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Posts posted by imric

  1. My best friend, Tufa-Detritus, died last year in January. He -loved- this game. He was originally Hefty Smurf on Live, but lost his name and became Tufa-Detritus instead.  He had an odd character design, he was highly dependent on blue 'paint chips' (inspirations) - but my character, Sable Dream wasn't, so I would feed them to him as we played.  Fun!  I lost him while I was visiting family over Christmas, the first time in literally decades I didn't get a chance to visit him.  His passing was a blow.  I remember on Live he set up two versions of Tufa-Detritus with different spellings and he would mess with people that recognized him.  My favorite was when he claimed to have swum over, that there was a hole you could get through - and a bunch of people took off to find it.  He did almost the same thing in Warburg when he did a quick logoff/logon and switched sides...  Was pretty funny!


    Ah, Riiich, I miss you here and IRL.

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  2. When I activate cloak of darkness, my weapon is concealed, and stays concealed even when used (unlike other objects like blackwand, nemesis staff...) - however, if I do a CCE to change costumes while stealthed, the weapon will be revealed (when used) as expected from that time until I am forced to re-establish stealth.  This does not seem to work when the costumes are substantially identical (rats!).  

  3. 95% of the time.  It will not transport to door missions, saying "You cannot teleport to the map this mission is on." (*JUST* verified, on a timed mission).  Rarely, it will work - I originally thought it had been nerfed somehow - but I was advised that it was most likely a bug.  OK - now to go back and do the timed mission, lol.

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