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Atlas Television

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About Atlas Television

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Hi, When RPG13 was created there was no code of conduct written yet. RPG13 is simply a voluntary space for people who would rather keep their foot firmly in the golden/silver/bronze age of mainstream comic-book media and whose interest is more focused than the general RP channel. If you wouldn't see it on Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice or a Disney Marvel movie, it's probably inappropriate for RPG13. If that's not to your interest, I understand, but I think we all have the same goal of making a vibrant, engaged role-playing community. As for moderation, I agree, the tools are limited, but that's why these custom channels are voluntary in the first place. I don't expect everyone to want to join and I wouldn't want anyone to ever feel pressured to join any channel on the server - I'm just letting people know that it's there. Happy Storysharing.
  2. In addition to RP and OOC there is RPG13. Also, for those looking for a more strictly traditional Superhero experience there is RPG13. Which is designed to have IC roleplay in the tone and style of the major Marvel movies, Bruce Timm's DCAU, and a more PG13 friendly atmosphere. Cursing is not strictly forbidden but follow the Marvel rule and save your "Oh Shit." for maximum possible impact. While a channel that allows villains and heroes to interact, remember this is a PG13 environment - when in doubt, default to tone, language and descriptions you might have found on Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Young Justice or Batman : the Animated Series. We're here to share our love of comic book stories with each other, first and foremost, not win best actor on the internet - in a question of what is true to your character and what is appropriate for the channel, we ask you always choose the tone of the channel. If you are a darker, edgy character, think of RPG13 as your animated television counterpart - If you're Heath Ledger's Joker normally, be Mark Hamill's Joker when you come to our channel. Thanks and Happy Storysharing. /chan_join RPG13 will join your global handle to the RPG13 chat channel. /macro RP "beginchat /chan_send RPG13 [$name] - " creates a macro button you can press on your bar to start chatting in the channel that will add your current character name after your global handle. /bind LSHIFT+ENTER "beginchat /chan_send RPG13 [$name] -" binds left shift button + enter at the same time to start chat in the channel.
  3. When in doubt I use the comic book method. New 52, The Crisis on Infinite Earths, The White Event, The New Universe are my guide. The answer for me is that the new servers translate into a reboot of the CoH Comic Book Universe. +Some characters will have no changes and not notice anything different at all, it's the very next day of their lives. +Some characters are suddenly 6 years older and time has past since we last saw them. +Some characters are aware that something has fundamentally changed. +Time has always flowed differently in comic books as the setting is based on narrative and not actual coherence to real time. Spider-Man was vaguely either in high school or 'around' college age for decades at a time, I see no reason for any of us to be canonically more specific outside of our own personal characters. This method keeps player choice intact and doesn't burden new players with knowing any additional Lore or Canon. The beauty of CoH is that it's canon is incredibly loose, just like comic books allowing more creativity and originality to flourish. Happy Storysharing.
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