    1) I'm vigilante, Lars Hansen is a blue contact in Striga Isle, and Gorgeous Glenda is a red contact in Cap au Diable.  What's wrong with this picture?  If I go talk to GG will she introduce me to LH?


    2) Can I launch this task force from Flashback and skip straight to earning the Buckholder's Bane badge?


    Edit: Lol!  I can launch Lars Hansen's arc from Flashback (A Madman's Council, level 25-29!  That's good enough, right?

  8. In the final mission of Roy Cooling's "Bad People, Good Intentions" arc, there was a strange glitch with the map when you first enter the oil rig zone.  As I moved around on the lower platform it alternated between showing my correct location and putting me at the map's edge.




    Edit: We used Flashback to do the mission.

  9. I have a badge with the description "Earn this badge by healing others for a cumulative 250,000 points of damage."  According to the mouse-over, I've healed others for over 19,000 points so far.


    The confusion I'm having is that I'm a blaster!  The only "healing" power I have is an absorb buff (Spirit Ward from the Sorcery pool) and technically that's not a heal.  Does anyone know how a blaster could have healed others for 19K points?!

  10. Wow!  I was wayyyy off!  I wasn't even on moral missions!?  Thanks!


    Hmmm...  Loyalists or Resistance?  They both seem pretty shady, to me!  The Protest zone event in Nova Praetoria is a peaceful protest from the Resistance and I always side with them.  The Great Escape zone event in Neutropolis has the Resistance constructing monsters out of who-knows-what and I always choose Loyalists there!


    Edit: WOW!  I played the mission you presented above, but embarrassing what's-his-punk once was more than enough of him for me!  So I jumped down to "Destroy or not Destroy..." because the title just SCREAMED "moral mission."  Yay!  Now I'm starting to get into the BIG LEAGUE!  Praetor White doesn't remember me of course, because I'm in Flashback.  But I remember when he lay at my feet!  I really enjoy time travel!  Despite the costs...

  11. On 2/22/2020 at 3:14 PM, Ulysses Dare said:

    ...and, like others here, it took me several tries.

    Same.  Several of the Accomplishment badges (redside?) have pre-requisites.  The Mr. G story requires you to have the Bane of Ajax badge from the very beginning.  Plus, you have to jump through a few hoops along the way.  Number 6's arc has some requirements for each mission.  Those are the biggest two (plus Vincent Ross' arc) that are more complex than a typical blueside click-through.

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